
  • 网络administrative post;administrative
  1. Lionfood(狮子食)指中层管理岗或者类似级别行政职位的人。为什么要用lionfood来指代中层管理人员呢?据说这背后有个小故事。

    Lion food refers to anyone in middle management or a similar administrative position .

  2. 他曾在民主党中活跃一时,1922年,杜鲁门当选为密苏里州杰克逊县的法院法官(这是一个行政职位)。

    Active in the Democratic Party , Truman was elected a judge of the Jackson County Court ( an administrative position ) in 1922 .

  3. 从艾森豪威尔到卡特:美国文官高级行政职位的建立

    From Eisenhower to Carter : The Establishment of " Senior Executive Service " in the American Civil Service

  4. 他把伊拉克战争的政治盟友和支持者介绍进了世行,让他们担任高层行政职位。

    He brought in political allies and supporters of the Iraq war and gave them top-level positions in the bank administration .

  5. 通过单因素方差分析得出,事业单位员工福利满意度在职称、行政职位、工作年限和月收入这四类人口统计变量上存在显著差异。

    There are significant differences on the welfare satisfaction in public service unit among job title , position , length of service and income .

  6. 据估计,在美国大约有1万家猎头公司,它们每年靠为企业填补行政职位空缺能赚取20亿美元。

    It is estimated that there are ten thousand headhunters in the United States who generate about $ 2 billion per year filling executive positions .

  7. 玛丽莲。哈珊曼说,削减的职位,大约有一半的是行政职位或教职,其余大部分都是文书或技术工作职位。

    About half of the positions to be eliminated are administrative or professional positions , Hausammann said , and nearly all of the rest are clerical or technical jobs .

  8. 作者认为,美国高级行政职位的设立,实际上涉及到两个非常敏感的关系,即:总统与高级文官之间的关系以及在这一关系背后发挥潜在影响的政治与行政的关系。

    At the same time , the author thinks , the creation of SES is involved in the relationship between the President and higher civil servants as well as the relationship between politics and executive .

  9. 这样,她成了东非第一个女博士,获得黑人女性未曾有过的学术与行政职位,接踵而来的是一项又一项荣誉与奖励,最为荣耀的是在2004年获得诺贝尔和平奖。

    That made her the first woman in east Africa to hold a doctorate . Jobs followed , in academic and civic positions which no black woman had filled before , and on their heels came award after award , none grander than the 2004 Nobel peace prize .

  10. 弗朗西斯科先生是行政书记职位的正式提名人。

    Mr.Francisco is standing as the official nominee for the post of District Secretary .

  11. 弗朗西斯先生是行政书记职位的正式提名人。

    Mr.Francis is standing as the official nominee for the post of District Secretary .

  12. 良好沟通能力,逻辑思维能力较强,做事耐心细致,欲往行政类职位发展。

    Good communication skills , logical thinking , patient and meticulous , looking for career development of administration and supervisory positions .

  13. 这是自助式服务的生动实例,它也形象地说明了行政类职位为何频频“领衔”受自动化威胁最大的工作榜单。

    This is self-service in action and a vivid example of why administrative jobs frequently top the list as those most at risk from automation .

  14. 自从2005年鲍伯·依格接任行政总裁职位后,迪士尼在电视和电影领域可以说是左右逢源、风生水起。

    Today under Bob Iger , who took over as chief executive in2005 , Disney is enjoying a remarkable and profitable run of hit TV programmes and films .

  15. 对于急于削减预算的企业来说,行政类职位的薪酬被证明是一个诱人的靶子;砍掉此类职位还能带来额外好处:比如美其名曰“现代化”以及拥抱新的工作方式。

    Administrators " salaries proved a tempting target for businesses desperate to trim budgets , with the bonus that cuts could be billed as modernisation and as embracing new ways of working .

  16. 同时,中华英才网在盘点今年人才市场需求时发现,目前法律类、行政类职位已经供大于求。

    In the meantime , net of China person of outstanding ability is in check discovers when talent market demand this year , at present law kind , administration kind position has been begged for be more than .

  17. 我靠着努力工作而升到行政管理的职位。

    I have worked my way up to a management position .

  18. 行政助理的职位,能运用办公室管理方面的兴趣,训练与经验。

    An executive assistant position utilizing interests , training and experience in office administration .

  19. 信息非对称是行政体系的职位竞争中形成权力寻租的主要原因。

    Information asymmetry is the main reason for power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system .

  20. 在一个知名组织寻求入门级别的行政助理的职位来提高我的知识水平的技能。

    Seeking a position as entry level administrative assistant to improve my knowledge and skills in a renowned organization .

  21. 文章通过研究行政体系的职位竞争中权力寻租的形成机理,分析信息在寻租形成过程中的意义。

    By exploring the mechanism of power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system , this study analyzes the significance of information during the seeking-rent forming .

  22. 无可否认,过去的双重领导结构一直处于日臻完善的过程中。在最初的127年历史中,汇丰根本没有行政总裁这个职位。

    Admittedly , that old dual-headed structure had been a work in progress : for the first 127 years of its life HSBC had no chief executive at all .

  23. 今年第三季度办公室行政类白领职位的竞争趋缓,平均只有38人竞争一个职位,相比第二季度的45人和第一季度的48人有所减少。

    Competition for these jobs in the third quarter of this year eased , with only 38 people applying for one vacancy , compared to the 45 and 48 applicants in the last two quarters respectively .

  24. 一项最新调查显示,中国内地办公室行政类白领职位的竞争有所缓和,月均工资有所上涨。

    Competition for white collar workers , such as office and administrative positions , has eased to an extent on the Chinese mainland , while the average monthly salary has risen , a new survey has found .

  25. 当JaeHeeCho首次面试费城76人队的行政主厨这一职位时,他打算惊艳到面试官。

    When JaeHee Cho first auditioned for the executive chef job with the Philadelphia 76ers , he was going to wow the brass .

  26. 负责人通常都有着如行政经理之类的职位名称。

    The person in charge usually has a title of some sort like administration manager .

  27. 上海工商行政管理部门公务员职位分类研究财务管理和行政政策司

    Research on Position Classification of Civil Servant of Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Administration Financial Management and Administrative Polity Division

  28. 白宫办公厅主任,是美国总统的,行政办公室当中,职位最高的人员。

    The White House Chief of Staff is the highest ranking member of the executive office of the president of the United States .

  29. 在发生合并或兼并的情况下,公司高层行政领导离开其职位时所获得的丰厚补偿,作为高额离职补助金。

    A substantial compensation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positions in the event of a corporate merger or takeover .

  30. 去年,我放弃了自己憎恨的程序员工作而开始了我喜爱的职行政助理,这个职位对于秘书来说只是一个美丽的字眼。

    Last year , I left a job I hated as a programmer for a job I love as an executive assistant , which is just a fancy word for secretary .