
huàn jǐng
  • mirage;vision;illusion;blaze;Fata Morgana
幻景 [huàn jǐng]
  • (1) [vision;mirage]

  • (2) 虚幻的景象;幻想中的景物

  • 突然发财的幻景开始在他们的脑中浮动

  • (3) 像蜃景一样虚幻的东西;空想的、不可达到的东西

幻景[huàn jǐng]
  1. 选举胜利只是一个遥远的政治幻景。

    Electoral victory is just a distant mirage on the political horizon .

  2. 他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。

    He had melted off into the surface-shimmer of the desert , into the mirage .

  3. 幻景她就是《盗梦空间》里那个筑梦师。

    She is the girl who constructs dreamscapes in Inception .

  4. 好的电影造成了一种宛如真实的幻景。

    Good motion pictures create an illusion of reality .

  5. 我觉得这是他永远也抛弃不掉的幻景。

    I think that was the vision that had remained with him always .

  6. 在巴菲特眼中,这些字句就像是天堂中美妙的幻景。

    These words rose like sweet visions of heaven to Warren Buffett 's eyes .

  7. 我的绘画是一连串个人内心幻景的视觉构筑。

    My painting is a visual composition of a succession of personal inner images .

  8. 每一个明天都是有希望的幻景。

    And every tomorrow a vision of hope .

  9. 我认为他当时根本什么也看不到,他看到的只是搅动着他灵魂的一些幻景。

    I think now that he was blind to everything but to some disturbing vision in his soul .

  10. 沉闷抑郁、密不透气的黑色背景,映衬著色彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的画中幻景。

    Standing against the gloomy and impenetrably dark background , the phantasm in the picture is colourful and magnificent .

  11. 海王星主要是关注整体、理想和幻景,但是也涉及到幻景的破灭。

    Neptune is about big pictures , ideas and illusions ; but it 's also involved with disillusion and fantasy .

  12. 不要让香格里拉的幻景和其它景色如画的田园风光欺骗了你:中国农村并非一片乐土。

    Do not let visions of Shangri-La and other picturesque Idylls fool you : Rural China is not a happy place .

  13. 最近被这现代化玩意儿的幻景所迷惑的英国政府应该三思了。

    The British government the latest to be beguiled by this vision of modernity should think again ( see article ) .

  14. 记得楼前是一片比较平坦的园林,不是山。这到底是什么幻景呢?

    The view from the guest house , as I remembered , was of a level garden , not of hills .

  15. 一个她从前听说过的幻景,无声无息地像云的影子一样从她身边驰过。

    Silently , as the cloud-shadows in the moonshine , a spectral apparition flitted by her ; she had heard of it before .

  16. 这时,也算是他的运气,他的一双套鞋被拉掉了——因此整个的幻景也就消逝了。

    and now , happily for him , off fell his fatal shoes -- and with them the charm was at an end .

  17. 然而,看似前景诱人的手机游戏行业是否会半途夭折或是如当年的互联网泡沫一般只是制造了一个美妙幻景呢?

    It remains to be seen if China 's mobile game market will turn out to be as lucrative and promising as it seems .

  18. 这一系列的幻景只是想让大家看到,在度量生命的有限之于个人利益时,我们不得不面对精神意识层次的考虑。

    These are weird fantasies & we use them merely to bring out the mental side of the question concerning mortality and the individual good .

  19. 《老友记》的幻景在于主人公们总是有空玩乐,搞恶作剧,闲聊,翻旧账。

    The dreamscape dimension of " Friends " lies in the way schedules are freed up for fun and shenanigans and talking and rehashing , always .

  20. 就在道路的中间出现了我从未见过的最绚烂的粉色、蓝色和红色构成的幻景。

    and there in the middle of the road was this mirage of the most magnificent pinks and blues and red colors that I had ever seen .

  21. 先不说这种前矛后盾的论调,将商品价格上涨归罪于美联储的核心问题是,这些人依然沉醉于美国经济大国的幻景之中。

    Inconsistency aside , however , the big problem with those blaming the Fed for rising commodity prices is that they 're suffering from delusions of U.S.economic grandeur .

  22. 写完这个回头看这个理想果然是一个很美好的幻景(笑),期待有靠近的一天吧。

    When I write down the dream , I smile to myself , such a beautiful dream . I wish one day it will come true , never give up .

  23. 陌个人脸上露出惊异和痛苦的表情,他似乎在闷不作声地跟原始本能搏斗,生怕奇妙的幻景消失。

    The stranger 's face had a pained expression of stupor and he seemed to be battling silently against his primary instincts so as not to break up the mirage .

  24. 他穿过那摇晃的搏动的幻景有如穿过仙灵的海市蜃楼望着坐在那儿大谈其文学艺术的现实中的女人。

    And through the swaying , palpitant vision , as through a fairy mirage , he stared at the real woman , sitting there and talking of literature and art .

  25. 但唯一的“幻景”就是组织方每天给我们灌的迷魂汤:后续赛段会更容易跑;而事实上艰难程度日甚一日。

    The only mirages , however , are the words of the organisers , who each day tell us the course will be easier , when , in fact , every day it gets harder .

  26. 这就是梦境艺术的真正目的;我们把这美丽幻景的无数表现统称为梦境艺术,它们在每一刹间都使得一般生活值得留恋,而且驱使我们去体验最近的未来。

    This is the true artistic aim of Apollo in whose name we comprehend all those countless illusions of the beauty of mere appearance that at every moment make life worth living at all and prompt the desire to live on in order to experience the next moment .