
ruǎn rén cái
  • people who specialize in liberal arts, esp. organizational management
  1. 优化教学内容培养高素质的软饮料人才

    Developing Qualified Soft-Drink Talent by Optimizing the Teaching Material

  2. 软环境是人才资源内化开发与管理的机制。

    Soft environment is the mechanism of internal development and management of human resources .

  3. 各家金控公司皆投入大量资金在软硬体及人才招募上。

    Every financial holding company ( FHC ) has invested considerable capitals in establishing systems and in recruiting financial consultants for wealth management .

  4. 对技术人员人员,我们将横向的岗位轮换和双阶梯机制作为激励的重要举措,并辅以其他的激励措施(如优惠政策、鼓励成才的措施、用福利软手铐套住人才)。

    To the technical personnel , we take horizontal post exchange and dual ladder system as important measures while others are also recommended such as preferential policy , welfare and encouragement for learning more technique or getting higher diploma .

  5. 发展现代物流业需要政府政策引导,加大资金投入,创造良好的软环境吸引人才和技术,依托现有制造业优势,积极培育大型物流企业。

    The development of modern logistics industry requires government to take measures to actively guide , increase financial support , create a favorable environment to attract talent and technology of soft , relying on existing manufacturing strengths , actively cultivate large logistics companies .

  6. 人才软环境建设对于人才的健康成长与脱颖而出有着至关重要的作用。

    The construction on soft environment of talents plays a crucial role in talents healthy growth and showing themselves .