
  1. 他们向村里的老年人请教。

    They consulted the village elders .

  2. 迈克——杰西卡像影子一样跟着他——起身向村里的一个商店走去。

    Mike - with Jessica shadowing him - headed up to the one shop in the village .

  3. 深巷固执地向村里伸展,在炙人的暑热中村子已摧入梦乡。

    And the deep lane insists on the direction into the village , in the electric heat Hypnotised .

  4. 盖伯瑞尔很快就与芭丝谢芭的农场经理宾尼威斯安排妥了有关他受雇的一些具体事宜,然后向村里走去,去找一个住的地方。

    Gabriel soon arranged the details of his employment with Bathsheba 's farm manager , Benjy Pennyways , and walked on to the village to find a place to live .

  5. 谭恩冲向村里去支援但是寡不敌众,当他的长剑在第十个被他杀死的敌人头盔上击碎的时候,他撤向纽明尼的神庙。

    Tanin rushed to the town 's aid but was outnumbered badly , and when his sword shattered on the helmet of his tenth slain foe , he retreated to the temple of numiennen .

  6. 敌人向这个村的人强行派款。

    The enemy laid the village under contribution .

  7. 另外,村民们还饲养了良种母猪,并向临村村民出售苗猪。

    Raising an improved breed of pigs , the villagers now sell piglets to neighboring villages .

  8. 市妇联领导16日来到斗门区坭湾村,向该村妇女学校捐赠图书。

    On may16th , leaders of the municipal women 's Association contributed books to the women 's School of Niwan village in Doumen district .

  9. 同时研究发现,这个时期各植被类型向城镇村及工矿用地的转移率及贡献率均明显高于上一研究期。

    And it was also found that the transfer rate and contribution rate of the vegetation cover type turning into the residential land in 2000-2007 had been higher than in 1988-2000.4 .

  10. 我跟着艾丽森和她的狗沿着河向科恩村走去。在路上,我们遇到了约翰·劳。他是个大胖子,五十岁上下。

    I followed Alizon and her dog along the river to Colne.But before we arrived at Colne , we met John Law.John Law was a big fat man , about fifty years old .

  11. 周至县没有规定村庄的清楚边界,也没有精确界定属于村庄的森林区域,并且除了土地转换许可外,他们从未向行政村或者个体农民签发林业经营执照。

    There is no clear boundary and accurate forest area defined for the village and they have never issued the forestry certificate to the administrative village or to individual farmer except on land conversion land .

  12. 罗杰·诺埃尔用他那双充满热情的棕色眼睛看了看我。“很好,”他说。”跟我一起回家吧,这样我们就可以谈谈了。”他把我举起来放到他的马上,马于是迅速地沿着大道向里德村行进。

    Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes . 'Very well , 'he said . 'Come home with me , and we can talk . 'He lifted me up on to his horse , and the horse moved quickly a - long the road to the village of Read .

  13. 这天ATS48正取道金钟道,向九龙竹园村进发。

    ATS48 ( JN4092 ) was seen here at Queensway heading for Chuk Yuen Estate in Kowloon .

  14. 向农民和村领导传授正确的消毒技术。

    Farmers and village leaders were instructed in proper disinfection techniques .

  15. 另一方面各个村庄土地向村内集中,村与村之间的地理界限变得明朗和清晰。

    On the other hand , land in every village tends to be concentrated in every village which made land mark between villages clear and evident .

  16. 这表明了三种整理模式的集约利用水平大小顺序分别是农村居民点向城镇集中,农村居民点向中心村集中和农村居民点原地改造。

    This shows that order the level of intensive use of the three patterns of finishing rural settlements centering to the cities and towns , centralization of rural settlements to core villages and in situ transformation of rural settlements .

  17. 农村居民点向城镇集中模式的绝对指数最高,其次是农村居民点向中心村集中,最后是农村居民点原地改造。

    The absolute index in the mode of concentration of rural settlements to the cities and towns is the highest , followed by the rural settlements center around the core villages . In situ transformation comes with the last .