
  • 网络Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan;Foreign ministers of Japan
  1. 日本外务大臣河野太郎(TaroKono)敦促国际社会警惕朝鲜的会谈动机。

    Taro Kono , Japanese foreign minister , has urged the international community to be careful about North Korea 's motivations for talks .

  2. 本周早些时候,日本外务大臣冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)说,东亚共同体应该包括日本、中国、韩国、印度、澳大利亚和新西兰,以及东盟国家。

    Earlier this week , Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada said the group should include Japan , China , South Korea , India , Australia and New Zealand , as well as the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations .

  3. 据一名外省官员介绍,预计日本外务大臣政务官中根一幸(KazuyukiNakane)将达成从日本飞往柬埔寨和老挝的直航协议,以鼓励双边投资和贸易。

    Kazuyuki Nakane , a Japanese parliamentary foreign vice-minister , is expected to strike deals for direct flights from Japan to Cambodia and Laos , with the aim of encouraging bilateral investment and trade , according to an official at the foreign ministry in Tokyo .

  4. 周二,中国外交部长和日本外务大臣在联合国举行会面,但会谈没有取得进展。

    On Tuesday , the foreign ministers of the two nations met at the United Nations but failed to make headway in talks .

  5. 她星期三在夏威夷与日本外务大臣前原诚司举行会晤,讨论如何解决中日紧张关系的问题。

    She meets Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in Hawaii on Wednesday for talks expected to tackle Tokyo 's tense relations with China .

  6. 高村正彦,日本外务大臣主持一个任命这个人物为日本第一位“动漫大使”的仪式,负责“通过环游世界交朋友“。

    " Doraemon , I hope you will travel around the world as an anime ambassador to deepen people 's understanding of Japan so they will become friends with Japan ," Komura told the blue-and-white cat .

  7. 当天,一贯以严肃形象示人的日本外务大臣高村正彦主持了一场别开生面的委任仪式,正式任命机器猫为日本的首任“动漫大使”,其主要使命是“巡游世界,广交朋友”。

    Masahiko Komura , Japan 's usually serious foreign minister , led an upbeat ceremony to appoint the character as Japan 's first " anime ambassador " tasked with " making friends by travelling around the world . "

  8. 日本外务大臣周三说,日本驻韩国大使将重返首尔,日本还将评估在日方为抗议韩国总统登上日韩争议岛屿而采取一系列措施后韩国方面的反应,然后再决定是否采取进一步行动。

    Japan 's foreign minister said Wednesday he will reappoint Tokyo 's ambassador to Seoul , and gauge the reaction to measures taken to protest a recent visit by South Korea 's president to disputed islands before deciding on further action .

  9. 你是说日本外务省大臣吗?

    Did you say the foreign minister of japan ?

  10. 他可是日本外务省大臣。

    He is the foreign minister of japan .

  11. 负责峰会协调工作的日本外务省副大臣河野雅治(MasaharuKohno)说:所有主要议题都是跨境议题,无论是恐怖主义、食品危机,还是气候变化。

    Masaharu Kohno , deputy minister of foreign affairs and Japan 's chief sherpa , says : All the main issues are trans-border issues , be it terrorism , the food crisis or climate change .