
  • 网络dealer;Trader;primary dealer
  1. “今天早上市场萧条极了。”一个外汇交易商说道。

    ' The market is absolutely dead this morning , ' said one foreign exchange trader .

  2. 詹姆斯的早期读者中有一位名为约翰W亨利(JohnWHenry)的大宗商品交易商。

    One early reader was a commodities trader named John W Henry .

  3. 私人收藏家和交易商急速竞相喊价。

    There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers .

  4. 这幅油画在佳士得的拍卖会上被交易商拍走。

    The painting was bought by dealers at the Christie 's sale .

  5. 投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。

    Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank 's action

  6. 这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。

    This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets

  7. 交易商已经摸清了动向,相应提高了价格。

    Dealers have already got wise to the trend and increased their prices accordingly .

  8. 二手汽车商就是从事二手汽车买卖的人。n.交易商;

    A used car dealer is one who deals in used cars .

  9. 纽约联储不仅对MFGlobal适用了低标准,而且还在取消其一级交易商地位时行动迟缓。

    The New York Fed not only applied low standards to MF Global but was also slow to rescind the privilege .

  10. 同时,对于目前的僵局、以及美国财政部(USTreasury)下周推迟兑付债券的可能性,一些交易商和投资者的担忧越来越盛。

    Meanwhile , some traders and investors were growing increasingly worried about the impasse and the possibility that the US Treasury might delay debt payments next week .

  11. 它同时表示,将把投行和其它一级交易商(primarydealers)使用应急现金和国债贷款的期限延长至明年1月30日。

    It also said it would give investment banks and other primary dealers extended access to emergency cash and loans of Treasury securities until January 30 .

  12. 最终,来自纽约的艺术品交易商威廉?亚克维拉(WilliamAcquavella),代表一位未透露姓名的外国客户买下了这三幅帆布油画。

    William Acquavella , the New York dealer , eventually bought the three oil-on-canvas panels on the behalf of an unidentified foreign customer .

  13. 总部位于香港的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(Noble)本周加大赌注,发行了转换溢价为65%的7年期债券。

    Noble , the Hong Kong-based commodities trader , upped the ante this week by issuing seven-year bonds with a 65 per cent premium .

  14. 但大多数外部请求(尤其是关于日元libor)要经过交易商间经纪商。

    But the vast majority of external requests , particularly for yen LIBOR , went through the interdealer brokers .

  15. 嘉能可是俄罗斯小麦的最大交易商,紧随其后的是美国竞争对手嘉吉(cargill)和邦吉(bunge)。

    Glencore is the largest trader in Russian wheat , followed by US-based rivals Cargill and Bunge .

  16. 中国稀土学会(chinesesocietyofrareearths)的一名官员说,稀土的售价一直过于低廉,一些交易商甚至将稀土非法出口到海外,威胁到国内的供应,造成了过度开采和环境问题。

    Rare earths have been sold too cheaply , and some traders have sold supplies illegally overseas , threatening domestic supplies and causing over-exploitation and environmental problems , according to an official of the Chinese society of rare earths .

  17. 芝加哥商品交易所的运营商CME集团是全球最大的衍生品交易商之一。

    The CME Group , operator of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , is one of the world 's largest traders of derivatives .

  18. 例如,贝莱德正试图在自己的客户群体中撮合债券交易的买方和买方,让他们通过贝莱德自有的阿拉丁交易网络(aladdintradingnetwork)完成交易,这种方式使投资者能够绕开华尔街交易商。

    For example , BlackRock is attempting to match buyers and sellers of bonds among its customer base , using its electronic Aladdin trading network , which would allow investors to bypass wall street dealers .

  19. 两位失望的竞拍者,包括亚克维拉的对手、艺术品交易商拉里?高古轩(LarryGagosian),匆匆地离开了拥挤的拍卖厅。

    Two disappointed bidders , including rival art dealer Larry Gagosian , promptly left the packed room .

  20. 石油交易可能将面临新的披露规则,这是因为《采掘业透明度行动计划》(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative,简称eiti)已开始讨论如何将国有石油公司和交易商之间的交易纳入披露范围。

    Oil trading is likely to come under new disclosure rules as the industry-backed Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative discusses how to include deals between national oil companies and traders .

  21. 交易商必须通过结算所来完成交易并提交保证金,使得AIG式的失败重演的可能性降低。

    The fact that dealers have to pass trades through clearing houses and post margin makes it less likely that the AIG failure will be repeated .

  22. 纳斯达克表示,其ipo定价软件出现了1毫秒的中断,导致一些交易商直到交易时段快结束时才收到自己的头寸情况报告。

    The exchange has said that a millisecond interruption of its IPO pricing software meant that some traders did not receive reports of their positions until near the end of the session .

  23. 正在与激进会计指控做斗争的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(NobleGroup)周二遭遇又一个打击。出于对该公司债务再融资能力的担忧,穆迪(Moody's)将其信用评级下调至垃圾级。

    Noble Group , the commodity trader fighting allegations of aggressive accounting , suffered another blow on Tuesday when its credit rating was cut to junk status by Moody 's because of concerns about the company 's ability to refinance debts .

  24. 这种现象导致做市商和特设交易商(specialist)的彻底消失,雇佣分析师研究所交易股票的经纪公司也随之大量消亡。

    This led to a annihilation of the market makers and specialists as well as decimation of the brokerage houses that employed analysts to cover the stocks that they traded in .

  25. 怀特说,SEC将调查高频交易公司是否获得交易所的允许,借助比其他交易商更为有利的方式来提交买卖订单。

    White said the SEC is looking into whether exchanges allow HFT firms to place their buy and sell orders in ways that give them an advantage over other traders .

  26. RBSSecurities策略师威廉奥唐奈(BillO'Donnell)表示:最终结果是,交易商看不到以这种方式流入的资金,因而可能无法准确地干预拍卖。

    The end result is that dealers don 't see flow entered in this method and may not be able to handicap an auction accurately , says Bill O'Donnell , strategist at RBS Securities .

  27. 这份调查还凸显了投资与地产交易商文森特程吉斯(vincenttchenguiz)的处境。

    The survey also highlights the plight of Vincent tchenguiz , the investor and property dealer .

  28. 华尔街最大的大宗商品交易商高盛(GoldmanSachs)昨日警告称,2010年原材料价格将上涨,石油全年均价将超过每桶90美元。

    Goldman Sachs , the largest commodities dealer in Wall Street , warned yesterday of higher raw materials prices in 2010 , with oil averaging over $ 90 a barrel next year .

  29. 与中国的情况不同的是,主要的国际外汇市场均是以外汇交易商为中心的场外交易(或称柜台交易,OTC)市场。

    In contrast to China , major international FX markets are OTC ones , with FX dealers playing a key role in transactions and the decision of exchange rate .

  30. fsa表示,瑞银交易员还“与交易商间经纪商合谋,企图影响”其他银行提交的日元libor数据。

    UBS traders also " colluded with interdealer brokers in co-ordinated attempts to influence " Japanese yen LIBOR submissions made by other banks , the FSA said .