
  • 网络Passive Services
  1. Push技术在图书馆等文献信息部门应用,将一改长期以来的被动服务模式为主动信息服务模式,提高图书馆的信息服务质量。

    The application of the Push technique to the literature and information departments such as libraries will change the conventional passive service mode to the active information service mode , and improve the quality of the library information service .

  2. 服务方式仍旧是被动服务。

    The service mode was still the passive mode .

  3. 变被动服务为主动服务;

    Shift from passive service to active service ;

  4. 服务实现了从被动服务到主动服务的转变。

    And shift from passive to active service .

  5. 应主动传递信息给读者,改变图书馆被动服务的状态。

    And we should actively transmit messages to readers . Change the state of passive service in library .

  6. 但同时,现阶段我国的汽车售后服务还停留在发现故障-问题诊断-解决方案的被动服务模式上。

    However , the after-sale service in our county still rest on passive service model like " fault occurs-diagnosis-solution " .

  7. 作为医院重要支持保障系统的供应室,由传统的被动服务向主动服务模式转变是医疗卫生改革的大势所趋。

    It is a whole tendency for the supply room in the back up system of a hospital to transform from passive service to active service .

  8. 抑或,他们会不会认为,日本央行已沦为被动服务于财政政策的机构,不再具备维持货币纪律的能力?

    Or would they take the view that the BoJ was now a passive agent of fiscal policy , no longer able to offer monetary discipline ?

  9. 随着形势的发展,图书馆工作中传统的被动服务和封闭式服务已不能适应新形势的要求。

    With the development of situation , traditional passive service and closed service in the work in library can 't already meet the needs of new situation .

  10. 本文收集了2003~2004年在北京大学深圳医院门诊办公室214例投诉,分析了投诉产生的原因,并提出现阶段医院的防范措施:转变观念,变被动服务为主动服务;

    This article analyzes that 214 patient confliction on outpatient services from 2003-2004 in Shenzhen Hospital , Peking University . The author analyzes the reasons of patient confliction and suggests prevention .

  11. 在档案信息资源开发利用工作中,存在着传统式的被动服务形式和不重视档案利用的目的和效益反馈问题,制约着档案信息资源的开发利用。

    In the development and use of file information resource , exist traditional passiveness service and ignored file use or benefit feedback , so it makes the development and use of file information resource to be limited .

  12. 结果实施风险管理1年多,护患、医患关系明显改善,变被动服务为主动服务,降低了纠纷和投诉的发生率。

    Results After one years implementation of the risk factor management , the relationship between patients and medical staff have gained much progress , and the service become more active , and the complaints from patients decreased .

  13. 探讨了在新的信息环境下,图书馆由传统的被动服务向主动服务转变的必要性,提出了开展主动服务的策略。

    This paper probes into the necessity of transforming library 's service from the traditional passive service into the active service under the new information environment , and puts forward some strategies for developing the active service .

  14. 为充分发挥图书馆藏书的作用和效能,扩大图书馆的影响,以提高对读者服务工作的水平,减少读者拒借率,使传统的被动服务逐步走向主动服务。

    In order to turn the passive service to active service , we the circulation of books try to fully develop the function and efficiency of the library books , improve the service for readers , reduce the refusal rate of the books that readers want to borrow .

  15. 传统的档案信息传播服务服务内容单一、服务方式被动、服务手段落后,不能满足公共服务体系建设中档案信息传播服务与公众的档案利用要求。

    The traditional File information dissemination services is single , passive , backward and can not meet the requirements of the public service system and public needs .

  16. 要做到迅速准确地挂号,必须具备更广泛而深入的临床症状学的知识,从被动应答服务向主动引导服务转变。

    Extensive knowledge on disease process can help the register work rapidly and correctly , and then the transformation from passive reply to active guiding service is possible .

  17. 但是,当前的禁毒情报服务存在服务方式被动、服务功能单一、服务内容浅层次以及服务对象主要针对执行层等问题。

    However , current information service for prohibition of drugs has many defects which included passive service manner , single service function , simple service level , and special service object of executive structure .

  18. 积极老龄化不再把老年人当做是被动的服务接受者,倡导在保障老年人健康和生活的同时鼓励老年人参与社会,为各个国家应对日益严峻的人口老龄化挑战,开拓了思路。

    In the perspective of " active aging ", older people are no longer treated as a passive recipient of the service , and it advocates to protect the health and life of the elderly as well as encourage the participation of older persons in society .

  19. 信息时代的到来,迅速崛起的多种类型的社会信息服务机构对图书馆信息服务构成严重的挑战,图书馆信息服务所采用的传统被动的服务方式已远不能适应高速增长的社会信息需求。

    When the period of information arrived , the rapid rise of social information poses service of library information service a serious challenge , The library information service station uses the tradition passive service mode has not been able to adapt the fast growth society information need far more .

  20. 传统的医院管理信息系统(HospitalInformation-managingSystem,HIMS)是一种被动的信息服务。

    Traditional Hospital Information-managing System ( HIMS ) is a sort of passive information service .

  21. 它在操作系统级确保可用性,可以透明地缓解主动和被动网络拒绝服务攻击。

    Availability is assured at the operating system level , allowing for transparent mitigation of active and passive network denial-of-service attacks .

  22. 结论病人和/或家属参与护理计划工作改变了病人被动接受护理服务的局面,有利于促进病人的康复,同时也满足了病人的知情同意权和选择决策权。

    Conclusion Patients ' and / or family members ' participation in NCP can change the situation of the patients ' passively receiving nursing service and benefits to patients ' recovery .

  23. 今天的客户角色也发生了变化,从被动的产品服务的接受者变为价值的共同创造者,为适应客户角色的改变,企业把客户作为重要的资源来源。

    Today the role of being accepted production and service of customer has changed to co-create value . In order to adapt such change , enterprises regard the customer as the important source of resource .

  24. 相对于完全被动的传统电视服务,IPTV是一项融合了声音、图像为一体的新型网络应用,它的最大特点就是互动性可以让用户随时随地地选择自己想要的电视服务。

    IPTV is a new type of network application which integrates voice and image instead of passive TV service .

  25. 指出了高校图书馆存在着被动、滞后的服务现状;

    The author point out that there are delay and passivity serve to these reader in college library .

  26. 然而,不论是在传统的Web服务还是语义Web服务中,Web服务都被看作是被动的实体而存在,它被动地等待服务请求者的查找、调用和组合。

    However , we find that web services of the traditional web services and semantic web services are passive to be discovered , called and composed by service requester in traditional web service architecture .

  27. GPRS设备的被动访问通用无线分组业务(GPRS)在为用户提供无线分组数据传输服务中,GPRS网络不直接提供GPRS设备的被动访问服务。

    General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) provides GPRS users packet switched data service . However , in existing GPRS applications , GPRS specification does not support push access such as call termination ( incoming call ) .