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dù yā
  • raven;Corvus corax
渡鸦[dù yā]
  1. 外面,一只渡鸦尖叫了一声。

    Outside , a raven cawed .

  2. 猛禽德鲁伊:以风暴乌鸦(又解释为渡鸦)之名!

    Druid of the Talon : In the raven 's name !

  3. 鸦科的模式属;乌鸦和渡鸦。

    Type genus of the corvidae : crows and ravens .

  4. 我是氦气的渡鸦,这电影是我的。

    I am helium raven and this movie is mine .

  5. 接着,渡鸦拍着翅膀飞走了。

    After the ravens had thus spoken they flew away .

  6. 鸦类包括渡鸦、松鸦、乌鸦和喜鹊等。

    Corvids include ravens , jays , crows and magpies among others .

  7. 渡鸦羽毛的斗篷在肩头上顺风飘动。

    A cloak of raven feathers fluttered from his shoulders .

  8. “里面有生命的东西都在啾!啾!啾!”大黑渡鸦和乌鸦飞过白雪。

    the black ravens and crows flew on over the white snow .

  9. 送只渡鸦去解决这件事.

    Send a raven and put an end to it .

  10. 养渡鸦,啄掉眼。

    Bring up a raven and he 'll pick out your eyes .

  11. 来了一只渡鸦.我把信读给伊蒙师傅听了.

    There was a raven . I read the message to Maester Aemon .

  12. “渡鸦呢?”詹姆问,“它们在哪?”

    " And the ravens ?" asked Jaime . " Where are they ?"

  13. 这时渡鸦又在她头上叫起来。

    Then the raven flew over her , screaming again as he flew .

  14. “雪诺,雪诺,雪诺,”渡鸦从上面朝下尖叫着。

    " Snow , Snow , Snow ," the ravens called down from above .

  15. 不行.送只渡鸦去吧.

    Piss on that . Send a raven .

  16. 今天早上从临冬城来了只渡鸦.

    A raven from Winterfell this morning .

  17. 渡鸦爱觅腐尸。

    The Raven will seek the carrion .

  18. 渡鸦先知看起来勉强的松了口气,他微笑著把手轻拍在珍娜的肩膀上。

    The raven prophet seemed to relax marginally and smiled at her , squeezing her shoulder .

  19. 史坦尼斯王向白港派出的探寻联合可能的渡鸦音讯全无,结果此次派遣戴佛斯作为官方特使派过来。

    King Stannis had sent ravens to White Harbor seeking to ally himself with the Manderlys without reply .

  20. 像乌鸦,其它雅科,渡鸦,和秃鼻乌鸦那类的鸟,都非常的聪明。

    And crows and other corvidae , ravens , rooks and so forth , are incredibly smart birds .

  21. 一只很大的漆黑的渡鸦落在道上她的前面,叫了又叫。

    A GREat black raven darted down in front of her on the high road , and croaked dismally .

  22. 他被谋杀当天,一只渡鸦飞进卧室,把被子拉下床。

    On the day of his murder , a raven flew into his bedroom and pulled the covers off his bed .

  23. 正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。

    An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him .

  24. 天空中飞来不少鸟儿,首先是一只猫头鹰,接着是一只渡鸦,最后飞来的是一只鸽子,它们都来为白雪公主的死而痛哭。

    And birds came too , and wept for Snow-white ; first an owl , then a raven , and last a dove .

  25. 而且,这将给鸦科鸟类(包括乌鸦、渡鸦、松鸦和喜鹊)原有的知识添加了新内容。

    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae , which includes crows , ravens , jays and magpies .

  26. 君临城来了一只渡鸦.快移出去.给我倒杯酒,雪诺,

    a raven from King 's Landing . Come on , move ' em out . Bring me a horn of ale , Snow ,

  27. 离这儿有好几百里地.送只渡鸦给他.我很乐意等.今天就必须审判.

    is hundreds of miles from here . Send a raven for him . I 'm happy to wait . The trial will be today .

  28. 派出渡鸦会有人来追你的你知道逃兵会有何下场吗比你清楚

    They 'll send out ravens . People will come after you . Do you know what happens to deserters ? Better than you do .

  29. 哦,他/够/通用语。他只是不肯。他觉得用说非他的渡鸦母语是贬低身份。

    Oh , he CAN speak Common . He just won 't. He feels it is demeaning to speak in anything but his native raven tongue .

  30. 送一只渡鸦去凯岩城.通知泰温兰尼斯特前来宫廷对其封臣的罪行作出解释.

    Send a raven to Casterly Rock . Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his bannermen .