
  • Sophie;Sophy
  1. 索菲嫁入王室后,即成为公众人物。

    Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family .

  2. 我们将给她起名索菲。

    We 're going to call her Sophie .

  3. 索菲身着酸橙绿和海军蓝,显得很时尚。

    Sophie looked chic in lime green and navy .

  4. 索菲问她是否愿意来教美术课。

    Sophie asked her if she would like to come and give art lessons .

  5. 索菲的脸渐渐地不那么红了。

    Slowly the redness left Sophie 's face .

  6. 索菲在哪里?她没有受伤吧?

    Where is Sophy ? Is she safe ?

  7. 如今索菲和她的姐姐已经和家人和好,每个周末都回家探望他们。

    Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend

  8. 方法:运用CR系统中8×10英寸IP板内芯,替代芬兰索菲(Sophie)乳腺机的专用暗盒。

    Methods The core of the 8 × 10 inch IP board of CR system substitute cassette of finland sophie .

  9. 马西娅•盖伊•哈登(MarciaGayHarden)饰演索菲的母亲;

    Marcia Gay Harden as Sophie 's mother ;

  10. 周日夜晚,在伦敦Palladium的英国标准晚报奖典礼上,本尼和索菲两人罕见的一起公开露面。

    They made a rare public appearance together on Sunday night at the Evening Standard Awards at the London Palladium .

  11. 因为喜欢跳舞,索菲经常在专属于自己的YouTube频道里表演舞蹈。

    A dancer at heart , Sophi often showcases her moves on her very own YouTube channel .

  12. 7月索菲在接受英国《嘉人MarieClaire》杂志的采访时谈到了她与乔在一起有多开心。

    In July Sophie talked to Marie Claire UK about how happy she was with Joe .

  13. 挑战成功后,索菲还用脚跳了一段时下流行的dab舞来庆祝。

    Sophi celebrated her success by doing the popular ' dab ' dance with her legs .

  14. 哈米什•林克莱特(HamishLinklater)饰演索菲的追求者;

    Hamish Linklater as her fatuous suitor ;

  15. 在伍迪・艾伦(WoodyAllen)执导的影片《魔力月光》(MagicintheMoonlight)中,艾玛・斯通(EmmaStone)饰演灵媒师索菲・贝克(SophieBaker),科林・弗思(ColinFirth)饰演一位试图揭穿索菲・贝克真面目的魔术大师。

    Woody Allen 's ' Magic in the Moonlight ' stars Emma Stone as a psychic medium , Sophie Baker , and Colin Firth as a master magician who sets out to debunk her .

  16. 纽约布鲁克林Huge国际创意公司的索菲o克莱伯指出,在过去,送货上门是只有富人才能享受的服务,而今天,当日送达等服务对于都市人来说已经不是新鲜事了。

    Sophie Kleber of Huge , an international creative agency based in Brooklyn , pointed out that rapid home delivery of goods was once only available to the affluent . Now , goods delivered the same day or close to it is a reality for the regular urbanite .

  17. 霍华德担心一个富有的美国家庭被诱人的索菲欺骗了,而斯坦利擅长揭穿假灵媒术。斯坦利的艺名叫魏连苏(WeiLingSoo)。

    Howard worries that a rich American family is being fleeced by the alluring Sophie , and Stanley , who performs under the stage name of Wei Ling Soo , makes a specialty of unmasking fake psychics .

  18. 两位企业家——索菲•纽曼-桑德斯(SophieNewman-Sanders)和阿米特•拉伊(AmitRai)也来到这里讨论他们各自企业的失败教训,以一种事后剖析的方式接受在场人群的仔细审视。

    Two entrepreneurs - Sophie Newman-Sanders and Amit Rai - are here to discuss the deaths of their respective ventures , to be picked over by the assembled crowd in a kind of postmortem .

  19. 与我们同行的还有弗兰克可爱的女友、摄影师安妮-索菲•马库斯(Anne-SophieMarkus),以及弗兰克的司机老纪。老纪觉得我们做的大部分事情都很好笑。

    Frank 's lovely girlfriend , Anne-Sophie Markus , a photographer , came along , as did Mr. Ji , Frank 's driver , who thought most everything we did was hilarious .

  20. 不过,于坦-布莱在巴黎的律师安妮-索菲·纳尔东(Anne-SophieNardon)说,于坦-布莱从未授权拍卖那些画,也没有收到钱。

    But Ms. Hutin-Blay 's lawyer in Paris , Anne-Sophie Nardon , said that Ms. Hutin-Blay had never authorized the sale of the paintings or received the money .

  21. 首先,索菲的宿命论体现在她的两次婚姻中。

    First , the Sofia fatalism reflected in her two marriages .

  22. 那个神秘的电话引起了索菲的好奇心。

    Sophie 's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call .

  23. 那个女人的名字就是索菲,就是这样。

    The woman 's name is sophie , that 's all .

  24. 索菲还想穿她的湿衣服。

    Sophie was still trying to get into her wet suit .

  25. 索菲得到了就读布林莫尔学院的奖学金。

    Sophie was awarded a scholarship to attend by Mawr college .

  26. 这条船上既没有黑奴,也没有你的索菲。

    There 's no blackbirds and no Sophie aboard this ship .

  27. 索菲很快找了一张纸条,用速记法把它抄了下来。

    Sophie quickly found some paper and copied it down longhand .

  28. 索菲做好了旅行的一切准备。

    Sophie has made all the necessary arrangements for the trip .

  29. 嗨,索菲,你是可爱的小女孩吗?

    Hi , Sophie . Aren 't you a pretty girl ?

  30. 她知道索菲有时会多么冲动,反复无常。

    She knew how impulsive and changeable Sophie could be .