
  • 网络layering model;layered model;Hierarchical Model
  1. 基于有向分层模型的配电网故障区域判断

    Identification of Fault Area in Distribution Network Based on Orientative Layering Model

  2. 智能建筑信息系统的分层模型

    Layering Model of Information System in Intelligent Buildings

  3. 尤其是在Java领域上的分层模型已经算是趋于稳定和成熟的。

    Especially , multi-layer model in the Java areas have tended to be stable and mature .

  4. MVC多层Web系统优化分层模型设计与应用

    The Design and Application of Optimized Hiberarchy Model of Multi-tier Web System Based on the MVC

  5. 基于系统QoS系数分层模型对拓扑控制方法进行了分析,讨论和比较了QoS相关约束条件,然后将QoS路由问题以及算法相结合,给出了新的QoS拓扑控制方案。

    Discussed the QoS problem in layered model and analyzed QoS topology control algorithm .

  6. CFB锅炉内等密度颗粒的分层模型研究

    Model on Single Density Solids Segregation in CFB Boiler

  7. 关于MANETs的研究涉及到了OSI分层模型中的每一个层面。

    The research about MANETs has involved every layer of the OSI model .

  8. 主要介绍了通用分组无线业务GPRS的原理、网络结构、网络分层模型及其应用,并对GPRS的发展进行了展望。

    This article introduced the principle , network structure , network hierarchical mode and application of GPRS . And , its future development was forecast .

  9. 本文从不同角度对CATV网络的分层模型进行了描述,并对CATV网络模型化的作用进行了讨论。

    There is described a hierarchical model of a CATV network from various angles and is discussed the role of modeling CATV network .

  10. 用这种热弹性分层模型模拟计算了密执根(Michigan)盆地在古生代的沉降曲线。

    The subsidence curves of Michigan Basin during Paleozoic era were modeled by using the layered thermo-elastic model in the paper .

  11. 在阐述TCP/IP分层模型的基础上,分析了基于TCP/IP协议的数据及其流向,并全面地剖析了TCP/IP的路由寻径原理。

    This paper analyzes the data and data flow involved in TCP / IP protocol family based on TCP / IP hierarchical model , and discusses routing theory on TCP / IP .

  12. 在上述分析的基础上,总结出了三种具有代表性的发育模型:CCIPCA+HDR模型、分层模型与Schema模型,并对各自的优缺点进行了分析。

    Based on the analysis above , three typical developmental models are settled : CCIPCA + HDR model , Hierarchical model and Schema model , and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed .

  13. 本文系统地阐述了IPoverDWDM的分层模型、关键技术,并对IPoverDWDM技术在城域网中的应用和发展前景进行了介绍。

    This paper systematically expatiates on the hierarchical model and the key technologies of IP over DWDM network , and introduces its application and development prospect in the MAN .

  14. 论文主要研究并建立了工作流引擎分层模型,设计了基于分布式计算技术(DCOM)的工作流引擎系统体系结构,并针对其中关键对象状态的变化给出了相关的顺序图。

    In this paper a layered model of workflow engine is set up and the architecture of it based on DCOM is established .

  15. 本文在详尽比较了覆盖网络架构与传统IP网络架构的特点后,先阐述了以TCP/IP分层模型对覆盖网络路由结构和机制进行分类的方法。

    In this paper , we first present a detailed comparison between overlay network infrastructure and traditional IP network infrastructure and summarize an approach to classify the overlay routing mechanism based on the TCP / IP hierarchy model .

  16. 基于TCP/IP的分层模型,介绍了代理技术在Internet的应用层、网间网层、网络接口层上的实现,并重点以具体事例对网络接口层的代理技术的实现进行了分析。

    The paper presents the realization of Internet proxy technology in the application layer , TCP layer , IP layer and network interface layer of Internet based on TCP / IP hierarchical model , and exemplifies concretely the realization of the proxy technology in network interface layer .

  17. 在此方法指导下,我们设计出了一种从分层模型的PDA层和WAP层对网格资源存取访问的硬件模型,最后对相应的软件开发进行了说明。

    According to this idea , we design a hardware prototype for grid access from two neighboring layers : PDA and WAP . Finally , we explain the corresponding software developments .

