
  • volume of business;Volume;trading volume;transaction volume;market
  1. 环境资产的产权赋予农民、确定政府与农民的交易量和政府给予农民的补偿必须解决信息不对称问题是解决农民生计问题的三大出发点。

    We should give farmer the property of the environment assets ; ensure the volume of business between the government and farmer and resolve the problem of the information asymmetry that the government gives farmer compensation .

  2. C2C电子商务交易量的影响因素研究

    Study on the Influencing Factors of the Volume of Business from C2C Electronic Commerce

  3. 上海证交所(shanghaiexchange)本周的交易量比7月初高出三倍。

    Trading volumes on the Shanghai exchange have been three times higher this week than in early July .

  4. 但去年第四季度,洲际交易所美国期货分所(icefuturesus)的日均交易量降幅仍达到7%。

    ICE Futures us still recorded a 7 per cent decline in average daily volume in the fourth quarter of last year .

  5. 此外,Square公司还表示,目前公司处理的支付交易量达到每年80亿美元,高于去年十月的20亿美元。

    Square also said that it is now processing payments at a rate of $ 8 billion annually , up from about $ 2 billion last October .

  6. 收益和交易量的变动之间存在双向Granger线性因果关系;

    Moreover , the positive relationship and bi-direction linear Granger causality are maintained between price returns and volume .

  7. 然而,今年以来,DME的日交易量屡次突破1万张的关键指标。

    Nevertheless , daily volumes on DME this year have jumped several times above the key level of 10,000 lots .

  8. 目前证交所整合的动力来自:衍生品数量巨额增加、对冲基金交易量上升、算法交易(algorithmictrading)大规模增多,以及对企业国际上市的争夺。

    Consolidation is being driven by huge growth in derivatives , increased trading by hedge funds , massive growth in algorithmic trading , and competition for international listings .

  9. 咨询公司AiteGroup的管理合伙人SangLee表示,这类指令仅占全部交易量的3%左右。

    These orders comprise only around 3 per cent of overall flows , according to Sang Lee , managing partner at Aite Group , a consultancy .

  10. 收益与交易量以及绝对收益与交易量之间存在双向Granger因果关系(线性或非线性);

    Granger causality tests demonstrate that bilateral causality relation ( linear or nonlinear ) exists between returns ( or absolute returns ) and volume ;

  11. 今年第二季度,全球首次公开募股(IPO)市场仍处于下行通道,全球几乎所有地区的IPO交易量均连续第四季度出现下滑。

    The global IPO market continued its downward track in the second quarter , notching its fourth consecutive period of declining deals in nearly every corner of the world .

  12. sfc表示权证占香港全部股市交易量的28%。

    They account for 28 per cent of total equity market turnover in Hong Kong , the SFC says .

  13. 外汇储备、外汇交易量与CHIBOR利率的VAR模型(2000~2004)&兼论三元悖论下冲销干预与货币政策的独立性

    A VAR Model of Foreign Exchange Reserve , Foreign Exchange Trading Volume and CHIBOR : 2002 ~ 2004

  14. 利率衍生品市场交易量迅速增长,在OTC金融衍生品交易中所占比重在70%以上。

    The volume of trade in the interest rate derivative market increases rapidly and has accounted for more than 70 percent of the OTC financial derivative trading .

  15. Liv-ex跟踪着全世界交易量最大的葡萄酒价格。

    Liv-ex keeps tabs on the prices of the world 's most-traded wines .

  16. NDF合约的交易量、流动性对其与即期市场的互动关系有一定的影响,但不是决定性的。

    Trading volume and liquidity of the NDF market have a certain effect on the interactive relationship with spot market , but not decisive .

  17. 实证检验沪深A、B股市场日收益和交易量之间的线性和非线性Granger因果关系。

    Linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests are used to examine the dynamic causal relationship between daily stock returns and trading volume of Shanghai and Shenzhen A and B shares .

  18. 根据上海期货交易所的数据,上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)旗下的混沌天成期货(ChaosTernaryFutures),加大了交易量最大的5月份到期铜期货合同的空头头寸,在周一增加了1242手。

    Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .

  19. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)中国房地产业分析师杜劲松表示,随着开发商推迟新项目开工,土地交易量也大幅下降,而且随着购房人买房意愿进一步减弱,土地交易量可能持续走弱。

    The volume of land transactions has also dropped sharply as developers hold off on new projects and will probably continue to weaken as homebuyer sentiment falls further , says Du Jinsong , China property analyst at Credit Suisse .

  20. 模型得出,资产价格波动性和交易量正相关,交易量将影响价格变化方差,条件方差的演化类似于传统GARCH模型。

    The mode implied that it is positive correlation between asset price volatility and transaction volume , which affects price variance , conditional variance evolves just like traditional GARCH mode .

  21. 基于混合分布假定(MDH),研究了中国股票市场信息流、回报的波动性和交易量之间动态关系。

    The dynamic relations of the information flow , return volatility and trade volume in Chinese stock market is investigated based on the Mixture distribution hypothesis .

  22. 正如我的同事弗朗西斯科格雷拉(francescoguerrera)和迈克尔麦肯兹(michaelmackenzie)上周报道的那样,今年夏季的一个突出特点是许多资产类别的交易量都大幅下挫。

    As my colleagues Francesco guerrerra and Michael Mackenzie reported this week , one striking feature of this summer is that trading volumes in many asset classes have tumbled .

  23. Dealogic的数据显示,10月份以5028亿美元的交易量,成为全球并购交易第七活跃的月份。

    The transactions capped the seventh most-active month for global M & A with $ 502.8bn of deals , according to data from Dealogic .

  24. 在此后的三个月里,MTS的交易量下滑了逾30%,导致欧洲各国政府担心债务融资成本上升。

    Trading volume on MTS declined by more than 30 per cent in the three months afterwards , causing European governments to worry about a rise in the cost of servicing their debt .

  25. 举例来说,它的日经225指数期货合约的交易量,远远高于东京证交所的东证指数(Topix)合约。

    For example , its Nikkei 225 futures contract is traded in much higher volumes than the TSE 's Topix contract .

  26. 没有明显的理由,交易量就上升了,每桶价格上涨了2美元,纽约商品交易所(Nymex)的一名资深石油交易员说。

    Trading rose and prices jumped $ 2 a barrel without apparent justification , said one senior oil trader at the Nymex commodity futures exchange .

  27. 普华永道新加坡(PwCSingapore)的亚太资产管理负责人JustinOng表示,交易量一直不是很大,资产管理公司也没有改变它们在各个市场的券商关系。

    Trading volumes have not been great and asset managers have not switched from the original brokerage relationships they had in individual markets , says Justin Ong , Asia-Pacific asset management leader at PwC Singapore .

  28. 2001年大约价值4120亿挪威克郎(约550亿欧元)的电力合同在NP清算,总合同交易量为2769TW·h,是实际用电量的7倍之多。

    In 2001 , power contracts worth nearly NOK 412 billion , about 55 billion Euro , were cleared by Nord Pool , and the combined volume of contracts was 2 769 TW · h , that is more than seven times the physical consumption .

  29. 尽管最近几周抵押贷款债券的交易量不大,但衍生品的交易一直没有断这意味着,abx可以提供一个交易价格。

    For although mortgage bonds have not traded much in recent weeks , derivatives have been bought and sold meaning that the ABX can offer a trading price .

  30. 今年前10个月,上海黄金交易所(sge)现货黄金交易量同比增长43%,达到5014.5吨。

    Spot gold trades in the Shanghai gold exchange were up 43 per cent by volume in the first 10 months of this year to 5014.5 tonnes .