
  • 网络Resource Pool;Resource pooling
  1. 基于J2EE的资源池数据访问模式在电子政务中的应用研究

    Research and Implementation of Resource Pool Data Access Pattern Based on J2EE in E-government

  2. 记住要选择VMwareSystemx101作为资源池。

    Remember to select VMware System x101 as resource pool .

  3. 您的虚拟服务器的规范将以您的IntegratedVirtualizationManager的可用资源池为基础。

    The specifications for your virtual server will be based on the pool of resources available to your Integrated Virtualization Manager .

  4. 基于OFDMA的分布式网络架构干扰分析及资源池概念

    Interference Analysis of OFDMA Based Distributed Network Architecture and Resource Pooling

  5. 接下来,您可以验证相应的资源池是否配置给适当的配置集群:goto>Administration>Provisioning>ResourcePools。

    Next , you can verify that the corresponding resource pool is configured for the proper provisioning cluster : Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Resource Pools .

  6. 如果确实希望使用同一个模板,那么您需要先复制它,然后运行VirtualCenterDiscovery,这样您就可以将它注册给新资源池。

    If you really want to use that same template , you need to clone it , run the Virtual Center discovery and then you can register it for your new resource pool .

  7. 绿色创新数据中心(GreenInnovationDataCenter,GIDC)的关键特性是:它能够跨三个相互分离的资源池控制服务器“实例”。

    The key feature of Green Innovation Data Center ( GIDC ) cloud is the fact that it is able to control server " instances " across three discrete resource pools .

  8. SAN虚拟化的目的就是让用户和应用系统把SAN作为一个单一的资源池来存取和控制。

    The target of SAN Virtualization is collecting all the portion of SAN 's physical disks into a single pool which user and application can access and control .

  9. VCL服务器提供了一个资源池,可以供用户使用。

    VCL servers provide a pool of resources that are exploited for the users needs .

  10. Java企业版(JEE)架构是基于组件的,拥有可以高效管理应用程序事务和有状态性、多线程和资源池的特性。

    The Java Enterprise Edition ( JEE ) architecture is based on components with features that effectively manage application transactions and statefulness , multi-threading , and resource pooling .

  11. 管理员用户通过添加或删除连接资源池来控制与TCPTR相关的系统资源,这些资源由远程访问AIXTCP层的套接字请求共享。

    Administrative users control system resources related to TCP TR by adding or removing pools of connection resources to be shared collectively by incoming socket requests remotely accessing the AIX TCP layer .

  12. IaaS通过虚拟化技术共享物理机资源池,用户通过向运营商租赁虚拟机来承载应用系统。

    IaaS shares the physical resource pool by virtualization technology , and users lease the virtual machines from operators to host the applications .

  13. 简单地讲,虚拟化允许将一个较大的服务器(主机或虚拟机管理程序)分割为更小的服务器(Guest、客户端或虚拟机),并共享组合的资源池。

    Stated simply , virtualization permits carving a larger server ( the host or hypervisor ) into smaller servers ( the guests , clients , or virtual machines ) and sharing the combined pool of resources .

  14. vSphere可管理的资源池配置

    VSphere can manage the following configuration as one pooled resource

  15. IaaS作为云计算的一种应用模式,直接把资源池内的计算资源、存储空间和网络带宽等资源封装为服务提供给用户使用。

    As an application mode of cloud computing , IaaS directly offers services which are encapsulated by computing resources , storage space and network bandwidth to users .

  16. 正如我们前面提到的,NIST描述了五个关键的云计算特性:按需自助服务,无处不在的网络接入,资源池,敏捷的弹性和可度量的服务。

    As we noted earlier , NIST describes five essential cloud characteristics : on-demand self-service , ubiqui ­ tous network access , resource pooling , rapid elasticity , and measured service .

  17. DRS可在已聚合到逻辑资源池中的一个硬件资源集合内动态地均衡各种计算容量,持续监视各个资源池的利用率,并且根据预先定义的规则智能地在虚拟机之间分配可用的资源。

    Dynamically balances computing capacity across a collection of hardware resources aggregated into logical resource pools , continuously monitoring utilization across resource pools , and intelligently allocating available resources among the virtual machines based on pre-defined rules .

  18. JClouds正致力于实现一些附加的内建策略,这样你就可以请求更大的资源池了。

    JClouds is working on some added built-in strategies so soon you can ask for large pools of resources with a decent chance of success .

  19. 基于物理资源池、服务池以及虚拟组织的思想,文章提出了面向服务网格的通用框架模型及服务访问模型VSP,VSP模型被用于指导HowU信息处理平台的设计。

    Based on physical resource pool , service pool and virtual organization , a general framework and service access model , VSP , is proposed in this paper . HowU information processing platform is designed according to the VSP model .

  20. 按照美国国家标准技术所(NIST)的定义,云计算的典型特征为按需服务、灵活的可伸缩性、无处不在的网络接入、虚拟资源池、可测量服务。

    According to the definition of U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ), the typical characteristics of cloud computing are on-demand services , flexible scalability , ubiquitous network access , virtual resource pool , measurable services .

  21. 工作负载可以被均匀地分布在资源池中。

    The workload can be evenly spread across the resource pool .

  22. 虚拟计算环境中基于资源池的资源聚合机制

    A Resource Pool Based Aggregation Mechanism in the Internet-Based Virtual Computing Environment

  23. 它们通常在服务器进程中形成资源池,以便对其进行高效利用。

    They 're normally pooled within the server process for efficient use .

  24. 示例集群中只包括了这个资源池中的存储节点。

    The example cluster includes only the storage nodes in this pool .

  25. 务必选择正确的资源池。

    Be sure to select the right resource pool .

  26. 所指定的集群不能与其他资源池关联。

    The specified cluster should not already be associated to another resource pool .

  27. 基于此,进一步提出了资源池概念。

    Based on these analyses , the concept of resource pooling is proposed .

  28. 知识资源池:知识创新和共享的宏观机制模型

    The pool of knowledge resource : The macro-mechanism model of knowledge creation and sharing

  29. 多对一&其中整合了多个虚拟服务器,并将它们作为一个资源池。

    M to1-where many virtual servers are consolidated and treated as one resource pool .

  30. 要考虑给每一个资源池指定自己的注册图像模板集。

    Consider that each resource pool has its own set of registered image templates .