
  • 网络Pirate;Somali pirates;piracy in Somalia;Somalia pirate
  1. 福特举例解释说,美国和北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)目前正在想办法解决索马里海盗在非洲之角(HornofAfrica)袭击过往船只的问题。

    For example , Ford explained , the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are currently addressing the threat from Somali pirates attacking ships in the horn of Africa .

  2. 国有RIA新闻办引用了一位不知名的地方海军官员的话报道说,索马里海盗已被抓获,在此次营救任务中无人员伤亡。

    State-run RIA news agency , citing an unnamed regional navy official , reported that Somali pirates were captured and no Russians were hurt during the rescue mission .

  3. 本月初,美国海军SEALS号成功释放了美国船长,逮捕了一名索马里海盗,目前此人被拘留在美国。

    Earlier this month , U.S. Navy SEALS freed an American captain and arrested a Somali pirate now under federal custody in the United States .

  4. 索马里海盗一般不会盗取货物或杀害人质。

    Somali pirates generally do not steal goods or kill hostages .

  5. 国际社会打击索马里海盗的法律分析

    Lawful Analysis on the Force against Somali Pirates by International Society

  6. 船主与索马里海盗间的谈判就很符合上述情况。

    Negotiations between shipowners and Somali pirates fit that description well .

  7. 然而,索马里海盗的老板证明了自己是活络的商人。

    Somali piracy bosses , however , have proven nimble businessmen .

  8. 从总统辞职看索马里海盗现象的政治与社会成因

    The President 's Resignation and Political and Social Causes behind Somali Piracy

  9. 遭索马里海盗劫持的美国船长跳海逃亡失败。

    US hostage fails in escape bid from Somali pirates .

  10. 索马里海盗目前劫持来自多个国家超过230名人质。

    Pirates hold more than 230 hostages from several countries .

  11. 不过,索马里海盗的作案数目,占全世界的百分之60。

    But Somali pirates account for the60 percent of the worldwide total .

  12. 索马里海盗主要出现在印度洋和亚丁湾。

    Somali pirates operate in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden .

  13. 全面治理索马里海盗问题需要国际间的协调与合作。

    Comprehensive Reinforcement of Somali pirates issue requires International Harmonization and international cooperation .

  14. 论国际社会打击索马里海盗的国际法依据

    The International Legal Basis of the Suppression of Somalia Pirates by International Community

  15. 索马里海盗到远海劫持船只。

    The Somali pirates have reached father out to sea to hijack vessels .

  16. 当前索马里海盗猖獗形势下船舶防海盗策略

    The Anti-piracy Strategy of Ship under the Situation of Rampant Pirate Activity in Somalia

  17. 这是短短几天内,索马里海盗第二次劫持油轮得逞。

    This is the second pirate seizure of an oil tanker in as many days .

  18. 第1851号决议是今年以来联合国安理会通过的第4个反索马里海盗决议。

    Resolution 1851 is the fourth Somalia anti-piracy resolution the council has passed this year .

  19. 向索马里海盗支付赎金是明智的。

    Sensible to pay off Somali pirates .

  20. 索马里海盗拦截了一艘向美国运油的油轮。

    Somali pirates have captured a tanker carrying oil to the US , officials say .

  21. 但是至少80名菲律宾船员仍然在索马里海盗手中。

    But at least 80 Filipino seafarers are still in the hands of Somali pirates .

  22. 但是有关现代索马里海盗活动的数据却没那么完整。

    Data on the activities of present-day pirates in Somalia are more , well , patchy .

  23. 索马里海盗最近登上一艘载有武器的乌克兰船只,这可能是他们至今采取的最嚣张的行动。

    In perhaps their most audacious act , Somali pirates have boarded a Ukrainian ship carrying arms .

  24. 国际海事局称,索马里海盗去年在该地区实行的攻击比以往任何时候都多。

    The Bureau says pirates carried out more attacks last year in the area than ever before .

  25. 在另一端巡逻的士兵最近刚遭到索马里海盗的抢劫。

    Kenyan soldiers patrolling at the other end of the border have recently been snatched by them .

  26. 懂经济的索马里海盗

    Somali Pirate Good at Economics

  27. 这部电影讲述的是现实生活中美国货船被索马里海盗劫持的故事。

    This movie tells atale of a real-life hijack of a US cargo ship by Somali pirate .

  28. 韩国说,韩国部队从索马里海盗手中夺回了被挟持的货轮,并救出21名船员。

    South Korea says its forces have retaken a hijacked ship from Somali pirates and freed the21-member crew .

  29. 浅析索马里海盗现状和船舶加强防范的措施(一)

    Analysis on the present situation of piracy off Somalia coasts and enhancement of preventive measures for ships (ⅰ)

  30. 韩国军舰正在寻求解救在印度洋被索马里海盗劫持的一艘句型油轮。

    South Korean warship is pursuing a supertanker which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean .