
rì qī
  • date
日期 [rì qī]
  • [date] 约定的日子和时间

  • 邮戳上的日期模糊不清

日期[rì qī]
  1. 请报姓名、地址和出生日期。

    Please give your name , address and date of birth .

  2. 会议日期尚待确定。

    A date for the meeting has yet to be determined .

  3. 我们得为下次会议定个日期。

    We need to fix a date for the next meeting .

  4. 呈交提案的最后日期是什么时候?

    When is the final date for the submission of proposals ?

  5. 他们尚未确定举行婚礼的日期。

    They haven 't set a date for the wedding yet .

  6. 最后两门考试的日期掉换了。

    The dates of the last two exams have been switched .

  7. 下次会议的日期确定了没有?

    Has the date of the next meeting been fixed ?

  8. 比赛已被推迟到以后的某个日期举行。

    The match has been postponed to a later date .

  9. 必须向警方报告游行示威的日期。

    The police must be notified of the date of the demonstration .

  10. 出版日期括于书名后面。

    Publication dates are given in brackets after each title .

  11. 请在下面写明你的性别和出生日期。

    Please indicate your sex and date of birth below .

  12. 我们仔细地把每件物品用标签标明成分和日期。

    We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date .

  13. 我搞错了日期,早到了一个星期。

    I muddled the dates and arrived a week early .

  14. 审判日期提前了一星期。

    The date of the trial has been advanced by one week .

  15. 他同意我提出的更改日期的建议。

    He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date .

  16. 游行示威的日期必须报告警方。

    The date of the demonstration must be notified to the police .

  17. 历史学家无法准确估算这个日期。

    Historians can 't estimate the date with any precision .

  18. 请说明你的出生日期和地点。

    Please state your date and place of birth .

  19. 他们订婚了,但还未确定结婚日期。

    They 're engaged , but they haven 't yet named the day .

  20. 合同中规定了交货日期。

    A delivery date is stipulated in the contract .

  21. 故事发生的日期不明。

    The story takes place at an unspecified date .

  22. 会议日期是四月五日。

    The meeting is on the fifth of April / April the fifth .

  23. 日期完全搅乱了。

    There has been a mix-up over the dates .

  24. 正式的发行日期是在五月。

    The official launch date is in May .

  25. 交申请书的截止日期是4月30日。

    The deadline for applications is 30 April .

  26. 请记下日期。

    Please make a note of the dates .

  27. 我们能否约定一个日期?

    Can we agree on a date ?

  28. 让她确定个开会日期实在是难。

    It 's difficult to pin her down to fixing a date for a meeting .

  29. 会议日期是四月五日。

    The meeting is on April fifth .

  30. 7月19日至9月6日期间周日至周四开放。

    Open 19th July – 6th September , Sun to Thurs incl.