
  • 网络moccasin;soft shoe
  1. 国王打开一个小柜子,爱德华哭了起来。“可是父亲,”他说,“我现在已经16岁了。我不能穿软鞋和裙子。那会使我看上去像个女孩子。为什么我不能穿得像其他人一样?”

    The King opened a small cupboard and Edward started to cry . 'But father , 'he said , ' I 'm sixteen years old now . I can 't wear soft shoes and a skirt . I 'll look like a girl . Why can 't I dress like other people ? '

  2. 那正是我试图向你描绘的那种鹿皮软鞋。

    That was the exact type of moccasin I was trying to describe to you .

  3. 那我应该脱下鹿皮软鞋了

    Then I guess I should take off my moccasins .

  4. 一双漂亮的衬绒软鞋为你御寒,

    Fair lined slippers for the cold ,

  5. 穿合脚的、系带的软帮鞋。

    Wear well-fitting , lace-up shoes with soft uppers

  6. 稳定状态时,穿软底鞋的摄氧量较大,能量较高。

    Steady state , wear soft bottom shoe the Vo2max , higher energy .

  7. 保持地板的清洁,人在地板上行走时须穿干净软底鞋。

    Keep cleanness , wear soft and cleanness shoes when walking on the floor .

  8. 穿着软底鞋的踢踏舞。

    Tap dancing wearing soft-soled shoes .

  9. 不要穿那些粗短的鞋子,肥大的软底鞋,细跟高跟鞋或厚重的鞋子。

    Do not wear chunky heels , flat soled-shoes , stilettos , or shoes with too much height .

  10. 软底鞋足底接触面积最大,外侧力偏大,足弓较早塌陷容易引起内翻。

    The contact area of soft bottom shoe soles and lateral force is big enough to cause collapse bow earlier in .

  11. “小不点高跟鞋”是生产婴儿软底鞋的公司,该公司称其产品是“时髦”的“天后款”。

    Pee Wee Pumps , which makes soft shoes for infants , describes its products as " cool " and " diva defining . "

  12. 运动鞋店的买卖风险更高,因为软运动鞋对较低收入者的吸引力比对高尔夫俱乐部的消费者要高。

    A purchase of sports shoes is risky because trainers appeal to a demographic with less money than , say , buyers of golf clubs .

  13. 行为举止也是个问题,一个公司举例说面试者穿着脏西服和软运动鞋,说话咕哝着。通过武力使屈服的行为。

    Manners are also a problem ; one firm cited applicants who show up for interview in scruffy track-suit bottoms and trainers , and grunt . the act of subjugating by cruelty .

  14. 设备在组装前,应穿干净的软底鞋,进入设备内仔细检查玻璃面,有无损坏。

    Prior to assembling , a pair of clean soft-soled shoes are needed for one to enter inside of the equipment to check whether the glass surface has been damaged or not .

  15. 刚学会走路的小孩子千万记得要站在台阶中间而不是台阶两侧,扶梯的衔接部位很容易夹住软橡胶鞋或者小靴子。

    Keep toddlers ' shoes firmly on the step and away from the side . Soft rubber soles on children 's shoes and boots can get caught in gaps between escalator wall and steps .

  16. 足底压力中心轨迹长度与裸足行走时相比,穿中等硬底鞋和硬底鞋行走的轨迹长度都变长,而穿软底鞋行走时的轨迹长度缩短。

    Foot pressure center path length , compared with bare feet when wear medium hard shoes and walk the path of hard merchant , and longer length is wear soft bottom of merchant track length .