
  • 网络Gwangmyeong;Gwangmyeong-si;Gwangmyeong City
  1. 总而言之,从宜家公司首次考察韩国市场,到在光明市开设第一家韩国分店,花了约整整六年时间。

    In all , it took about six years for Ikea to unveil its inaugural store in South Korea , in Gwangmyeong , starting from the first scouting trip .

  2. 光明市分店是宜家在全球购物区域面积最大的一家店,现在人气很旺,有望成为宜家2015年业绩最佳的分店。

    Today the Gwangmyeong store , which is the company 's largest in the world by shopping area , is on track to become one of Ikea 's top-performing outlets for 2015 .