
  • 网络pushover;persimmon;soft touch
  1. 在削减成本方面,软柿子都已经捏完了。

    In terms of cost-cutting , the easier gains have already been made .

  2. 要么,他应该祈祷共和党提名一个软柿子来和自己竞争。

    Or he should pray the Republicans will nominate a fruit cake to take him on .

  3. 流氓、混混和小霸王都喜欢捡软柿子捏,欺负那些体弱、年迈、女孩和个子矮的人。

    Forever . Thugs , punks and bullies always take the path of least resistance , preying on the weak , the elderly , the distaff and the short .

  4. 这些软柿子问题似乎太容易了,所以我得承认,当我第一次开始问这些题目时,真的预期所有人都能轻松回答。

    These softball questions seem too easy , so when I first started asking them , I had to admit that I really expected everyone to sail right through them .