
  • 网络All living things equality;all living creatures are equal;Equality of All Sentient Beings
  1. 我想你也是讲求众生平等,侦探。

    I thought you might be one as well , detective .

  2. 他们说,天主教认为众生平等。

    They say that the Catholics treat people of all status equal .

  3. 佛教的众生平等思想及其现代意义

    The Buddhist Idea of " Existence Being Equal " and its Modern Significance

  4. 在金钱面前,“众生平等”“淡薄名利”居然成了虚妄的空谈!

    In front of utility , Fairness , Desirelessness , all become hypocritical empty-talk !

  5. 众生平等,造物弄人。

    All living beings , the creator lane .

  6. 镜头中的众生平等近景摄影测量法在地下工程中的应用

    All Living Beings Before the Camera Are Equal The Applications of Close Up Photogrammetry to Underground Engineering

  7. 我们在此谨代表全世界人民联合起来,释放人性的力量,不分种族,众生平等。

    We stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions .

  8. 无情有性与众生平等&佛教与当代生态伦理学的比较研究

    The Buddha-nature Remaining in All Wheat and Lives Being Equal & The Comparative Study of Buddhism and Modern Ecological Ethics

  9. 佛教教义里宣扬的众生平等,在这个圣地里并没有被推行。

    " Every one is fair and equal ", which is preached in Buddhism , is not preached in this holly place .

  10. 中国一名女子为求体现众生平等,将数百条蛇放生野外。

    A woman in China has released hundreds of snakes into the wild as part of a ritual which shows compassion to all creatures .

  11. 其次,大乘佛教的慈悲思想集中体现在了佛、菩萨对众生平等的深切关怀和尊重生命的佛性理念上。

    Second , the mercy of the Mahayana Buddhism illustrates that Buddhas , Bodhisattvas deeply concern and respect life and all beings are equal .

  12. 这不仅是指那黑暗,和我们自身,而且是指那纯粹的音乐,我们被猛然注满,然后,它穿透我们的灵魂:众生平等。

    Not only to the darkness , and to ourselves , but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls : we are all equal .

  13. “众生平等”思想对维护世界和平、保护生态环境及完善人格具有重要意义。

    The idea of " Existence Being Equal " is of important significance to the accomplishment of the worldly peace , the ecological balance , and the perfect personality .

  14. 着重分析了佛教因果思想的行善抑恶道德伦理价值、众生平等社会伦理价值、重视环保生态伦理价值。

    Focuses on analyzing the Buddhism thought good antibacterial causal evil ethical value , all living beings social ethics value , pay attention to environmental protection of ecological ethics value .

  15. 他要能懂得,本国不只是亲切的家园,也是世上众多国家之一,懂得众生平等,彼此都有生活、思考、感觉的权利。

    He should see his own country not only as home , but as one among the countries of the world , all with an equal right to live and think and feel .

  16. 在众生平等、自性具足的人性观基础上,禅宗在教学实践中极力弘扬学生的主体性,重视教育的个性化,倡导即事而真的学习方式等,较为充分地体现了主体教育的核心思想。

    Zen fully recognizes the role of students as the main body in teaching practice and attaches importance to the individualization of education , because its ideological system is on the basis of equality and individualization .

  17. 以往的中国是工人的天堂,人人都很穷,但众生平等;如今的中国已变成这个星球上最不平等的国度之一,亿万富翁人数仅次于美国。

    From a workers ' paradise , where everyone was equally poor , China has been transformed into one of the most unequal societies on the planet , with more billionaires than any country except the US .

  18. 另一方面,敬畏动物的生命存在,以阐释心空万物,众生平等的生命观照。

    On the other hand , they look upon the existence of life with awe , in an effort to illuminate the view of life that the heart should be empty of everything and that all beings are equal .

  19. 本文还分析了塞林格和霍尔顿在《守望者》中对佛教禅宗思想理解的不彻底所引起的局限性,如未能认识众生平等及现实事件的本质、缺乏持戒(自律)的毅力等。

    In addition , the thesis analyzes Salinger and Holden 's superficial realization of the spirit of Zen Buddhism , such as their misunderstanding of beings ' equality , unawareness of the essence of realities , and lacking in self-discipline .

  20. 一是佛教济世思想与和谐社会,阐释众生平等、利国安邦和热爱和平是有关佛教济世的世俗和谐观的主要内容,着重论述佛教济世思想为和谐社会所做出的有益贡献。

    First , the Buddhist idea about RTW and the Harmonious Society explain that the idea 's worldly view on harmony focuses on the equality among all living creatures , national stability and peace-loving thought . The idea is used to make useful contributions to the Harmonious Society .

  21. 《天龙八部》透过萧峰的命运阐释的是民族平等、众生平等、济世利人的佛教慈悲理论。龙虾节是八月份的一个节日,在那一天,人们可以尽情享用龙虾;

    In Eight Guardians of Buddhism , through describing Xiao Feng 's fate , it embodies the theory of national equality and saving all living beings from calamities from the angle of Buddhism . The Blessing of the Lobsters is a festival in August in which people enjoy lobsters .

  22. 何以在上帝面前,众生皆是平等的?

    Why are all sentient beings equal before god ?

  23. 神造众生,生而肤色不同但众生平等。

    that all of us , regardless of the color of our skin , are created equal by God .