
  • 网络Katsuaki Watanabe
  1. 丰田公司上一任总裁渡边捷昭(KatsuakiWatanabe)在任期间努力远离公众视线,闲暇时在一个男声合唱团里唱歌。

    The company 's last president , Katsuaki Watanabe , tried to keep out of the limelight during his stint , spending his leisure time singing in a men 's choir .

  2. 渡边捷昭在接受本报采访时表示:焦点是低成本技术。

    The focus is on low-cost technology , said Katsuaki Watanabe , in an interview with the Financial Times .

  3. 渡边捷昭称:这是一个史无前例的危急时刻。不幸的是,现在我看不到底部在哪里。

    This is an unprecedented emergency , said Mr Watanabe . Unfortunately , I cannot see now where the bottom will be .

  4. 然而,丰田公司的总裁渡边捷昭认为,燃料电池汽车价位太高,未来十年很难让客户接受。

    However , the company 's president , Katsuaki Watanabe , confirmed that fuel cells are just too costly to be available in the next ten years .

  5. 渡边捷昭表示,包括冻结全球范围几乎所有产能扩张项目在内的降低成本举措,旨在允许丰田在年度销量仅700万辆的情况也能实现盈利。

    Mr Watanabe said the cost - cutting measures , which include a freeze on virtually all capacity expansion projects worldwide , were designed to allow Toyota to turn a profit on annual sales of as few as 7m vehicles .