
  • Sofia;Sophia;SAFIYA
  1. 他辞职下台了,索菲亚大街小巷一片欢腾。

    His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia .

  2. 主要作品是与西班牙马德里的索菲亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆密切合作挑选的,还有一些作品来自佛罗里达州圣彼德斯堡的萨尔瓦多达利博物馆等机构。

    The fine selection of the major works was done in close collaboration with the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid , Spain , and with contributions from other institutions like the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg , Florida .

  3. 这份由索菲亚•汉姆、迈克尔•荣格和克莱尔•王共同执笔的研究报告对领取1美元年薪的CEO们进行了研究,结果发现这些人中存在着巨大的差异。

    This one , authored by Sophia J.W. Hamm , Michael J. Jung , and Clare Wang , looked at the different CEOs taking $ 1 salaries and found vast disparities within the group .

  4. 我公司系索菲亚干花中国区域总代理。

    My company is Sophia flower regional general agent in China .

  5. 我的小女儿,索菲亚被突击者抓走了

    My youngest daughter , Sophia , captured by the Skitters .

  6. 听着,我答应了带索菲亚出去。

    Look , I promised Sophia I 'd take her out .

  7. 所有的镜头当然是索菲亚。

    All the cameras were , of course , on Sophia .

  8. 卜卫于1965年出生于保加利亚的索菲亚。

    Viktor Popov is born in Sofia ( Bulgaria ) in1965 .

  9. 索菲亚!汝为何而来我亲爱的索菲亚?

    Sophia ! Wherefore art thou , my sweet Sophia ?

  10. 索菲亚的想法是他们把屋子锁上。

    Sophia 's idea was that they should lock up the house .

  11. 索菲亚:这里堆满了汉堡和热狗。

    Sophia : Here are the burgers and hot dogs .

  12. 我不想与索菲亚互换地位

    and I would not have changed places with Sophia .

  13. 我甜心我亲爱的索菲亚

    Oh , my my sweet , my sweet Sophia .

  14. 可怜的索菲亚已经分娩四小时了

    Poor Sophia has been in labor for four hours .

  15. 你的故事才刚刚开始我小索菲亚

    Sophia ! Your story is only beginning , my little Sophia .

  16. 你认为这个世界上还有多少各像索菲亚这样的女孩?

    How many Sophies do you think there are on this planet ?

  17. 我今天要带索菲亚骑马出去。

    I 'm taking Sophia out for a ride today .

  18. 我恐怕索菲亚的身份有假。

    I fear that Sophia may not be all that she seems .

  19. 也许莫嘉娜看见的女人只是长得像索菲亚。

    Maybe the woman Morgana saw just looked like Sophia .

  20. 索菲亚打算用你祭祀换得永生。

    Sophia plans to sacrifice you to buy a life of immortality .

  21. 把你当作索菲亚的女儿

    and bring you up as the daughter that Sophia gave him .

  22. 索菲亚走进浴室,发现玛丽一丝不挂。

    Sophia went into the bathroom and found Mary in her birthday suit .

  23. 2014年索菲亚被评为最便宜的欧洲旅游城市。

    Price of Travel named Sofia Europe 's cheapest tourist city for 2014 .

  24. 这和索菲亚有什么关系?

    What 's this got to do with Sophia ?

  25. 索菲亚觉得她创造了一个奇迹。

    Sophia felt that she had performed a miracle .

  26. 索菲亚意识到没有回头路

    So Sophia realized there was no going back ,

  27. “但是索菲亚和露露是不同的人!”杰德指出。

    " But Lulu and Sophia are different people ," Jed pointed out .

  28. 索菲亚已经超过70岁但仍然看上去很棒。

    Sophia is over 70 and she looks great .

  29. 莫嘉娜说她梦到索菲亚杀了亚瑟。

    Morgana said she dreamt that Sophia killed Arthur .

  30. 奥尔德先生的妻子索菲亚对弗雷德里克很好。

    Mister Auld 's wife , Sophia , was very kind to Frederick .