
suǒ yǐn cí
  • indexical term
  1. 文本索引词项相对权重计算方法与应用

    A Relative Text Item Frequency Weighting Method and its Application

  2. 基于语义索引词的语义网信息检索模型

    Information Retrieval Model for the Semantic Web Based on Semantic Index Terms

  3. 文本索引词权重计算方法决定了文本分类的准确率。

    The text classification accuracy depends on item frequency weighting .

  4. 如何对索引词加权是信息检索中的一个关键技术。

    It is a key technique to weight the index in information retrieval .

  5. 被反复提及的死亡成为他逐渐完成精神成长的索引词。

    The repeated reference of death becomes an index in his whole process of spiritual growth .

  6. 本文论述了索引词的自动提取和检索模型所使用的主要技术进行了论述。

    This paper discuss the main technology of automatic extraction of index word and retrieval model .

  7. 最后探讨了交际中的语用推理的几种主要类型,即索引词推理、会话隐含推理、预设推理。

    Finally , the present study explores several major types of pragmatic reasoning : indexical reasoning , implicit reasoning and prepositional reasoning .

  8. 通过语义索引词进行语义推理,可得概念的逻辑视图。

    Based on semantic index terms , logical inferences can be performed and the logical views of the concept can be obtained .

  9. 学生先看八个句子,每个句子中有一处语法错误,学生必须把这些错误类型与语法书上的索引词相匹配。

    Students are shown eight sentences each with a grammar mistake and have to match the mistake with the index word in a grammar book .

  10. 巴尔?希勒尔是第一个对索引词理论做系统研究的学者,他的索引词理论的逻辑起点是对语用指称和语义指称的区分。

    Bar-Hillel , the first scholar who studied index theory systematically , established his Index Theory logically upon the distinction between " semantic reference " and " pragmatic reference " .

  11. 本文首先利用传递度来量化索引词与索引词间的关联关系,然后利用索引词与索引词的关系矩阵中存在的语义关系对查询向量进行智能扩展。

    In this paper , We use the co-occurrence path to explain the relationship between the index words and extract the semantic information in the term-term matrix to expand the query .

  12. 提出一种改进的推理算法,以实现从文档观察事件到索引词出现事件的推理,使新模型可以更全面地利用文本数据信息。

    An improved inference algorithm is proposed to realize the inference from document observed event to index term appearing event , which enables the new model to use text data more completely .

  13. 目前的索引词选择算法大多是基于词频的,没有利用训练样本中的类别信息,为此提出了一种新的基于类别的特征选择算法。

    Current feature selection algorithms are all based on term frequency , and ignore the class information in the training sample set . A new feature selection algorithm based on class information was put forward .

  14. 在数据库子系统,用索引词&文档模糊矩阵表示待检索的文档,对每个索引词,根据其在文档中的出现频率大小,引入了数值权重;

    In the database subsystem , the retrieved documents are represented by the fuzzy relational matrix of index-terms-documents , for each index term is weighted by a numerical weight according to its presence frequency in the document .

  15. 情报〔信息〕检索中用于对信息分类或索引的词。同keyword。

    In information retrieval , a word used to categorize or index information .

  16. 全文数据库采用了字索引和词索引相结合的索引检索方法,从而大大提高了检索速度、查全率、查准率。

    In this fulltext database , index by single word and index by phrase combine to form the hybrid approach which possesses high performances in rate , accuracy and allsidedness for information retrieval .

  17. jackrabbit-core组件扩展了一些新特性,比如配置索引、同义词和相形词查询以及拼写检查。

    The jackrabbit-core component has been extended with new features like configurable indexing , synonym and similarity queries , and spell checking .

  18. 引文索引中标引词规范的研究与实践

    The Study and Fulfill about Criterion of Key Word in Citation Indexes

  19. 帮助学生认识怎样用关键词作为资料的索引或搜索词。

    Helping students to understand how to find the key word for an index or search engine .

  20. 数据质量控制是数据库建设中的重要环节,同样地,在引文索引中标引词的质量也非常重要。

    Data Quality Control is an important tache in database construction , the same as the quality of key word in citation index .

  21. 第三章在介绍网络信息的标引原理的基础上,着重就如何确定Web页面标引关键词进行了分析和讨论,然后讨论了各种信息检索模型的索引结构及其索引词的处理。

    On the basis of the introduction of index principle of the network information , Chapter three analyses how to choose the Web page index keyword emphatically , then discusses the index structures of various kinds of information retrieval models and the their processing of index word .

  22. 事实上,在《通论》的索引中,这个词甚至根本没有出现。

    In fact these words do not even appear at all in the index to the general theory .

  23. 本文是自动编制中文标题的主题词轮排索引及自动抽词的续篇。在这篇文章中,我们专门地介绍了用电脑自动编制选取主题词时所需要的所谓部件词典的算法。

    This paper introduces the algorithm to auto-making of the dictionary of parts combining keywords . It is a continuation of " Autoindex on Chinese Documet Title " .

  24. 本文比较的索引策略包括基于字的索引、基于词的索引和基于字的n元文法的索引。

    The compared indexing strategies include Chinese character indexing , word indexing and n-gram indexing based on Chinese characters .

  25. 如果Lucene在索引项信息文件中发现有索引项和搜索词相匹配。

    If Lucene finds a term that matches the search word in the term information file , it will visit the list in the frequency file to find which documents contain the term .