
  • 网络index structure;Inverted Index;directory structure
  1. 其次,提出三种移动对象XML索引结构。

    Second , this paper proposes three moving object XML index structure .

  2. 依据聚类结果建立3D模型库的索引结构

    An Index Structure for 3D Model Database According to Clustering

  3. SuffIndex&一种基于后缀树的XML索引结构

    Suff Index & An XML Index Structure Based on Suffix Tree

  4. 基于区间编码的XML索引结构的有效结构连接

    Indexing XML Data Based on Region Coding for Efficient Processing of Structural Joins

  5. I-XISS:一种改进的XML文档索引结构

    I-XISS : an improved index structure for XML documents

  6. 基于素数编码Schema的XML索引结构的研究

    Technology of XML Index structure based on prime number coding schema

  7. R树是常用的空间数据索引结构。

    The R-tree is a commonly used index structure of spatial data .

  8. 本文的主要研究内容及其创新点如下:1.提出了一种新的混合索引结构,解决了已有基于文本的位置相关Web搜索的索引所面临的问题。

    A kind of hybrid index structure is proposed to solve the existing problems of previous text-based solutions .

  9. 一种用于空间数据多尺度表达的R树索引结构

    R-Tree Index Structure for Multi-Scale Representation of Spatial Data

  10. 基于R树的空间索引结构主要对点对象和面对象进行索引;

    R-tree primarily indexes on point and polygon objects .

  11. Interval~+&一种基于区间树的压缩XML索引结构1222

    Interval ~ + & An Index Structure on Compressed XML Data Based on Interval Tree

  12. 大型GIS空间数据库的有效索引结构QR-树

    QR-tree : An Efficient Spatial Indexing Structure for GIS with Very Large Spatial Database

  13. microsoftSQLserver的索引结构及其优化

    Index structure and its optimization in microsoft SQL server

  14. VA-Trie:一种用于近似k近邻查询的高维索引结构

    VA-Trie : A New and Efficient High Dimensional Index Structure for Approximate k Nearest Neighbor Query

  15. 一种基于Schema的XML索引结构

    A Schema-based XML Index Structure

  16. 然后用多维索引结构R树存储这些特征向量,将欧几里德距离作为相似尺度,在此基础上实现了范围查询和k近邻查询。

    Euclidean distance is used as similarity measurement . Range query and k nearest neighbor query algorithms are presented .

  17. 一种P2P系统索引结构生成算法

    An Index Construction Algorithm on P2P System

  18. 本文以反向算术压缩为基本压缩算法,提出针对XML数据库中压缩XML文件的索引结构ArithBi~+。

    We propose an XmL index structure , Arith - Bi ~ + , on compressed data which is result from revert arithmetic compression .

  19. 该方法不必建立任何的索引结构,也不用考虑XML文档DTD的模式信息。

    This method is not establish any index structure , also need not consider the XML document information .

  20. Cache命中率对数据库系统索引结构的性能影响非常大,尤其是对主存数据库索引结构的性能,更是至关重要。

    The Cache hit ratio has important influence upon the performance of index structures of database , especially main memory database .

  21. 基于Voronoi图的最近邻查询的索引结构的研究

    Research on index of nearest neighbors queries based on Voronoi diagrams

  22. 实验表明,基于本文提出的存储方案和索引结构,能够实现高效率的XML查询处理和XML数据更新。

    The experiments show that , based on the proposed storage scheme and index structures , efficient XML query processing and XML data update can be achieved .

  23. 建立基于自适应的k-means聚类和层次聚类的层次索引结构。

    Establish the hierarchical index structure based on the adaptive k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering .

  24. Pat数组是目前比较新的全文索引结构,有广阔、良好的应用前景。

    PAT array is a new full text indexing structure , which has a promising future .

  25. 论文分析了P2P系统的基本概念,研究了现有P2P系统由于缺乏分布式索引结构而产生不足的现状。

    This paper firstly analyzes the basic concept of P2P system , then studies the actuality of current P2P systems without index structure .

  26. 该索引结构既考虑了XML文档的文本内容信息,又考虑了其结构信息,此外还适合于XML结构语义检索算法的实现。

    The index structure considers both content and structure information of XML document ; more over , it is fit for the structural semantic retrieval of XML documents . 2 .

  27. 采用分片Bloomfilter作为数据集合的索引结构可以有效的简化集合操作,大大减少P2P系统中的通讯代价并提高查询效率。

    Division Bloom Filter , used as index structure , can effectively simplify the data set operation , reduce the communication cost and improve the query efficiency .

  28. 实验结果表明,该文给出的基于XML索引结构实现双亲/孩子关系和拥有关系的结构连接算法是高效的、健壮的。

    Experimental results have showed that the structural join algorithms for processing parent / child relationships and holding relationships based on the proposed XML index structure are effective , efficient and robust .

  29. 该子系统采用PPR降维方法、R树多维索引结构,克服了区域重叠,提高了检索速度。

    The sub-system employs PPR dimensionality reduction technology , R-tree multi-dimensional index , which eliminates zone overlapping and increases search speed .

  30. 在上述代价模型的基础上,本文提出了一种基于TPR树和gridfile索引结构的混合索引方法,并分析了各自的预测时空查询代价。

    Based on the proposed cost models , TPR-tree and grid file , hybrid index structure is proposed to support spatiotemporal predictive querying of the current and predicted future extents .