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  1. 高速公路的这一部分正进行维修,现实行逆道行驶。

    While repairs are being carried out on this part of the motorway , a contraflow system is in operation .

  2. 河西走廊西段南北向左行逆冲活动断裂的发现及其意义

    A SN-Trending Left-Slip Thrusting Active Fault in the Western Segment of Hexi Corridor , Gansu , NW China and It 's Significance

  3. 方法对80例(92只眼)慢性泪囊炎、单纯鼻泪管堵塞患者行逆植球头硅胶管治疗。

    Methods 80 cases ( 90 eyes ) of chronic dacryoadenitis or simple obstruction of nasolacrimal duct were treated by inverse planting silica gel tubes .

  4. 在河西走廊西段酒西盆地中心偏北部的阴洼山西侧发现了南北走向的阴洼山西缘左行逆冲断裂。

    SN-trending left-slip thrusting active fault has been found at the western Yinwashan margin in north of Jiuxi basin , western segment of Hexi corridor .

  5. (这里的按钮为水平和垂直控制条)。我们通过将行逆时针旋转90度角创建垂直控制条,如下面的清单11所示。

    ( The buttons here are also known as the horizontal and vertical control bars . ) We created the vertical control bar by rotating the row button 90 degrees counterclockwise ( - 90 ), as shown in Listing 11 below .

  6. 结果显示出涡旋移行过程中逆时针打转的现象,该现象有清楚的前兆可寻。

    The phenomenon of the counterclockwise loop of a moving vortex is clearly shown , and the changing asymmetry with time may serve as a precursor for this phenomenon .

  7. 构造透镜体形态及运动学标志指示矿区控矿断裂构造早期表现为左行平移-逆冲运动,晚期表现为右行平移-滑覆运动。

    And ( 3 ) Structural lens shape and kinematics signs indicate that the early fault movement was of sinistral shear with thrust , and the later , dextral shear with oblique down-slip .

  8. 健脾疏肝、行气降逆治疗胃食管反流病可能与促进胃排空、增强抗反流屏障及食道廓清功能、促进食道受损粘膜的修复有关。

    The treatment principles , to strengthen spleen and soothe liver , regulate Qi and descend adverse flow of Qi might be related to promoting gastric emptying , strengthening the esophageal anti-reflux barrier and expurgation function , or accelerating the repair of esophageal mucous membrane .

  9. 因此任何单一的左行、右行或逆冲、正滑作用模式都不能全面、合理地解释其构造演化过程。

    Therefore , any single model of sinistral or dextral , thrusting , normal slip cannot explain its tectonic evolution comprehensively and rationally .