
  • 网络Dating websites;dating site;Friendster;online dating sites
  1. 显然,OkCupid和Tinder这样的交友网站和应用程序为在世界各地当面聚会提供了便利。

    Obviously dating websites and apps like OkCupid and Tinder can facilitate in-person get-togethers around the world .

  2. 艾瑞里认为交友网站的设计糟糕是原因所在,我认为你才是。

    Dan Ariely blames the dating websites for being poorly designed . I blame you .

  3. 他们跳舞一点,我们切到一个镜头B利用这些交友网站非常着魔,爱这么多。

    They dance around a bit , and we cut to a shot of B using that dating website that Gaga loves so much .

  4. SINGLDOUT是一家圣地亚哥的初创企业,他们推出的新交友网站就设计出一种专属的计算方法,通过DNA分析和心理测试来为单身人士配对。

    SINGLDOUT , a San Diego-based start up , has devised a proprietary algorithm that matches singles based partly on DNA compatibility and partly on the results from a psychological questionnaire .

  5. 尤其近年来兴起的SNS交友网站(SocialNetworkSite)逐渐抢占整个互联网市场,越来越多的主流网站加入了这场竞争。

    In particular , the rise of SNS ( Social Network Site ) gradually seizes the entire Internet market in recent years , more and more mainstream sites have joined the competition .

  6. 我只能想到一种解释:linkedin实际上是个伪装得很好的交友网站。

    The only thing I can think of is that LinkedIn is really a dating site in disguise .

  7. 生物人类学家费舍尔(HelenFisher)今年早些时候为交友网站Match.com进行了一项研究,研究显示,女性对待两性关系的态度变得越来越非传统。

    According to a Match.com study conducted earlier this year by the biological anthropologist Helen Fisher , women are becoming less traditional about relationships .

  8. 伦敦美术设计师迈克帕克(mikeparker)在新年决定注册成为一家网络交友网站的会员。

    At new year , Mike Parker , a graphic designer from London , made a resolution : to join an internet dating site .

  9. 尽管艾略特质疑菲尔博士的学术资格,但他相信,Match的传统是一个更轻松的交友网站,这可能让它具有一定优势,尤其是在吸引男性客户方面。

    While Mr Elliott questions Dr Phil 's scientific credentials , he believes that Match 's heritage as a more casual dating site may give it an edge – particularly when it comes to attracting men .

  10. 交友网站MissTravel的所有人布兰登·韦德说,他注意到网站上这样一群寻找真爱的SITCOM女的人数在增长。

    MissTravel owner Brandon Wade said he had noticed an increasing number of so-called SITCOMs going online to find love .

  11. 据报道,这位35岁的女性和她男友Paul在交友网站认识一个月后,告诉男友她怀了双胞胎。

    Reportedly the woman , 35 , told her boyfriend , identified by CTV as Paul , that she was pregnant with twins one month after they met on an online dating site .

  12. 一家高级的婚外交友网站IllicitEncounters对逾两千名男女进行了调查。三分之一的男性坦言,他们曾经在婚礼上趁着妻子或女友不在的时候发生过不忠行为。

    Dating site , Illicit Encounters with a third of men admitting that they have cheated on their partner at a wedding-when their other half wasn 't there .

  13. 太多人借助App面基,还有的人拥有好几个交友网站的账号,他们都在努力寻找适合自己的那个人(或那几个人)。

    Being that so many people meet online , through apps , or are at least holding several dating site accounts means that everyone is looking for that person ( or several people ) .

  14. 比如,《洋葱报》和Salon的交友网站都是由一家叫FastCupid的公司运作的。

    For instance , the personals sites for the onion and salon are both powered by a service called fastcupid .

  15. 这位80岁的交友网站eHarmony创始人和首席执行官,现在希望实现求职者与雇主的配对。

    For the 79-year-old founder and chief executive of dating site eHarmony now wants to match job hunters with employers .

  16. 此外,风险也变大了:你说的话可能会一直放在YouTube上,你刚在交友网站OkCupid上遇到的人只要用谷歌搜索你的名字,它就会跳出来。

    Plus the stakes are higher : Your talk will likely appear on YouTube for the rest of time , popping up when the person you just met through OkCupid Googles your name .

  17. 洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的研究小组及约会交友网站eHarmony发现,正在谈恋爱的大学生不大可能注意别的帅哥或美女。

    College students who reported they were in love were less likely to take careful notice of other attractive men or women , the team at the University of California Los Angeles and dating Web site eHarmony found .

  18. 另一方面,耶米马•斯坦菲尔德(JemimahSteinfeld)深入第一线,在近距离对中国二、三十岁的年轻人进行了研究,其中包括酒吧、性用品店、交友网站、相亲角,这些地方孕育着复杂、有争议、令人困惑的中国年轻人文化。

    Jemimah Steinfeld , on the other hand , has studied the Chinese twenty to thirtysomething in its own habitat : the bars , sex shops , online dating sites and matchmaking corners where the country 's complex , controversial and confusing youth culture is being made .

  19. 世界上有很多人对这样的服务感兴趣,并愿意为其付费。33岁的阿扎德•沙瓦拉(AzadChaiwala)是一名巴基斯坦裔英国企业家,他建立了自称是世界上第一个为一夫多妻者服务的交友网站。

    Certain that there were plenty of people in the world who 'd be interested in such a service - and willing to pay for it - Azad Chaiwala , a 33-year-old British entrepreneur of Pakistani origin , created what he said were the world 's first matchmaking sites for aspiring polygamists .

  20. 首先,他们从一个交友网站上收集了一些外形照片。

    First , they collected profile photos from a dating website .

  21. 你换了交友网站的密码了?

    Did you , uh , change your friend section password ?

  22. 我们是在匿名交友网站上认识的。

    We met each other on an anonymous dating site .

  23. 我交友网站上的个人档案就有写这一特质。

    That 's one of the attributes on my online dating profile .

  24. 如今的婚恋交友网站五花八门,总有一款适合你。

    The world of online dating has something for everyone .

  25. 是啊,我们在波兰人交友网站认识的。

    Yes , I met him on Polish dating site .

  26. 他找到的最接近的模式是交友网站。

    The closest model he found was dating sites .

  27. 他曾经是五个交友网站的活跃会员。

    At one point , he had active profiles on five dating sites .

  28. 如今,在线交友网站的受欢迎程度和接受程度越来越高。

    Onlinedating agencies have gained in popularity and acceptability .

  29. 像你这种尤物来交友网站干嘛呢

    So what 's someone like you doing on a dating web site ?

  30. 交友网站的竞争已经日趋激烈,除了行业三巨头eHarmony.com,Match.com和Plentyoffish.com之外,现在市面上还有很多专门针对特定群体的小众交友网站。

    The site is launching in the midst of a plethora of niche dating sites .