
  • 网络Domain Name Registration;Domain Name;domain;domain registration
  1. 其中,CN域名注册服务机构担负着重要的“后盾”作用。

    One , CN domain name registration service agencies charged with the important " support " role .

  2. 服务项目包括连云港网站建设、网页设计、广告设计、平面设计、网站SEO优化、网站推广、域名注册、虚拟主机等。

    Services include Lianyungang , construction sites , web design , advertising design , graphic design , website SEO optimization , website promotion , domain name registration , web hosting .

  3. 数字域名注册系统及其在IPTV中的应用

    Digital Domain Registration System and its Application in IPTV

  4. 国内ASP一般都会向客户提供多种功能不同的软件,从较为基本的域名注册、电子邮件到客户关系管理、网上交易系统。

    Generally speaking , ASP in Chinese mainland offers several types of software with different functions including services from basic domain registration , email to complex customer relation management and Internet business system .

  5. 但传统的域名注册协议由于统一性不够,给注册服务提供商(Registrar)和注册机构(Registry)带来了很大的麻烦。

    The traditional registry / registrar protocol ( RRP ) has some disadvantage , such as lack of unification between registry and registrar , bringing much trouble to registry / registrar .

  6. 域名注册服务商GoDaddy(没错,这家公司的广告里都是衣着暴露的女性)的CEO布雷克•埃尔文也表示,增加工作场所的多样性同样也是他的工作重点。

    Blake Irving , CEO of GoDaddy ( yes , the company with the ads that feature scantily-clad women ) , also said adding more diversity to the workplace is a focus for him .

  7. 国有域名注册管理机构&中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)的数据显示,中国3.84亿网民中,有超过三分之一的人通过移动设备上网。

    More than one-third of the country 's 384m internet users access the web from mobile devices , according to the China Internet Network Information Center , the state-owned registrar .

  8. 域名注册公司GoDaddy的总部设在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市,该公司5月份在坦佩开工建设新的全球技术中心。

    Domain name registrar GoDaddy , which is based in Scottsdale , Ariz. , broke ground in May on its new Global Technology Center in Tempe .

  9. •域名注册服务商GoDaddy的首席执行官鲍勃•帕森斯有麻烦了,因为关于他非洲冒险的一段视频在网上疯传。

    • the CEO of domain name registrar GoDaddy , Bob parson , is in some hot water thanks to a viral video chronicling his African adventures .

  10. 每个域名注册处都有域名争端诉讼。

    Every domain name registry has a domain name dispute procedure .

  11. 域名注册和主机是完全不同的事情。

    Domain registration and domain hosting are completely different things .

  12. 域名注册数每年增长53%以上

    Subscriptions for domain names are growing by more than 53 percent annually

  13. 香港域名注册有限公司可随时终止此优惠计划而不须另行通知。

    HKDNR can terminate the program at any time without giving prior notice .

  14. 政府从未开放个人域名注册。

    The government never opened up the registration of domain names by individuals .

  15. 域名注册商设置域的这种状态。

    The registry sets the domain to this status .

  16. 域名注册者已经看到了您的抱怨。

    The Registrar has been notified of your complaint .

  17. 域名注册费用和其它相关费用均不可退还。

    Domain registration and application fees are not refundable .

  18. 首先是加强域名注册与管理。

    The first is about the strengthening of the registration and management of domain name .

  19. 提供香港域名注册服务及注册资讯。

    Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Ltd.

  20. 域名注册费概不退还。

    Domain registration fees are non-refundable .

  21. 我们未能自动检索为域名注册管理联系人的电子邮件地址也没有。

    We have failed to automatically retrieve an email address for the domain name Registrant nor Administrative Contact .

  22. 域名注册使用中对商标侵权,最突出的表现就是域名抢注商标侵权行为。

    Among the acts of registered domain names infringing upon trademarks , Cybersquatting acts are the most popular ones .

  23. 域名注册与在先商标的争议,司法实践先于法律,司法判例尽管并不一致,但均对驰名商标以特别保护,其保护均体现出商标法上保护的痕迹。

    In settlement of the disputes between domain name registrations and prior trademarks , judicial practice prevails over statutes .

  24. 在虚拟主机的解决方案里,你能期待可以找到域名注册和标准的邮件服务。

    Included in a Web hosting solution you can expect to find domain name registration and standard email services .

  25. 此邮件是一个提醒,以帮助您保持联系,与之相关的数据您的域名注册切合时宜的。

    This message is a reminder to help you keep the contact data associated with your domain registration up-to-date .

  26. 在这篇教程的下面几章里,你可以读到更多关于域名注册,邮件和其他服务的内容。

    You can read more about domain name registration , email and other services in the next chapters of this tutorial .

  27. 若你选择本地支票或直接银行入帐,在域名注册后,会即时收到以电邮寄出的发票。

    If you have chosen to pay by cheque or bank deposit , you will receive our email invoice immediately after the registration .

  28. 我们是一家域名注册服务公司,是一家专业从事互联网域名注册和争议解决机构在中国。

    We are a Domain Name registration service company , which is a professional Internet Domain Name Registration and dispute resolution organization in China .

  29. 第一次你赢在给定的域名注册处处长,一个帐户将被自动创建在该注册处处长。

    The first time you win a domain name at a given registrar , an account will be created for you automatically at that registrar .

  30. 需承认的是,某些管辖区的隐私法律可能会对收集或提供域名注册人详细联系办法的可能性加以限制。

    It is recognized that privacy laws in certain jurisdictions may place restrictions on the possibility to collect or make available domain name registrant contact details .