
  1. 泛资源观念下的财务管理机制研究

    On Mechanism of Financial Management Under the Concept of Wide-resources

  2. 但在培训、开发、激励、考核等方面由于人力资源观念还没有得到彻底的实施,还有着这样或那样的问题和不足。

    There are many problems in training , develop , inspiration , assess aspects .

  3. 动态水资源观念是从水循环运动过程的全角度看待水资源的。

    Concept of dynamic water resources looks at water resources from the full aspects of dynamic process of water circulation .

  4. 社会经济系统中的过物质化倾向与自然资源观念的传统性不无关系。

    The tendency of intensive materialization in the social economic system has close relation with the traditional ideas of natural resources .

  5. 其中:内在制度建设主要应从中央到地方真正树立人的全面发展观念、以人为本的资源观念和新的人力资本投资理念;

    In the construction of internal institutions , from the central to local government should set up new ideas about human capital ;

  6. 人才资源观念的转变、人才资源开发程度的提高是吉林省发挥农业和工业优势的基本前提。

    Changing the concept of human resource and improving the development of human resources are preconditions to play the advantages of the agriculture and industry .

  7. 同时,由于旅游资源观念的改变及休闲旅游的发展,工业旅游越来越受到游客的青睐。

    At the same time , because of changes in the concept of tourism resources and the development of leisure tourism , industrial tourism has become more and more favorite to tourists .

  8. 在实践研究中,课程资源观念落后,缺乏有效开发利用德育课程资源的意识和方法,重要课程资源被忽视。

    Among practical researches , curriculum resources notion lag behind , lack the effective consciousness and method of the exploration and utilization of moral education curriculum resources , some important curriculum resources are ignored .

  9. 海洋意识教育贯穿着人类与海洋协调发展的理念,对于培养高中学生形成正确的国土资源观念有着重要的作用。

    The idea that mankind and ocean should develop coordinately with the entire marine consciousness education , to high school student , it plays an important role in learning the concept of national land and resources .

  10. 在新形势下,我国开发西部,宏观经济管理应有新观念,即新的规划观念、市场观念、资源观念和发展观念;

    Under new situation , China should has new concept in macroscopic economic management when she develops up the West , i. e. the new planning concept 、 market concept 、 natural resources concept 、 development concept ;

  11. 在阐述企业必须树立全新资源观念的基础上,提出了资源获取和培养的具体途径,并探讨了如何管理和利用资源的问题。

    On the basis of expatiating that enterprises must establish brand-new concept of resources , this paper brings forth the particular ways as to the acquisition and cultivation of resources , and discusses how to manage and make use of resources .

  12. 应用新的资源价值观念与环境经济学中MOC框架及其它理论,给出了建材资源的生态环境补偿费的定义与确定方法,建立了相应的理论模型。

    By using new value outlook of resources and marginal opportunity cost ( MOC ) framework and other theories to put forword the certain method of ecologically environmental compensation on exploiting building materials , and establish corresponding mathematical model .

  13. 矿产资源价值观念淡薄;

    Viewpoint of value of minerals resource is weak ;

  14. 要转变文献信息资源采集观念,把网络型文献信息资源纳入采集范畴。

    We should change our traditional ideas and integrate network document information resources into our acquisition practices .

  15. 在农民的村籍现念中,村落和宗族是合二为一的,其逻辑是封闭的族群关系网络背后隐含着村民对本村土地权的资源独占观念。

    The logic of village membership is a concept that villagers should monopolize the resources of land rights in the village sealing the family group relational network .

  16. 我国建筑企业缺乏先进的人力资源管理观念,人力资源管理体系不科学、不完善,还存在许多问题。

    Chinese construction enterprises lack advanced human resource management idea and scientific and systematic human resources management system , a lot of questions exist in human resource management .

  17. 当然这也是国家节约、集约利用每一寸耕地资源的观念深入人心的结果。

    Of course it is also owe to the national saving intensive use of every inch of arable land resources concept rooted deeply in the hearts of the people .