  18. 本文给出了MAC层的分层模型,重点介绍了汇聚子层下五种业务流的特点,列举了几种业务的QoS参数集。

    The hierarchical model of the MAC layer and highlights the characteristics of five kinds of traffic flows under the convergence sub-layer are presented by the paper . And several businesses set of QoS parameters are given .

  19. 本文从PSTN网络信息终端的功能需求分析着手,采用自顶向下的模块化设计方法,提出了从功能模块到底层模块的分层模型。

    With the point of view of the function demand , the paper puts forward the hierarchical model from the function model to the bottom model by the means of the from-top-to-bottom blocking design .

  20. 在此基础上,建立了基于用户数的自适应OFDMA系统接纳控制的CPN分层模型,模型的可视化很强,易于修改。

    On this basis , we established CPN hierarchical model of admission control in adaptive OFDMA system based on the number of users . The model visualization is very strong and easy to modify .

  21. 论文围绕HLA中实现多联邦互连的关键技术展开讨论,分析了HLA的互操作性定义,研究了HLA互操作的分层模型,给出了解决互操作问题的方案。

    This thesis discusses the problems around achieving the multi-federations interconnection and studies its key technology . We analyze the definition of the HLA interoperability , and study the hierarchical model of the HLA interoperability . The means to solve interoperability problems are proposed .

  22. 在通信语言环境的分析中,通过综合考虑具有不同通信协议、不同通信内容格式、不同实体概念以及不同通信服务质量和通信安全等问题,提出了异构MAS系统间的通信语言环境的分层模型。

    Then , with the discussion of communication language , which has different communication protocols , dissimilar content formats , varied ontology , different QoS for network and network security requirement , the authors offer a layer model for Agent communication language environment .

  23. 本文应用极值理论,分层模型,以及MCMC方法对长江中下游流域的年日极端降水数据进行分析。

    In this paper , we apply extreme value theory , hierarchical model , and MCMC methods to analyze the annual maximum of daily precipitation observed in the middle and lower Yangtze river basin .

  24. 在电子政务特点及安全需求的基础上,通过分析框架中各部分间的相互依赖关系,结合PDR模型,提出了动态的分层模型。

    Based on the analysis for E-government security requirement , after the analysis for the components of each dimension and the PDR model , this paper discusses the architecture with the notion of dynamics layered models .

  25. 第四章中结合DICOM的应用模型、DICOM应用实体的运行机制以及TCP/IP协议的网络分层模型,实现了一种DICOM网络模型。

    Secondly , in chapter four , this paper induced an implementation model for DICOM communication , based on the application model of DICOM , object working scheme in DICOM system , and as well as the layered network model in TCP / IP protocol .

  26. 拓扑的平均访问直径分布特性更符合真实网络的特征度量,优于传统的Waxman平面随机模型及原有的分层模型。

    The average of the path length characteristic of this model is more according with the Internet , better than the traditional Waxman random model and the quondam hierarchical model .

  27. 二是参照地质勘测分层模型的思路,提出生物体组织分层介质模型的假设,采用基于区域划分的Gauss-Legendre数值积分算法计算分层介质的开放式磁感应成像正问题。

    Referring the separated-layer idea in the geologic research , an assumption of multi-layer biological tissue model is presented . And a Gauss-Legendre numerical integral based on the region-separated idea is employed to calculate the forward problem of the open magnetic induction tomography .

  28. 接着本文定义了该系统的服务分层模型,并引入专家系统,深入阐述了规则引擎的工作机制,并且通过开源规则引擎Drools实现了该检测方案。

    Then , we define its layered service architecture , introduction of the expert system and go into the details of the working mechanisms of rule engine . Also , we are realizing the detection rule with Drools which is an open-source project of rule engine .

  29. 信息生命周期管理的分层模型及实施方法

    A Hierarchical Model of Information Lifecycle Management and Its Implementing Methods

  30. 测井曲线自动分层模型设计与实现

    Design and Application of Well Log Curves Automatic Sorting in Layers