
  • 网络Software Localization
  1. 基于Windows消息机制的软件本地化

    Software Localization Based on Windows Messages

  2. 基于Win32的应用软件本地化分析设计

    Analysis & Design of Software Localization Based on Win32 Application

  3. 亚洲是世界自由/开源软件本地化的主战场。

    Asia is the world 's battleground for FOSS localization .

  4. 软件本地化过程中调用格式和变量的处理

    How to Process the Invoked Variables During Software Localization

  5. 从功能派理论视角看游戏软件本地化过程中的翻译策略

    Exploring Translation Strategies in Video Game Localization from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory

  6. 利用虚拟狗的软件本地化保护方法

    Software Localization Protection Method Using Virtual Dog

  7. 它们将为规划软件本地化工程的项目管理和实施人员提供帮助。

    These are intended for project managers and implementers who are planning software localization projects .

  8. 软件本地化错误测试

    The Software Localization Bug Testing

  9. 软件本地化管理工作效率、节约人力成本,是促本地化发展的重要手段。

    Software localization management efficiency , saving labor costs is an important means to promote localized development .

  10. 可以使用专门为软件本地化设计的工具在翻译的过程中可视地调整对话框布局。

    A tool specifically designed for software localisation can be used to visually adjust the dialogue layout during translation .

  11. 考虑在上例中进行如下的改变:对软件本地化翻译工具和过程有一般水平的经验。

    Consider the same example with the following change : average experience with software localization translating tools and processes .

  12. 软件本地化测试作为国际化软件开发的一部分,是整个软件国际化和本地化成功的关键。

    As part of the software internationalization development , software localization is of vital importance for the success of software internationalization and localization .

  13. 翻译人员可以选择专用于一般文档、软件本地化、技术手册或说明书等等的工具。

    Translators have a choice of tools that specialize in , among other things , general documentation , software localisation , technical manuals , or brochures .

  14. 同时将本地化测试过程和缺陷管理改进模型应用于实际软件本地化测试项目,改进软件本地化测试项目的测试效率和管理质量。

    In addition , the efficiency and quality of the software localization testing project could be improved by implementing the software localization process and defect management refinement model .

  15. 本文对在软件本地化测试过程中所出现的典型错误类型进行分类讨论,探讨各类错误的表现特点,产生的原因,测试目的,测试原则及测试的错误方法等。

    This article discusses typical errors arised in the process of software localization , their characteristics , causing reasons , testing principles , testing destination , correcting methods and so on .

  16. 由于核心代码与本地化内容的分离,软件本地化人员可以专注于对本地化资源的处理和维护,而不用理会系统核心代码,大大降低了本地化人员的技术难度要求。

    Because of the separation of code codes and resources , localization engineers can focus on the localizable resources , ignoring the system core code , which greatly reduced the technical difficulty requirements .

  17. 本地化行业是为客户的产品或服务提供语言文字和技术服务,以使其顺利走向国际市场的新兴行业。其中,软件本地化占有很大的市场份额。

    The localization industry is a newly emerging industry that provides language and technical services for the clients ' product or service to ensure its survival in international markets , in which software localization take a large portion of the market shares .

  18. 软件本地化是将一个软件产品按特定国家/地区或语言市场的需要进行加工,使之满足特定市场上的用户对语言和文化的特殊要求的软件生产活动。

    Software localization is a kind of software production which aimed to machining the software products according to the requirements of specific nations / regions or language markets , making them satisfy the users ' special requirements of the languages and cultures of specific market .

  19. PE文件式俄文软件的本地化分析与方法

    Study and method of PE file format Russian software localization

  20. Windows应用软件的本地化方法研究

    Localization Studying of Windows Software Applications

  21. 巴拉表示,在美国销售手机和平板电脑目前还不在计划之中,原因是硬件和软件的本地化、以及令这些设备得到联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission)等监管机构的认可,需要难以置信的大量工作。

    But selling phones and tablets in the US is not in our plan at this point because of the incredible amount of work in localising hardware and software and getting the devices certified by regulators such as the Federal Communications Commission , Mr Barra said .

  22. 当一家私有软件公司本地化软件时,它首先要确定这项工作在商业上是否有利。

    When a proprietary company localizes software , it first determines whether the effort would be commercially viable .

  23. 将软件项目本地化以供使用不同语言的人使用是一个常见要求。

    It 's a common requirement for software projects to be localized so they can be used by people who speak different languages .

  24. 软件的本地化决不仅仅是简单的翻译,它还涉及本地语言、文化背景、术语学、计算机和软件的专业知识等。

    Localization software is muchmore than simple translation , it also involves the local language , cultural background , terminology , computer and software expertise .

  25. 并阐述了国产ERP软件应该在本地化的基础上,明确市场定位,加强产品的售后服务和后续改进工作。

    Finally , it is expounded that national ERP should ascertain its location in the market and enhance after_service and subsequent ameliorating work .

  26. 布局管理是软件和文档本地化的重要任务,而Unicode编辑器并没有在其中起主要作用。

    Layout management is an important task in software and documentation localization , but Unicode editors play little part in it .

  27. 软件国际化与本地化技术的研究

    A Study on Software Internationalization and Localization

  28. 自由/开源软件开发和本地化使用的软件和工具不像私有软件本地化所需要的那样昂贵。

    Tools and equipment for FOSS development and localization are less expensive than those required for proprietary localization .

  29. 现在是发展中国家加入自由/开源软件运动,通过本地化加速计算技术普及的时候了。

    Now is the time for developing countries to embrace the FOSS movement , and accelerate their adoption of computing technology by localizing foss .

  30. 在技术水平不高的国家,商业软件和自由/开源软件的本地化都很缓慢。

    In countries without much technical infrastructure , localization of both commercial software and FOSS is slow .