- 网络Electric power enterprises;PLN

The Internal Network of Electric Power Enterprise Links to Internet
Discussion and application of IP network centralized management mode in electric power enterprises
Principles of Purchasing CAD Systems for Electric Power Enterprises
ERP , power enterprise , function structure .
The Application of ERP in Electric Power Entrepreneurs
Application of Database Connection Type and Feature Under J2EE Frame in Power Enterprises
Applications of Real-time Information in the Power Enterprise MIS
Study on integration of power enterprise information based on CORBA message middleware
The Research on Capital Flow and Material Flow of ERP System in the Electric Power Enterprise
Application of VOIP in Electricity Enterprises
The research in this paper summarizes the domestic electric power enterprise PPP financing ways applications .
Proving the effectiveness of the model and Finally according to ERP the current situation and existing problems in the electric power enterprise , and put forward some important advices .
How to develop and manage the existing human resources , strategically confirm management systems , build the characteristic organization culture is the issue for every power enterprises to solve .
With the progress of technology and the innovation of maintenance in power plants , Reliability-Centered Maintenance ( RCM ) is an important and effective way of equipment maintenance .
With the development of computer science and the technological advances of computer graphics and remote sensing , the technology to make three dimensional geographic information systems appears realizable and we can use 3D GIS to manage electrical network and facilities more effectively .
The distribution model data according to CIM and managed by the PostgreSQL database are convenient for integration and data sharing for the management systems of distribution network .
IEC61970 is a standard to facilitate the integration of electrical energy management system .
In order to meet the increasingly potential needs of interconnection , integration and overall opening , a kind of platform scheme is introduced to construct SCADA / EMS / DMS and other automation systems .
Because power plant is a kind of enterprise with highly concentrated assets , an elaborately designed enterprise assets management ( EAM ) system is a good choice to meet plants'need .
Application of OPSEC in network security management for power enterprises
Nowadays , management information systems ( MIS ) of electric power enterprises mainly adopt Client / Database Server architecture and there are all sorts of drawbacks existing in these systems such as being hard to maintain and extend their functions and so on .
EAM ( Enterprise Asset Management ) plays an important catalytic role to enhance the core competitiveness of power enterprises . It has accelerated the process of information-based and modernization and of electric power enterprise .
Whole argument process is always around the theories of BPR how to lead electric power business reform , this is a main line , I hope to set up a method system that makes BPR used in electric power enterprise successfully .
At present , the common integration methods of distribution GIS system and distribution SCADA have problems of inconsistent data model , different graphic formats and separation of interface . These problems are not good for the integration and data sharing of different management systems in power system .
Meanwhile , it is hoped that the paper could give some theoretical reference for Level-3 enterprises and M companies such as ZGP Corp , or other enterprises in Power Generation Group .
It offers one for power enterprise the platform that defended based on geography information and is managed , have various line informations the image of option show in front of administrator , and integrated SCADA , EMS wait for system , raise the level of management of power system .
Finally , the paper puts forward some suggestions and measures to widen the application of project finance from the view of both the economic policy of government and power enterprises , and especially elaborates the prospective of applying of TOT and ABS project in China 's power industry .
Discussions on Development Model of Management Information System for Power Enterprises
Research on entropy assessment of electric power company 's credit capacity
Network security model of power enterprise based on intrusion tolerance technology