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  1. 众口评说香格里拉自然文化公园

    Comments on Proposition of Shangri-La Nature and Culture Park

  2. 关于大学生活的普遍现象大家众口不一。

    Views on this common phenomenon in college life vary from person to person .

  3. 是褒是贬众口不一也是情有可原,毕竟每个人心目中都有其对孔子形象的定位。

    That 's understandable as everyone may have his or her own impression on what Confucius should look like .

  4. 难道就是要在众口喧称中变得伟大,并且还要在历史上占据许多篇章吗?

    Is it to grow great in the mouth of fame and take up so many pages in history ?

  5. 对于中国股市持续到6月中旬的上涨趋势背后的原因,市场策略师和经济学家众口不一。

    Market strategists and economists have had varying views on the reasons behind the Chinese stock market rally that lasted through mid-June .

  6. 尽管对于该短期项目的有效性,人们众口不一,但中国正在实施新的举措来促进其高校的发展。

    People are debating the effectiveness of such a short-term tour for school leaders , but China is taking other steps to improve its universities , as well .

  7. 由这刻始,万膝将要跪拜,众口都要承认耶稣基督是主,并将荣耀归给父神。

    It is the beginning of the time when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father .

  8. 那七十多岁的不幸的罪人若是听见了这众口一声的回答,即使不明白自己有什么理由害怕也会从内心深处害怕了。

    Wretched old sinner of more than threescore years and ten , if he had never known it yet , he would have known it in his heart of hearts if he could have heard the answering cry .