  18. 研究借鉴了后现代主义人是具有特点和资源的观念以及系统论的理念,附之以班级辅导的形式,取得了比较好的效果。

    After this research uses for reference the ideas of the modernism " people have characteristics and resources " and the system theory , under the class direction , it obtains good result .

  19. 创新企业人力资源管理观念在于把人力当作资源进行经营,追求价值最大化,走可持续发展的路径,坚持以人为本,建立有效的激励及约束机制。

    The creation of ideas in enterprises ' human resources management lies in regarding manpower as resources , pursuing the maximum value , persisting in sustainable development and establishing effective incentive and restrictive mechanism .

  20. 吸引、积极聚合、运用本地人才的战略可以有效提高人才激励和管理水平,改变传统的人力资源管理观念,遏制人才的进一步东流,从而留住本地人才。

    Such a strategy can effectively upgrade the talent-stimulating and managing level , renew the traditional managing concept of human resources , stop the outflow of talents and help the local talents to stay in this area .

  21. 由长期计划经济体制脱胎而来的黄河管理部门,人力资源管理观念落后、开发与管理水平较低,造成整体人员素质偏低,高素质人才匾乏。

    Since long-term the planned economy system , the management idea of human resource is behindhand in yellow river management unit , development and management are slower . This makes average of whole lower , and stuff person were thin .

  22. 分析我国现行水价制度存在的缺陷,揭示水价失真,水价体系扭曲的重要根源在于自然资源无价观念和缺乏对水价理论及水价定价方法的系统研究。

    At the same time , after analyzing defects of our present water price system , this paper explains one of important roots of unreal water price is view of priceless natural resources , imperfect resources price theory and pricing method .

  23. 因此,为了切实解决三农问题,实现建设社会主义新农村的宏伟目标,我们必须树立人才是第一资源的观念。

    Therefore , in order to resolve the problems of " agriculture , countryside and fanners " and realize the grand goal of building a new socialist countryside , we must establish the notion that talents are the most important resources .

  24. 研究民营企业薪酬激励机制的模式,要对人力资本进行重新认识,确立人才是企业重要资源的观念;要重新认识按劳分配原则,更好地利用薪酬机制发挥激励作用;

    Then , in order to study on the model of compensation of promotion mechanism of the civilian enterprise , we should re-understand the capital of manpower , and establish the new concept that talents are the important resources for the enterprise ;

  25. 创建品牌图书馆必须改变传统的人事管理模式,树立馆员是图书馆第一资源的观念,切实加强人力资源管理,努力实现图书馆信息服务的专业化。

    For realizing the specialization of information service and establishing the famous brand of the library , we must change the traditional personnel management mode , reinforce the management of human resources , and acquire the idea that the librarians are the first library resources .

  26. 对策的重点是非技术措施与方法,如调适人类开发利用生态资源的观念、方法及群体行为,改善旱区的社会格局、加强旱区人类行为评估和移民管理等。

    Our countermeasure is non-technical one , such as the adjustment of mankind 's concept , method and group behavior in the development of ecological resources , improvement of community structure of arid area , and strengthening the evaluation of human behavior and the management of migration of arid area .

  27. Internet网络在世界范围内的迅速普及与发展,使全球信息资源共享的观念日益变为现实,也给传统的图书馆服务和建设带来了巨大冲击。

    The worldwide development and fast popularization of the Internet has made the global information resources sharing come true day by day . It also has caused enormous impact on the traditional service and development of libraries .

  28. 一方面,新史学为历史教科书提供了思想资源、史学观念,促进了历史教科书的编纂和出版;

    In one hand , new historiography provided textbooks of history with thoughts and ideas , promoting the publications of textbooks of history .

  29. 分析了提高我国森林资源质量的观念、政策和技术等方面的对策。

    Additionally , the countermeasures including conception and policy reform and technical advances to improve forest resources quality in China were put forward .

  30. 人力资源管理的观念也发生了急剧的变化,尤其是信息技术的应用为人力资源管理的发展带来了巨大的机遇。

    The concept of human resource management has changed dramatically . The information technology has brought greatly opportunity to the human resource management .