
  • 网络thrawn;Sorong
  1. 受到索龙的胜利的激励,帝国内部集团的其余军阀向科洛桑发动了毁灭性的打击。

    Spurred on by Thrawn 's victories , the remaining Inner Circle of Imperial warlords staged a devastating attack on Coruscant .

  2. 作为替索龙作战的条件,这位疯狂的绝地要求索龙抓回尚未出世的索罗双胞胎,以便他能将其作为自己的学徒抚养成年人。

    In exchange for fighting for Thrawn , this mad Jedi demanded that Thrawn capture the unborn Solo twins so that he could raise them as his apprentices .

  3. 白内障摘除术后应用1%泼尼松龙、1%利美索龙和0.5%酮咯酸氨丁三醇的对比:一项前瞻性的随机双盲研究

    Comparison of prednisolone 1 % , rimexolone 1 % and ketorolac tromethamine 0.5 % after cataract extraction . A prospective , randomized , double-masked study