
  • 网络Somalia;Somali
  1. 索马利亚的贫穷和暴力孕育著明天的恐怖。

    The poverty and violence in Somalia breeds the terror of tomorrow .

  2. 分布于埃塞俄比亚、索马利亚、肯尼亚西北和她们的临近地区的一种语言。

    A group of languages spoken in Ethiopia and Somalia and NW Kenya and adjacent regions .

  3. 于1960年,义属索马利亚和英属索马利亚合并成为索马利亚共和国。

    In1960 , Italian Somaliland united with British Somaliland to form the Republic of Somalia .

  4. 被月蚀引导的黑暗联盟从俄国到沙乌地阿拉伯,并在索马利亚结束。

    The line of darkness directed by the eclipse runs through Russia to Saudi Arabia and terminates in Somalia .

  5. 索马利亚难民学习制作传统衣物,不但习得谋生技能,更播撒未来成功的种子。

    Sewing the seeds of future success , Somali refugees learn to create traditional clothing , a highly marketable skill .

  6. 乌干达总统派遣特使,与索马利亚总统艾哈迈德举行和平会谈。

    Ugandan president 's special envoy is dispatched to establish peace talks with somalia 's president , Abdullahi Yusuf ahmed .

  7. 我可能也会是住在里约贫民窟的孩子之一,或是索马利亚的饥饿儿童、中东战争的牺牲者,又或许是在印度当乞丐。

    I could be a child starving in Somalia , or a victim of war in the Middle East or a beggar in India .

  8. 目前有两万名东非人以美国加州圣地牙哥为家,其中过半是索马利亚内战的难民。

    San diego , california , usa , is home to20000 East africans , more than half of them refugees from civil war in somalia .

  9. 中国海军的三艘军舰启程前往亚丁湾;他们将加入一个国际舰队,打击索马利亚海域的海盗。

    Three Chinese naval ships are on their way to the Gulf of Aden to join an international fleet fighting piracy in the waters off Somalia .

  10. 国际军事力量几年前开始在索马利亚沿海巡逻,试图制止索马利亚海盗的攻击行动。这些攻击已经给海盗带来数亿美元赎金。

    International forces began patrolling the Somali coast a few years ago , trying to stop the attacks that have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in ransom for Somali pirates .

  11. 周六一群索马利亚海外的海盗发现声音可以有多强力,当他们对豪华邮轮的攻击因为震耳欲聋的轰击而受挫。

    On Saturday a group of pirates off the cost of Somalia discovered just how powerful sound can be , when their attack on a luxury cruise liner was thwarted by an ear-splitting blast .

  12. 他必须处理索马利亚的危机,那里有几个彼此任务协调不良的国家企图消灭一个在非洲相当于阿富汗塔利班的组织,此外,他还得协助一个合法的政府掌权。

    He had to deal with the crisis in somalia , where several countries were making a poorly orchestrated attempt to eliminate the African counterpart of the Afghan taliban , and he had to help a legal government assert its power .