
  • 网络Domain Name Strategy
  1. 网络营销中域名策略和顾客服务策略分析

    The Analysis of Domain Name and Customer Service Strategies in Online Marketing

  2. PMS可以通过允许客户端服务通过域名访问策略集合中的多个策略取得策略设置来实现一个服务通知另一个策略的能力。

    The PMS can implement the ability for one service to inform another of the policy by allowing client services to fetch policy settings by domain name across multiple policies in a policy set .

  3. 基于主动哈希和多级缓存的域名解析策略

    Domain Name Solution Strategy Based on Aggressive Hash and Multi-Cache

  4. 基于域名的VPN策略管理系统

    Domain-name-based VPN policy management system