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  • domain controller
  1. 脚本编程在Windows域控制器中的应用

    On the Application of Script Programming in the Domain Controller of Windows

  2. 这个windows域控制器不再是全局编录服务器。

    This Windows domain controller is no longer a global catalog server .

  3. 确保记录此事件的exchange服务器可以连接到域控制器。

    Make sure that the exchange server that logged this event can connect to the domain controller .

  4. 设置Windows域控制器和域名服务器

    Set up Windows domain controller and domain name server

  5. 在三个Windows服务器上设置域控制器

    Setting up domain controller on three Windows servers

  6. 管理员使用ActiveDirectory安装向导正常降级担任某个角色的域控制器。

    An administrator gracefully demotes a role-holding domain controller by using the Active Directory Installation Wizard .

  7. 联系windows域控制器失败。

    Failed to contact windows domain controller .

  8. ActiveDirectory域控制器通过使用复制元数据管理目录更改的传输。

    Active Directory domain controllers manage the transmission of directory changes through the use of replication metadata .

  9. 不能改变域控制器帐户的主要组ID。

    Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account .

  10. 架构NC此NC将被复制到林中的其他各个域控制器中。

    Schema NC This NC is replicated to every other domain controller in the forest .

  11. 要使用域控制器,您必须使用服务器级别、域级别或ADS级别security。

    To use a domain controller , you must use server - , domain - , or ADS-level security .

  12. ActiveDirectory是Microsoft的LDAP服务器的实现,存在于所有域控制器上。

    Active Directory is Microsoft 's implementation of an LDAP server and is present on all domain controllers .

  13. windows时间服务未能找到域控制器。不能更新时间和日期。

    The windows time service was not able to find a domain controller . a time and date update was not possible .

  14. Windows客户机所需的此软件与上面列出的域控制器所需软件相同。

    This software that is required on the Windows client is the same as the software listed above for the domain controller .

  15. ActiveDirectory还必须跟踪复制的写入,正如您能想像到的,这表示会将特定更改从其他域控制器中复制过来。

    Active Directory must also track replicated writes & as you might imagine , this means that a particular change was replicated in from another domain controller .

  16. 如果用IP或DNS引用特定的域控制器,请求就只由这个主机处理。

    If a specific domain controller is referenced by it 's IP or DNS requests will only handled by this single host .

  17. 这样就可以使用WindowsDomainLocator进程把请求路由到“最适合”处理它的域控制器。

    This way the Windows Domain Locator process can be leveraged which will route requests to the Domain controller " best suited " to handle it .

  18. 安装ADS时,经常要求您将其配置为域控制器或者作为域控制器的一部分。

    When you install ADS , you are often asked to configure it as a domain controller or as a part of it .

  19. 在域控制器的文件夹中,双击“NTDS设置”。

    In the domain controller 's folder , double-click NTDS Settings .

  20. 此角色用于分配RID池,以便新的或现有的域控制器能够创建用户帐户、计算机帐户或安全组。

    This role is required to allocate the RID pool so that new or existing domain controllers can create user accounts , computer accounts or security groups .

  21. 两种类型的写入操作都可增加域控制器上的更新序列号,这意味着每当从其他DC复制了更改时,该序列号都会增加。

    The Update Sequence Number on a domain controller is incremented by both types of write operations , which means that it is incremented whenever changes are replicated in from another DC .

  22. 此向导无法确定此域控制器将要与其注册的dns服务器的名称和地址。

    The wizard could not determine the name and address of the DNS server with which this domain controller will be registered .

  23. 我们经常将域控制器作为时间服务器使用,并在有关的LotusConnections服务器主机上运行WindowsSchedule任务以完成与域控制器的时间同步。

    We often use the domain controller as the time server and run the Windows Schedule task on the involved Lotus Connections server hosts to do time synchronization with the domain controller .

  24. 此向导在确定此域控制器将要与其注册的dns服务器是否支持动态更新时遇到了一个错误。

    The wizard encountered an error while trying to determine if the DNS server with which this domain controller will register supports dynamic updates .

  25. 下一个考试目标312.4将深入探究如何将Samba用作Microsoft主备域控制器。

    The next exam objective , 312.4 , will dive into the details of making Samba act as and with Microsoft primary and backup domain controllers .

  26. 在不支持KDC的系统(非域控制器)上,KDC服务启动类型被禁用。

    On a non-KDC-enabled system ( not a domain controller ), the KDC service startup type is disabled .

  27. 每个域控制器都维护特定于该域控制器的USN。

    Each domain controller maintains a USN that is specific to that domain controller .

  28. 在此示例中,jhelum作为域控制器运行Samba服务器。

    Here jhelum is running the Samba server and is the domain controller .

  29. 是在域控制器上生成的keytab文件的位置。

    Is the location of the keytab file generated on the domain controller .

  30. 目前,高校计算机实验室一般采用Windows网络环境,用Windows系统提供的帐户管理工具在Windows域控制器创建大量的学生帐户,并为其配置工作环境的任务巨大。

    Windows networks are adopted in many computer labs in colleges and universities . It is inefficient to create and configure a large number of students'accounts in a Windows domain controller by a Windows system account management tool .