
jǐng jià
  • derrick;rig;headframe;oil derrick;well tower
井架 [jǐng jià]
  • [well tower] 矿井、油井等用来装置天车、支撑钻具等的金属结构架,竖立在井口。井架用于钻井或钻探时也叫钻塔

井架[jǐng jià]
  1. P型井架模态试验与分析

    Model Test and Analysis of Type P Derrick

  2. 四腿落地式K型井架及其底座的力学行为分析

    The Mechanical Behavior Analysis of Four-leg K-type Derrick and Its Substructure

  3. 在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架。

    Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain .

  4. 高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色。

    Lofty derricks dot the landscape in an oil field .

  5. 大跨距K型伸缩井架及底座试验模型设计

    Design of Test Model for K-Type Wide-Span Telescoping Derrick and Its Substructure

  6. 对试验室K型模型井架和JJ315/45-K型在役钻机井架进行应力、形变静载测试。

    Measurement on stress and deformation under static loads is effected on the K type derrick model in laboratory and JJ315 / 45-K drilling derrick in service .

  7. 结构模态迁移诊断方法客观地反映了井架整体结构状态,现场应用表明,该方法对车载井架、K形和塔形井架的安全承载能力标定可靠,效果良好。

    The field tests show that it is reliable and effective to determinate the safe load carrying ability of truck-mounted derrick , K-shaped and tower-shaped derricks using this method .

  8. 对井架结构进行分析,利用Pro/E与ANSYS软件建立井架结构的分析模型。

    Analyse the derrick structure , then the software Pro / E and ANSYS are used to establish the three-dimensional model of the whole derrick structure .

  9. 120m烟囱无井架附着式倒模施工技术

    Construction technology of attached reciprocal formwork without shaft well of 120-high chimney

  10. 引进全井架水力除焦控制系统及除焦控制阀;以计算机集散系统(DCS)进行控制。

    Imports full derrick hydraulic coke knocker control system , and coke knocker control valve : and the whole process is controled with distribution control system ( DCS ) .

  11. 消防队正在奋力扑灭井架大火油井位于路易斯安那海岸线41英里远的地方,为Transocean公司所有和运营,正受托于石油巨头英国石油公司(BPPLC,下称英国石油)进行钻探作业。

    The rig , about 41 miles off the Louisiana coast , is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd. and contracted to British oil major BP PLC .

  12. 近年来,K形井架的优势被越来越多的用户所认识,自升式底座也正逐渐取代其它类型的底座,如层箱式、箱块式底座等。

    Current years , the advantages of K-derrick are accepted by more and more users , self elevating substructure is also replacing others , such as box on box , raised floor substructure and so on .

  13. 通过软件设置井架有限元模型修正参数,调用ANSYS软件建立修正模型并进行数值仿真。

    The corrective parameters for FEM model of the derrick can be set by the software . The ANSYS software is called to build the modified model and then realize the numerical simulation .

  14. 为此,提出了基于主元分析法和FRF的井架损伤识别方法。

    Therefore , the derrick damage identification method based on principal component analysis and FRF is put forward .

  15. 对80t海洋修井机井架进行了有限元计算。

    Finite element analysis of a mast type derrick of 80 t offshore workover rig is carried out .

  16. 本文研究的前开口形井架及其底座就是由K形井架及自升式底座组成,它的突出特点是井架、底座的立柱和人字架都可以折叠在一起,减少了体积,便于运输。

    The derrick and substructure in the thesis are made up of K-derrick and self elevating substructure . They have many prominent characteristics . First , K-derrick , posts of substructure and frame can pucker together in order to reduce volume and transport conveniently .

  17. 严重冲击载荷作用下,井架顶部开口响应最为强烈,危险时位移可达4cm等结论。

    Under serious impact , the response from derrick 's foreside is the most prominent , even 4 centimeters in danger .

  18. 利用ANSYS软件建立JJ160/40-K型石油井架结构有限元分析模型,通过改变损伤部位的弹性模量来模拟结构损伤情况,并对结构完好状态和几种损伤状态进行模态分析和白噪声下时程响应分析。

    JJ160 / 40-K oil derrick structural finite element modeling was built with ANSYS . Damage was simulated by changing the elasticity modulus . Modal analysis and dynamic response analysis is done at healthy condition and some damage condition . 3 .

  19. 英国石油表示,Transocean当时是代表英国石油作业,并对井架上的安全负责。

    BP said Transocean was carrying out the work on BP 's behalf and was responsible for safety on the rig .

  20. 从而得出在井架大钩较小载荷作用下,通过测量井架顶部z向位移及测试井架主要杆件的应力[1],以线性外推法进行井架安全承载能力评定是可行的。

    So we can conclude that measuring Z directional displacement on derrick top or testing the main elements stress by exerting a small load on derrick hook and using the linear extrapolation method to evaluate the safety resisting capacity of derrick is practicable .

  21. 爆炸发生于周二晚上10点左右,原因未明。据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,Transocean副总裁罗斯(AdrianRose)表示,爆炸发生时井架上人员在进行常规作业,没有任何故障迹象。

    It was unclear what caused the blast , which happened at around 10 p.m. Transocean Vice President Adrian Rose said crews were performing routine work before the explosion and there were no signs of trouble , the Associated Press reported . Tuesday .

  22. 本文重点利用大型有限元软件ANSYS实现了凿井井架瞬态动力学分析,完成了井架特殊状态状态下的瞬态动力学分析,寻找到各个方向的时间响应变化规律。

    This paper has realized the key analysis of the drilling a well derrick transient state dynamics by using the large-scale finite element software ANSYS , and has completed the transient state dynamics analysis under the special condition of derrick , seeking to change rule of time of each direction .

  23. T815井架车扭力杠断裂是影响井架立、放及运输安全的一个重要因素。

    The twisting lever breakup of T815 derrick truck is a key factor affecting the erection , placement and safe transportation of the derrick truck .

  24. 优化后的SJY-18型试油井架经过测试后完全达到设计要求,即强度与原井架相当,刚度及稳定性满足使用要求,经优化设计后的井架比原井架质量减轻20%。

    Test shows that not only does the optimized SJY-18 derrick entirely meet design requirements in strength , rigidity and stability , but it is 20 % lighter .

  25. 论文建立了空间梁单元刚度矩阵和结构平衡方程,利用大型有限元软件I-DEAS进行了在役JJ160/41-K型石油钻机井架的有限元建模和静力计算,获得了最大设计载荷作用下的静强度。

    In the paper , the stiffness matrices and the equilibrium equation of the spatial beam elements are built . The finite element model is built and the static calculation is carried out by I-DEAS , one of the finite element software , the static intensity can get .

  26. 基于模型修正的井架评定方法

    Evaluation method based on the model modification for the oil derrick

  27. 作业井架的力学行为分析与承载能力研究

    The Mechanical Behavior Analysis and Load Capacity Research for Downhole Derricks

  28. JJ220/42&A型井架的应力计算和测定

    Calculation and Measurement of Stresses for JJ220 / 42 Model A-Mast

  29. 井架式塔式起重机的安全技术缺陷及对策

    The safety and technique flaws and their countermeasures of derrick-tower crane

  30. 基于振动参数的钻井井架安全承载力评定

    Safety Bearing Capacity Evaluation for Drilling Derrick Based on Vibration Parameters