
  1. 领导群体结构要素及效能研究

    Study on Structural Elements and Efficacy of Leader Colony

  2. 领导群体整体合力的心理学研究

    Psychological Study on the Integrated Power of Leadership

  3. 这个金融版图上的一个最新进展是,近期涌现的新一代领导群体并非来自美欧。

    A recent development on the financial scene is the emergence of a new breed of leadership that does not herald from the US or Europe .

  4. 馆长要注重形象激励,注意工作方法,注意领导群体的结构,努力推动图书馆软管理的健康发展。

    The librarian should lay stress on the image-building , working method and the structure of the leading group , in order to promote the well development of the " software management " of the library .

  5. 科学的领导群体的知识结构应当是软知识与硬知识的结合,以软知识为主,专业知识与一般知识结合,以专业知识为主;

    The knowledge structure of a scientific leader group should be a combination of " soft " knowledge and " hard " knowledge , but based primarily on " soft " knowledge . It is a combination of professional knowledge and general knowledge , but based primarily on professional knowledge .

  6. 鉴于党政领导干部群体的复杂性和多样性,本文选取了厅局级党政领导干部作为考察对象进行研究。

    In view of the complexity and diversity of cadres , this article selects bureau-level party and government leading cadres as the objects of the study .

  7. 学生们作为个体和自己领导的群体中的个体所采取的暴力行动,是他们个体和在自己领导的群体中,出于自由意志的选择。

    The students as individuals , and self-led groups of individuals , committed violent acts that they , individually and in self-led groups , chose of their own free will .

  8. 本文在近几年的国内外文献的基础上,着重讨论几个与群体绩效有关的长期存在的问题,主要包括群体构成、凝聚力、激励、领导、群体目标等因素。

    Based on extensive literature review , particularly on those recent advancement , this paper discusses several long standing issues , such as group composition , group cohesiveness , leadership , motivation and group goals , which are crucial to group performance and team effectiveness .

  9. 领导风格对群体决策过程及结果的影响研究

    Effects of Leadership Style on Group Decision Making Process and Outcome

  10. 传统的多机器人协同策略采用少量领导节点承担群体决策任务的集中式/半分布式控制模式,这类方法适合群体规模较小的多机器人系统。

    The traditional multi-robot coordination strategies let a few leader nodes take the responsibility of decision-making , those centralized / semi-distributed control mode is suitable for small-scale multi-robot systems .

  11. 通过实地考察、访谈调查、问卷调查发现学生、教师、领导等相关群体对开展参与式教学设计有较高的需求,但开展参与式教学设计却面临外部环境、课堂内部以及相关人员方面的困难。

    Through field study , interviews and questionnaires , the research finds that the present state of participatory instructional design is that it has external difficulties , difficulties in class and difficulties in personnel to overcome though students , teachers and leaders have needs for participatory instructional design .

  12. 时尚的本质在于,群体中只有一部分人领导时尚,整个群体不过跟风而已。

    The essence of fashion lies in only some people lead fashion and the whole group just follow the trend .

  13. 随着地方领导班子配备改革的逐步深化,地方党政领导群体配备的科学化、制度化方面取得了明显的成效。

    Along with the deepening reform of the allocation of local leadership , distinctive effect has been taken with the scientization and institutionalization of the leader group allocation of local party and the government administration .

  14. 领导班子成员的政治结构,年龄结构,智能结构,专业结构,气质结构等是领导班子群体结构优化的主要内容。

    The political structure , age structure , intelligent structure , professional structure , and temperament structure , etc. of the members of the leading group are the main contents of optimizing the group structure of the leading group .

  15. 领导行为是一种高追求和高价值的事物(彼德·诺思豪斯,2002),尤其是作为企业中坚力量的中层领导群体,他们的领导行为与企业效益和组织战略发展息息相关。

    Generally , leadership behavior has high seek and value , especially the leadership behavior of middle leader groups regarded as the important strength in the enterprise , their actions associate closely with enterprises ' efficiency and development .