
xiàng bèi
  • support or oppose
向背 [xiàng bèi]
  • [support or oppose] 赞成和反对;同意和反对

  • 这件事的成败取决于人心向背

向背[xiàng bèi]
  1. 同时,当代生态小说作为一种审美表意实践活动,呈现出与社会现代性的一种向背的张力状态。

    At same time , as practice of aesthetic and ideogram , modern ecological novels present a kind of tension state that support or oppose social modernity .

  2. 人心的向背,于此可见。

    This is a clear expression of the will of the people .

  3. 画面中两位女性时装模特儿向背而坐,女性的特征被抽象化了。

    Picture two female fashion models oppose the happiest and female features the abstract .

  4. 实验结果表明,密集的溃变纤维显现在皮质损毁同侧的锥体内。在延髓和脊髓的交界处,溃变纤维向背内侧越边交叉行至脊髓灰质后角内。

    Experimental results showed that heavy degenerated fibers were found in the ipsilateral pyramid .

  5. 究其因,民心向背乃是决定一个政党、一个政权盛衰的根本因素。

    The basic factor to decide the party ups and downs is the public mind .

  6. 社会公众对领导者公共形象的认知和评价体现出民心向背。

    The public recognition and evaluation of the image of leaders will reflect their common aspirations .

  7. 中指掌侧固有动脉向掌侧发出7条皮支,向背侧发出4条皮支,这些细小皮支可作为局部皮瓣的供血动脉。

    The proper palmar digital arteries give off 7 cutaneous branch to palmar and 4 to dorsum .

  8. 利用热脉冲技术研究了不同湿度下电晕充电的聚酰亚胺薄膜沉积电荷平均深度向背电极的迁移规律。

    The rule of the shift of the mean charge depth at different environmental humidity was discussed for this electret material by heat pulse method .

  9. 民贵君轻、民心向背决定政治成败是孟子民本思想的基本理念。

    Priority of subjects ' interests , political success and failure decided by common aspiration of subjects are the basic notions of Mencius ' humanist thoughts .

  10. 作为政治晴雨计,在瑞士达弗斯举行的世界经济论坛通常提供很明显的全球民心向背指标,今年也不例外。

    As a political barometer , the Davos World Economic Forum usually offers up some revealing indicators of the global mood , and this year is no exception .

  11. 水平填充床中纤维质燃料正向阴燃数值模拟研究云有反面正面,有阴阳向背,有层次内外。

    Numerical simulation study of forward smoldering propagation of cellulosic material in a horizontally packed bed There are front and back and inside and outside among the layers of clouds .

  12. 耳石形态变化趋势为整体狭长、吻区长窄、背区宽大,耳石重心不断向背区转移。

    The trend for the overall otolith shape is narrow , narrow head of a kiss , large dorsal region , the focus of continued support or oppose transfer to otolith zone . 2 .

  13. 这种人心向背的变化不是在冷静的学术性气氛中,而是在十分激情高昂的情况下发生的。人民群众的心理向背是执政道德合理性的根本之所在。

    This change in mass consciousness did not take place in any serene and academic atmosphere , but in one highly charged with emotion . The popular will is the key to the moral rationality of ruling .

  14. 党风廉政建设直接关系到民风、社会风气、人心的向背以及党本身的生死存亡,因此,从源头上即从对权力的制约上治理是党风廉政建设的关键。

    Since the anti-corruption fight is closely related with the customs of the society , the will of the people , and the existence of the Party itself , restricting authorities at the source is of fundamental importance .

  15. 他提出“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的主张,认为人民的安危与民心的向背是国家安危的关键所在。

    He claimed that " the people are the most important ; the state is secondary while the monarch is the least " and believed that civil security and public opinions are pivotal to the stability of a state .

  16. 同时,按照疼痛,握力,前臂旋转障碍度数,治疗后X线显示下尺桡间距、尺骨小头向背侧突起程度和桡骨缩短距离的积分评价,进行统计学处理。

    Meanwhile , according to the score evaluation of pain , the grip strength , the limitation degree of the forearm rotation , the distal radioulnar intervals and shortening distance of radius , the displacement degree of capitulum ulnae under the latter X-ray demonstration , carries on statistics processing .

  17. 人民在社会生活和生产过程中生存的优劣,决定着民心向背,而民心向背又决定着革命成果是否巩固,社会是否稳定,政权是否长久。

    People fit and unfit quality which survive in the social life and the production process , is deciding the popular sentiment likes and dislikes , but the popular sentiment likes and dislikes were deciding revolutionary achievement whether consolidated , society whether stable , the political power is whether long-time .