
lǐnɡ shì rén yuán
  • consular agent;consular personnel
  1. 澳大利亚报纸《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)报道称,持有澳大利亚护照的SternHu是被拘留的人员之一,堪培拉正要求让其领事人员探访他。

    The Sydney Morning Herald , an Australian newspaper , reported that an Australian passport holder , Stern Hu , was among those arrested and that Canberra was demanding consular access .

  2. 美国领事人员不得不为失望的(水兵)亲属另行提供假日安排。

    Us consular staff were faced with having to provide alternative holiday arrangements for disappointed relatives .

  3. 有关的物料只有在要求方的法律明确规定的情况下,才须由领事人员或外交人员核证或认证。

    Material shall be certified or authenticated by consular or diplomatic officers only if the law of the Requesting Party specifically so requires .

  4. 中方将继续密切关注案件审理后续进展,并要求美方认真吸取教训,切实采取有效措施维护中国外交、领事人员和机构的安全和尊严,确保类似事件不再发生。

    We urge the US side to learn lessons from this incident , take effective measures to ensure the safety , security and dignity of Chinese diplomatic and consulate missions and staff in the US and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents , the statement said .

  5. 伊拉克官方称美国军方拘留了五名袭击伊北部城市Robil伊朗领事馆的人员。

    Iraqi officials say US forces have detained five people during a raid on the Iranian Consulate at the northern city of Robil .

  6. 据新华社报道,领事馆工作人员已经前往机场了解更多相关情况。

    Xinhua said that consulate staff had been sent to the airport to learn more about the situation .

  7. 谢里夫帕夏和法国领事拉蒂·门顿派出人员搜查犹太区,并逮捕了四名犹太嫌疑犯。

    Sherif Pasha and the French consul Ratti-Menton sent a group of people to search the Jewish quarter and arrested four Jewish suspects .

  8. 不过,利比亚内政部一名官员昨日稍早前在另一场记者会上指责美国使馆没有及时撤出领事馆工作人员。

    However , earlier in the day a Libyan interior ministry official speaking at a separate news conference blamed the US embassy for not evacuating the Consulate in time .

  9. 今年1月,为遏制新冠病毒的传播,中国中部城市武汉市进入封锁状态,随后美国国务院从武汉撤出了领事馆工作人员及其家属。

    The U.S. State Department withdrew consulate staff and their families from Wuhan in January after the central Chinese city went into lockdown to curb the spread of the new coronavirus .

  10. 部分洋教习来源于外国领事、公使人员或赫德的推荐,另一些人则是通过直接招聘而来。他们由外国官员、海关官员、传教士和其他在华外国人组成。

    Some foreign teachers were employed on the recommendation of foreign consuls , ministers or Robert Hart , the others being recruited directly , consisting of foreign officers , customer officers , missionaries and other foreigners in China .

  11. 在伦敦的美国大使馆,人们有序排队,有免费的咖啡,和我面谈的领事馆工作人员态度和蔼,三天之后我就拿到了带有新签证的护照。

    At the US London embassy the ticket-based queueing system was well organised , there was free coffee , the consular staff who interviewed me were good-humoured and my passport was returned with a fresh visa just three days later .

  12. 领事馆的工作人员除了要看你的主要申请单还要看这些附带(相关)文件。

    These are usually other papers that someone needs to look at in addition to your main application , or your main solicitation .

  13. 在全世界222个签发签证的使领馆,一批训练有素的领事官员及辅助人员每年审理数百万签证申请。

    Around the world at222 visa-issuing embassies and consulates , a highly trained corps of consular officers and support staff adjudicate millions of visa applications each year .

  14. 菲律宾派驻澳门特别行政区总领事馆的本国领事官员和工作人员总数不得超过十二人。

    The total number of home-based consular officials and staff members for the Philippine Consulate General in the Macao Special Administrative Region shall not exceed twelve .