
  • 网络Declare war on pollution;declare war against pollution
  1. 我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。

    We will declare war against pollution and fight it with the same determination we battled poverty .

  2. 1998年底,北京开始了有史以来力度最大的向污染宣战行动。

    At the end of 1998 , Beijing launched the largest " war " against pollution in history .

  3. 环保部周一表示,2014年中国近9成的大城市空气质量不达标,但由于向污染宣战行动开始奏效,已较2013年有所改善。

    Nearly 90 percent of China 's big cities failed to meet air quality standards in 2014 , but that was still an improvement on 2013 as the country 's " war on pollution " began to take effect , the environment ministry said on Monday .

  4. 这些环保检测是中国政府“向污染宣战”的一部分,再加上国产煤炭使用量上升的趋势,正导致中国煤炭进口大幅下降。中国是全球最大的热煤消费国。

    The environmental tests are part of Beijing 's " war on pollution , " and when combined with a trend towards increasing use of domestically produced coal , are leading to a dramatic decline in coal imports by China , the world 's biggest consumer of thermal coal .

  5. 世界第二大经济体中国,在几十年里以牺牲空气、水和土壤质量为代价换来了经济增长,在其向污染宣战一年后,空气污染持续成为众多市民(尤其定居在中国中、东部的大工业化城市的市民)担忧焦点。

    One year after the world 's second-largest economy " declared war " on pollution following decades of pursuing growth at the expense of air , water and soil quality , air pollution remains the top concern of many citizens , particularly those living in big , industrial cities in central and eastern parts of the country .

  6. 向环境污染宣战&国务委员、国务院环境保护委员会主任宋健在第三次全国环保会议上的讲话

    To Declare Combat Against Environmental Pollution & Speech Made by Song Jian at the Third National Environmental Protection Conference