
xínɡ zhènɡ sù sònɡ zhì dù
  • administrative litigation system
  1. 论WTO框架内国际贸易行政诉讼制度的完善

    On the Perfection of the International Trade Administrative Litigation System within the WTO Framework

  2. 及时修订和完善行政诉讼制度,以应对加入WTO的需要,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Hence , to revise and improve our administrative litigation system as soon as possible will be very important so as to meet the challenges posed by WTO .

  3. WTO与中国行政诉讼制度的发展&以完善我国司法审查制度为视角

    On the WTO and the Development of Administrative Proceedings System in China & From the Perspective of Improving the Judicial Examination System in China

  4. 我国的税务行政诉讼制度与WTO的司法审查制度的要求是基本一致的,但仍存在不足和需完善之处。

    Our tax administrative procedural system basically tallies with the requirements of the WTO 's judicial examination system but some defects still exist in it .

  5. 因而,在WTO之后,我国现有的行政诉讼制度与WTO规则的同步以及与其他诉讼制度的协调就成为问题。

    So , after joining WTO , it is a problem for the executive litigation system to adjust with the rule of WTO and the other lawsuit system .

  6. 为了充分利用WTO提供的各项有利条件和权利,并履行“入世”承诺的各项义务,以赢得各成员国的全面信任,我国必须对税务行政诉讼制度进行改革和完善。

    In order to make full use of all the favored conditions and rights , fulfill all our commitment and win the trust of other members , we must carry out further reform and perfection of our tax administrative procedural system .

  7. 我国已建立的行政诉讼制度为我国加入WTO提供了良好的平台,但在行政诉讼的司法审查范围、司法审查原则以及法律适用程序规范依据等方面与WTO规则要求相比还有较大差距。

    Of course , our present administrative litigation system has set up an essential platform which helps to bring China into the WTO . However , those concerning the scopes and principles of judicial review and the legal foundation of law-applicable procedure can not fully cater to the WTO regulations .

  8. 公共利益问题话要公益行政诉讼制度探索

    An Exploration of the Administrative Lawsuits in the Public Interest

  9. 从规则、体制和文化入手推进行政诉讼制度的改革

    The Reform of Administrative Litigation System from Rules , System and Culture

  10. 我国行政诉讼制度经过多年的发展,取得了较为丰硕的成果。

    Our system after years of development and achieved more fruitful results .

  11. 第一部分:行政诉讼制度与宪政。

    Part ⅰ : It is administrative system and constitutionalism .

  12. 本文是构建我国客观行政诉讼制度的初步研究。

    Namely , to establish the system of the objective administrative litigation .

  13. 应否建立军事行政诉讼制度这一问题更成为理论界和军法实践中讨论的焦点。

    The theme on military administrative litigation has been academic and practical focus .

  14. 完善我国税务行政诉讼制度的探讨

    The Discussion on Perfecting the Administrative Litigation System of Tax of Our Country

  15. 现代行政诉讼制度发展的特点&兼与我国相关制度比较

    The Developmental Characters of the Contemporary Administrative Procedure System

  16. 解析行政诉讼制度之社会基础

    Analysis on the Social Bases of Administrative Lawsuit System

  17. 完善行政诉讼制度的几点构想

    Several Ideas of Perfecting the Administrative Proceeding System

  18. 略论域市规划行政诉讼制度

    On Institution of Administrative Lawsuit of Urban Planning

  19. 构建环境公益行政诉讼制度的设想

    Idea of Constructing Environmental Public Interest Litigation System

  20. 行政诉讼制度需进一步完善。

    The administrative proceeding system should be perfected .

  21. 行政诉讼制度在困境中愈陷愈深。

    And that the system of administrative litigation fall into the plight more deeply .

  22. 重新认识行政诉讼制度的思路日本司法制度改革推进本部行政诉讼检讨会文

    Re-thinking of the System of Administrative Litigation

  23. 奥地利行政诉讼制度对我国行政诉讼法修改的启示

    Enlightenment of Austrian Administrative Litigation System on the Amendment of Administrative Litigation Law in Our Country

  24. 正文第四部分:我国公益行政诉讼制度的具体构建。

    The four section of body : the detailed our constitution of Commonweal administrative suit system .

  25. 完善行政诉讼制度;

    Perfect administrative litigant system ;

  26. 首先,介绍中国专利行政诉讼制度的历史沿革。

    First , this paper reviews the legal history of the patent administrative procedure system in China .

  27. 奥地利行政诉讼制度由来久远,积累了丰富的经验。

    Austria possesses a time-honored administrative litigation system and has accumulated a great deal of beneficial experience .

  28. 然而对于专利行政诉讼制度,目前国内尚无系统的理论分析介绍。

    Up to now , no papers have introduced the systematic theory analysis of the patent administrative procedure system .

  29. 从公众环境权视角论环境行政诉讼制度构建

    Discussion on the Establishment of the Environmental Administrative Litigation System : From the Aspect of the Public Environmental Right

  30. 正文第二部分:主要介绍了西方发达国家公益行政诉讼制度的基本情况。

    The second section of body : mainly introduce the general situation of Commonweal administrative suit in westward developed countries .