
  • 网络hotspots;Biodiversity Hotspot
  1. 除了储存大量的碳以外,古老树木和热带雨林还是生物多样性热点地区,是红毛猩猩、美洲豹和老虎的家园。

    As well as storing massive amounts of carbon , they 're hotspots of biodiversity as the homes of orangutans , jaguars1 , and tigers .

  2. 这项交换的目标是保护哥斯达黎加的一些最著名的生物多样性热点森林,例如加勒比海沿岸的自然水道系统托土盖罗(Tortuguero)。

    The swap will target forest protection in some of Costa Rica 's best known biodiversity hotspots , such as Tortuguero , a system of natural waterways near the Caribbean Sea .

  3. 我国西部地区生物多样性热点地区的评定与划分

    Assessment and Classification of Biodiversity Hot Spots of West China

  4. 地球的34个生物多样性热点地区仅覆盖了陆地面积的2%,然而这些地区是地球上的半数物种的家园。

    The Earth's34 biodiversity hotspots cover two hundredths of its land area , yet are home to half of its plant species .

  5. 」解释道,白杨树丛是美国西部的生物多样性热点,许多鸣禽以它们为家。

    Among other things , he explains , they are biodiversity hot spots in the West , home to a variety of songbirds .

  6. 生物多样性热点地区的评定与划分是西部地区自然保护区建设的一项基础工作。

    Assessment and classification of biodiversity hot spots of west China is a basic work in the construction of nature reserve at west China .

  7. 但是这个国家成为生物多样性热点的原因在于它的本地野生生物和大量繁殖的外来害虫间出现的灾难性不平衡。

    But what makes this country a biodiversity hotspot is the catastrophic imbalance between its native wild life and an explosion of invasive pests .

  8. 环保运动者声称这两国棕榈油种植园的扩张正在破坏热带森林并威胁着生物多样性热点地区的许多物种,诸如黄猩猩。

    Campaigners claim that palm oil expansion in the two countries is destroying tropical forests and threatening many species , such as orang-utans , in biodiversity hotspots .

  9. 云南是世界十大生物多样性热点地区之一的东喜马拉雅地区的核心区域,生物种类及特有类群之多均居全国之首。

    Yunnan has the most biology species in China and is one of ten hot biodiversity regions of the world , which is the key region of eastern Himalayas .

  10. 他们在保护海洋方面发挥重要作用,其中许多是生物多样性热点地区,所藏动植物品类繁盛。

    They play an important role in protecting the oceans and many are biodiversity hotspots , containing some of the richest reservoirs of plants and animals on the planet .

  11. 功能多样性(Functionaldiversity)是近年来生物多样性研究的热点,可以用来探索广泛的生态学问题,并通过资源的互补性利用使物种与生态系统功能产生密切联系。

    Functional diversity has been a hot topic in biodiversity research in recent years . It can address a wide range of important ecological questions and is a concept that links species and ecosystems through mechanisms such as resource use complementarity and facilitation .

  12. 四川省若尔盖湿地是世界上最大的一块高原泥炭沼泽湿地,也是我国生物多样性保护的热点地区之一。

    Zoige wetland is not only the largest plateau peat bog in the world , but also one of biodiversity conservation hotspots in China .

  13. 然而由于人类活动影响,使天然植被出现生境破碎化,导致物种多样性极大降低,探讨斑块生境中物种多样性的格局及维持机制也就成为生物多样性研究的热点。

    However , the natural vegetation became fragmented under the unreasonable impact of human activities , which resulted in the significant decrease in species diversity . Not surprisingly , the maintenance mechanism and patterns of plant species diversity had become the research focus .

  14. 生物多样性保护优先地区量化判定是区域生物多样性评价研究的热点之一。

    Priority area quantitative identification for biodiversity conservation has become one of focuses in study on regional biodiversity evaluation .