
  • 网络Vector Product;Cross product
  1. 四维欧氏空间中的向量积运算及其应用

    On the Vector Product of Three Vectors in 4-Dimensional Euclidean Space and Its Application

  2. 角动量:(有参照点)的矢量和粒子线性动量的向量积。

    Angular momentum : The vector product of the position vector ( from a reference point ) and the linear momentum of a particle .

  3. 同时,关于FFT算法原理以及在求解Toeplitz矩阵向量积中的应用文中也有涉及。

    Meanwhile , the theory and the application in solving products between Toeplitz matrices and vectors of FFT arithmetic is also referred in the dissertation .

  4. 应用向量积计算及先验估计理论和技巧,得到最佳的L2误差估计。

    Using the calculation of the vecter product , and the theory and technique of prior estimates , then the optimal order error estimates in L2 are obtained .

  5. 通过将系统表示为等价的奇异系统,并利用Moon不等式放大向量积,基于线性矩阵不等式,得到了使系统存在无记忆H∞状态反馈控制器与时滞相关的新的充分条件。

    By using a descriptor model transformation of the system and Moon 's inequality for bounding cross terms , a new delay-dependent sufficient condition for the existence of a memoryless H - ∞ state feedback controller was derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities .

  6. 通过引入Krylov子空间迭代算法来求解矩阵方程,并使用快速多极子算法来加速计算矩阵向量积,可以使算法的空间和时间复杂度降为O(N1.5)。

    By applying Krylov subspace iterative method to solving the matrix equation and Fast Multiple Method to matrix-vector multiplication acceleration , the space and time complexity of the method is reduced to be O ( N1.5 ) as a result .

  7. 系统工程中矩阵与向量积计算的快速小波方法

    The Rapid Wavelet Computing Method of Matrix Multiplied Vector in System Engineering

  8. 向量积符合右手法则的可视化证明

    Visual Right - handed Rule Proof of Vector Product

  9. 伴随每个递归步骤,会形成带有一个额外置换群的向量积。

    With each recursive step , cross products with one additional Permutation Group are formed .

  10. ,我不想再,用我们解决行列式的方法,过一遍向量积的概念。

    I don 't want to go through the formalism of cross products the way we did that with the determinant .

  11. 一种新的基于提升法的类小波变换预处理算子的使用,降低了矩阵向量积的计算复杂度和求逆过程中的迭代次数。

    In order to reduce the computation complexity of the matrix-vector product and the iterative times in the process of matrix inversing , a new wavelet-like preconditioning operator based on the lifting scheme is used .

  12. 关于向量Kronecker积的一些控制不等式

    On some majorization inequalities of vectors Kronecker products

  13. 该方法基于MDL算法的连续搜索版本,利用多向量点积份额协议计算多向量点积和结构熵,并将其应用到网络的构建过程中。

    In this method , private generalized scalar product share protocol is deployed to compute generalized scalar product and empirical entropy , which can be used in the process of constructing network .

  14. 本文利用随机矩阵证明了向量Kronecker积的一些控制不等式,并用其得到关于矩阵Kronecker积的特征值、奇异值的一些控制不等式。

    In this paper , some majorization inequalities of vector kronecker products are established by stochastic matrix , which are used to obtain other majorization inequalities about eigenvalue and singular of matrix kronecker products .

  15. R~n上的向量外积

    Outer Product of Vectors in R ~ n

  16. 在欧式空间中引进了向量叉积的概念。

    The concept of the cross product of vectors in Euclid space is introduced .

  17. 用单位向量点积法求空间连杆机构中间构件的位置参数

    Solving the displacement parameters of the connecting bars of spatial linkages by the dot product of two unit vectors

  18. 本文利用向量叉积的性质来判断多边形各内角是否大于180度,进而推出顶点的凹凸性判别式。

    In this paper , the nature for the vector cross product is used to judge whether the angles of vertex is greater than 180 degree .

  19. 引入利用向量叉积符号判定三角形的方向,进而判别平面上一点是否在凸多边形内的方法,简化了计算。

    A method to decide whether a vertex on a plane is in a convex polygon or not is presented according to the sign of the third dimension element of cross product of two vectors ;

  20. 该文将长度约束与高斯映射和向量叉积相结合,提出了长度优先的向量叉积消失点检测方法,试验表明,该方法对分辨率较高且透视效果明显的图像,有着较好的检测效果。

    This article combines length constrains with Gaussian mapping and vector cross product , presents to a length-preferential vector cross product vanishing point detection method . Experiments show that this approach is suitable for the building detection of high definition and oblique images .

  21. 欧式空间中向量的叉积及其应用

    Cross product of vectors in Euclid space and its applications

  22. 指定的向量的点积。

    The dot product of the specified vectors .

  23. 二维向量的旋转积运算及其应用

    Rotation Product of Two-dimension Vectors and lts Applications

  24. 用向量的数量积解决的问题

    Problems Solved by Vector 's Quantitative Product

  25. 如果两个向量以标量积结合,其结果为一标量。

    If two vectors are associated with each other as a dot product , the result is a scalar .

  26. 我们要做的是,沿着曲线的每一点上,取向量场和法向量的点积。

    What we will do is just , at every point along the curve , the dot product between the vector field and the normal vector .

  27. 网络拓扑结构简单,网络训练所需的神经元个数与样本个数无关,可以简单地表示成输入、输出样本向量维数之积。

    The number of neurons needed for the training is simply expressed as the multiplication of the input patterns ' vector dimension by the output patterns ' vector dimension .

  28. 当然也有另一种方法,就是用参数方程表示这两条直线,用两条直线的方向向量作外积,从而得到切平面的法向量。

    Another way to do it , of course , would provide actually parametric equations of these lines , get vectors along them and then take the cross-product to get the normal vector to the plane .

  29. 来自3孔的3点测斜资料&钻孔顶角和方位角完全相同情况下,可以采用两个向量的向量积方法确定岩石结构面产状。

    In case of three boreholes inclination survey data , borehole vertex angle and azimuthal from three boreholes are all the same , determining the occurrence of rock mass structural plane can be by the way of vector product of two vectors .

  30. 用坐标法定义向量的内积外积空间解析几何新体系之一