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  • 网络iguana;Leguan
  1. 通过或挽救一个鬣蜥可能是一个非常有趣和有益的经验。

    Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience .

  2. 这种鬣蜥是在寒冷的气候条件下发现的少数蜥蜴当中的一种。

    This iguana is one of the few lizards found in that cold climate .

  3. 这一区域的野猫可能正在吃鬣蜥蛋及其幼崽,金泰尔猜测。

    Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas , Gentile speculates .

  4. 加拉帕戈斯陆栖鬣蜥属于鬣蜥属,其中目前得到确认的有三个物种。

    Galapagos land iguanas belong to the genus Conolophus , of which there are currently three recognised species .

  5. 天才摄影师苏伦•门维尔延的动物眼睛的特写镜头照片不要担心,在这极不寻常的拍照期间,没有一只动物受到伤害。Horse马的眼睛Iguana鬣蜥的眼睛Hyena鬣狗的眼睛

    Close up photos of animal eyes by talented photographer Suren Manvelyan . Do not worry , no animals were harmed during this unique photo session .

  6. 尽可能多地了解鬣蜥和鬣蜥照顾。

    Learn all you can about iguanas and iguana care .

  7. 鬣蜥是一种生活在非洲森林和灌木中的长尾蜥蜴。

    An agama is a long-tailed lizard inhabiting forests and bushes across Africa .

  8. 雄鬣蜥在自己的领域范围内会和五个或更多个雌蜥蜴繁殖下一代。

    Males are known to have five or more females on their territory for breeding .

  9. 所以,你刚才有你的第一个绿色鬣蜥和你有很多的问题。

    So , you just got your first green iguana and you have lots of questions .

  10. (鬣蜥:美国比较受欢迎的大型蜥蜴类宠物)这花你送给佩妮吧。

    You give these to Penny .

  11. 鬣蜥几乎需要别人经常关注。

    Iguanas need almost constant attention .

  12. 您还需要确认您的家庭生活的准备与鬣蜥以及!

    You will also need to make sure your family is prepared to live with an iguana as well !

  13. 雄鬣蜥通过摇摆它们能够变成明亮蓝色、橙色和黄色的头来吸引雌鬣蜥。

    The male bobs his head which can turn bright blue , orange or yellow to impress the female .

  14. 在伦敦动物园里,一个玩具机械迅猛龙和一只真的犀牛鬣蜥遭遇面对面的对峙。

    The toy " Roboreptile " came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo .

  15. 我不再出席公众活动,因为我知道我现在老的像一只鬣蜥。

    I don 't make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana .

  16. 畜牧业和农业发展使阿内加达本土岩鬣蜥栖息地减少,凶猛的猫狗将之作为食物。

    Unfortunately , cattle breeding and agriculture make their habitat shrink and feral cats and dogs find them quite tasty .

  17. 那个女孩摸了我的胳膊五大秒,我就花了两千美元买了一个鬣蜥的生态箱。

    Oh , uh , she touched my arm for five Mississippis , and I bought a $ 2000 iguana habitat .

  18. 有的鬣蜥只有五英寸长,还有的能达到一英尺那么长,颜色也不相同。

    Some agamas can be5 inches long while others can be a foot long in length and can come in different colors .

  19. 据说,途观的名字是将英文中的“老虎”与“鬣蜥”两个词缩合在一起而成:老虎,取其速度和威力;鬣蜥,取其坚韧。

    The name reputedly is a contraction of " tiger " for speed and power , and " iguana " for toughness .

  20. 你能理解,一个鬣蜥是力图成为世界的一部分,尽管大规模的差异?

    Can you comprehend that an iguana is trying hard to be a part of your world , despite the massive differences ?

  21. 鲣鸟会海鬣蜥睡觉的地方繁育,所以鬣蜥蜴还是有理由呆在这里的。

    The boobies tend to breed where the marine iguana spend the night , so this iguana does have a reason to be here .

  22. 你朝房间角落看去,看见你的宠物鬣蜥伊格那蒂乌斯正在自己的架子上熟睡。

    You look over to the corner of your room and see that ignatius , your pet iguana , is sound asleep up on his shelf .

  23. 美洲一种小型蜥蜴和沙漠鬣蜥同属冷血动物,但实际上它们的体温通常只比人类的体温低1-2度,因此并不是真正的冷血。

    A fence lizard or a desert iguana each cold-blooded usually has a body temperature only a degree or two below that of humans and so is not cold .

  24. 美洲一种小型蜥蜴和沙漠鬣蜥同属冷血动物,但实际上它们的体温通常只比人类的体温低1~2度,因此并不是真正的冷血。

    A fence lizard or a desert iguana -- each cold-blooded -- usually has a body temperature only a degree or two below that of humans and so is not cold .

  25. 比特犬,蛇,而我们的帕米拉·布朗刚刚获悉更多令人发指的细节,那就是受害者被迫吃狗粮而且多次忍饥挨饿,而且犯罪嫌疑人还喂给她们喂食宠物绿鬣蜥饲料。

    Pit bulls , snakes , and our Pamela Brown has just learned more disturbing details that the victims were forced to eat dog food and were at times starved , all this while the alleged suspects were giving their pet iguana food .