
  1. 爱亲思想与其选贤授能主张在实践中是一对难于化解的矛盾冲突。

    While the idea of loving relatives and the practice of selecting the capable and empowering the outstanding always conflict with each other .

  2. 其道德边界在于:不能为爱亲而将爱人贬值、在重大是非问题上应当大义灭亲、不能将亲属得相容隐与亲亲得相首匿相等同。

    Its moral boundary is : not " pro-love "" love " devaluation , the severing of major non-issue should not be " relative get and Hide " and " kiss relative to the first anonymous " equal with .

  3. 他是我最爱,最亲的人之一,你知道吗?

    One of the dearest , loving * you know ?

  4. 而爱,啊亲,亲爱沉默了眼之死。

    But sweet , ah sweet , are the dead with their silent eyes .

  5. 儒家仁爱思想的主要内容有亲情之爱、非亲之爱。

    The main contents of Confucian thought there love the love of family , non-parental love .