
  • 网络Consular Service
  1. 至于去泰国旅游有什么提醒,希望大家留意外交部网站的领事服务栏目。

    As to the travel alert , please follow the column of consular service on our official website .

  2. 政府可做的一种支持,是带领出口商在海外市场摸出门路的领事服务;

    Consular services that guide companies through foreign markets are one form of support ;

  3. 任何人都关注在埃及亲属应在尼科西亚联系的信息,领事服务。

    Anyone concerned about relatives in Egypt should contact the consular services in Nicosia for information .

  4. 为了适用这种情况,美国领事服务延长了签证时间,新增加了12名工作人员,预计明年春天会再增加20名,还会增添一些设备。

    To adapt , U.S. consular services expanded their hours , took on about a dozen additional staff and hope to have another 20 officers by spring . Several facilities are also being expanded .

  5. 朱利安·布雷斯韦特,一名领事服务的负责人说:“如果游客在出发前没有研究过他们的目的地,可能会使他们的假期扫兴。在西班牙或希腊正常的事在土耳其或埃及不一定能够被接受。”

    Julian Braithwaite , director of consular services , said : " If people don 't research their destinations before they go , it could do more than spoil their holiday . What 's normal in reports in Spain or Greece are not necessarily acceptable in Turkey or Egypt . "

  6. 健全金融、法律、领事等服务保障,规范走出去秩序,促进产品出口、工程承包与劳务合作。

    We will provide better financial , legal and consular services , ensure orderly overseas business operations , and boost the export of products , project contracting and labor services .

  7. 开幕式上,考尔德说,墨西哥希望帮助和保护领事馆所服务范内的墨西哥公民,领事管服务范围包括路易斯安那与密西西比洲。

    At the opening of the consulate , President Calderon , said Mexico wants to assist and protect its citizens in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi that the consulate will serve .

  8. 新的一年,我们将继续全力打造海外民生工程,大力提高领事保护与服务的水平。

    In the new year , we will continue to do our best to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese , and we will further improve consular protection and service .

  9. 我想预先告诉大家一个消息:外交部将在年内建成领事保护与服务全球应急呼叫中心,这是一个24小时的电话热线。

    Let me disclose a piece of news to you . In 2014 , the Foreign Ministry will establish a global emergency call center for consular protection and services . It will be a 24-hour telephone hot line .

  10. 首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。

    First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates1 or external service providers to give fingerprints2 and a digital photo .

  11. 在大使馆关闭后,一个名誉领事馆将开始履行职能,将为瑞典公民提供基本的领事服务,大使馆称。

    An honorary consulate will start its functions after the closure of the embassy to provide basic consular services to Swedish citizens , the embassy said .

  12. 外交学院外交与外事管理系副教授任远喆表示,领事保护与协助案件数量的激增,是我国出国留学人员人数快速增长的自然反映,他们对改善的、多样化得领事服务的需求也越来越强烈。

    Ren Yuanzhe , associate professor in the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management at China Foreign Affairs University , said the increase in consular protection and assistance cases is a natural reflection of the rapid growth in Chinese going abroad and their stronger need for improved and diversified consular services .