
  • 网络Tim Cook
  1. 那时,有几家公司参与其中,但那时可没有一家世界上最大的公司用一篇充满激情的长文站出来表态,就像我们昨天看到的蒂姆·库克所做的那样。

    " Then you had a few companies involved , but not one of the largest companies in the world coming out with a lengthy and impassioned post , like we saw yesterday from Tim Cook . "

  2. 但是他委任首席运营官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)处理日常事务。

    But he put Tim Cook , his chief operating officer , daily operations .

  3. 苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克在一个帖子中,用这些新表情包来祝贺今年的世界表情包日。

    Apple boss Tim Cook showed off the new images in a post celebrating World Emoji Day .

  4. 1982年,大学刚毕业的蒂姆·库克在IBM公司开始了他人生中第一份工作,并从此进入计算机行业。

    After graduating from college , Tim Cook got into computers when he landed his first job with IBM in 1982 .

  5. 首席执行官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)也对原创内容做出回应,说还会有更多的原创出现。

    And Chief Executive Tim Cook has also commented on original content , hinting there could be more to come .

  6. 蒂姆·库克曾公开批评Facebook的8700万用户的数据被一家政治公司访问。

    Cook has made critical comments about the 87 million Facebook users who had their data unknowingly accessed by a political firm .

  7. 当然,在蒂姆·库克手握新款iPhone站在发布会舞台上之前,没有什么是百分之百确定的。

    Of course until Tim Cook is stood on stage with the new iPhones in his hand , nothing is 100 % guaranteed .

  8. 在不到五个小时的时间里,霍金一举超过了苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克。库克在开通近一年的时间里拥有了大约82万名粉丝。

    In less than five hours Hawking flew past Apple chief Tim Cook , who has around 820000 fans after a nearly a year online .

  9. 苹果公司(Apple)首席营运长蒂姆·库克(TimCook)再次“替班”首席执行长乔布斯(SteveJobs)。

    Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook is stepping in again for Chief Executive Steve Jobs , who announced Monday morning that he was going on medical leave .

  10. 费德里吉平常负责监督iOS和OSX开发,此前一位苹果手机用户在对产品进行反馈时向苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克发送了一封邮件,费德里吉对这位顾客进行了回复。

    Federighi , who oversees iOS and OS X , was responding to an email sent by an Apple customer to CEO Tim Cook when he made the comments .

  11. 由于iPhone制造商苹果公司营收和净收益双增长,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克2017财年的年度奖金上涨了74%。

    Apple Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) Tim Cook received a 74 % increase in his annual bonus for fiscal 2017 as the iPhone maker posted higher revenue and net income .

  12. 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)最近表示,政府如果想获取数据,就应该去找这些技术的用户,而不是它们的硬件和服务提供者。

    Recently the chief executive of Apple , Tim Cook , said governments that want data should deal with the users of the technology , not the providers of the hardware and services .

  13. 苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克在他的推特账户上上传了一段视频,该视频显示的是他在北京和新加披歌手林俊杰一起使用更新的GarageBand。

    Apple CEO , Tim Cook , posted a video on his Twitter account showing him playing the updated GarageBand with Singaporean singer JJ Lin in Beijing .

  14. 在被问到违反SEC披露规则的可能性时,克拉默只是回答:“我是收到了。我收到了蒂姆·库克发来的电子邮件。”

    In response to questions raised about potential violations of the S.E.C. " s disclosure rules , Mr. Cramer would only say : " I got what I got . I got an email from Tim Cook . "

  15. 包括首席执行官蒂姆·库克(TimothyD.Cook)在内的苹果高层,通过采访和推特推文表达了对苹果联合创始人的新传记的支持,这本名为《成为史蒂夫·乔布斯》(BecominSteveJobs)的书非乔布斯本人授权,于上周二上市。

    Through interviews and tweets , Apple brass , including the chief executive , Timothy D. Cook , are throwing their weight behind a new unauthorized biography of the Apple co-founder , " Becoming Steve Jobs , " which goes on sale on Tuesday .

  16. 例如在苹果公司,乔布斯的继任者——包括首席执行官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)和首席设计师乔纳森·伊夫(JonathanIve)——都认为他最后几年已成为一名相当成熟的领导者。

    At Apple , for example , Mr. Jobs 's successors - including Tim Cook , the chief executive , and Jonathan Ive , the chief design officer - have argued that Mr. Jobs matured significantly as a leader in his final years .

  17. 问起他对智能手机屏幕越来越大这个趋势怎么看时(这个问题他显然已经被问到过很多次了),蒂姆·库克表示,他认为苹果iPhone5的显示屏是现有产品中最好的,大屏幕并不适合所有人。

    Asked , as he has been many times before , for his take on the trend to pack bigger screens into smartphones , Tim Cook said he thinks Apple 's iPhone 5 has the best screen in existence and that big screens aren 't for everyone .

  18. 女士们先生们,有请我们的毕业典礼发言人蒂姆·库克博士。

    Ladies and gentlemen , our commencement speaker Dr. Tim Cook .

  19. 美国参议院称苹果公司在美国逃税数十亿美元,苹果公司总裁蒂姆·库克否认此种说法。

    Apple CEO Tim Cook disputed Senate claims the company avoids billions of dollars in U.S. taxes .

  20. 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在今年八月第九次访问中国。

    Tim Cook , Apple 's CEO , visited China for the ninth time in August this year .

  21. 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克表示,这个结果反映了“比预想中更强的客户需求”。

    Apple chief executive Tim Cook said the results reflected " stronger customer demand ... than we anticipated . "

  22. 在与分析人士举行的电话会议中,苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克将在华营收下滑归因于不理想的汇率。

    During a conference call with analysts , Apple CEO Tim Cook blamed unfavorable exchange rates for the decline .

  23. 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克今天通过他个人的新浪微博社交媒体帐户宣布,正式推出这种非接触式的支付系统。

    Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the launch of the contactless payment system today through his Sina Weibo social media account .

  24. 今年9月,乔布斯的继任者,蒂姆·库克,在同一个舞台面对千万热情观众举行了一个类似的产品展示活动。

    On September 9th Mr Jobs 's successor , Tim Cook , held a similar performance in the same location to thunderous applause .

  25. 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克已经被该公司被责令在商务和个人出行时必须使用私人飞机。

    Apple 's chief executive Tim Cook has been ordered by the firm to use only private jets for both business and personal transport .

  26. 苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在接受《彭博商业周刊》采访时说道,苹果公司在发布新的手机、平板、笔记本电脑时会把中国人的品味纳入考量。

    Apple CEO Tim Cook told Bloomberg Businessweek that the company takes Chinese tastes into consideration when releasing new iPhones , iPads and MacBook 。

  27. 身为这个数码帝国新指挥官的蒂姆·库克,带领他的团队完美地展示了他们的新产品。

    Tim Cook , the computing giant 's new chief executive , and his colleagues did a perfectly competent job of presenting its latest wares .

  28. 2015年3月,罗斯曾给苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克发了一份终止要求,声称苹果公司一直在盗取自己的设计成果。

    In March 2015 , Ross sent a cease and desist demand to Apple CEO Tim Cook , claiming the company has been stealing his design .

  29. 苹果总裁蒂姆·库克还宣布,苹果手表价格即将由发布价349美元下调至299美元。

    The Apple Watch is to come down in price to $ 299 from its launch price of $ 349 , chief executive Tim Cook also announced .

  30. 尽管首席执行官蒂姆·库克此前曾说这款耳机的需求量“惊人”,但苹果拒绝透露目前AirPod的销量。

    The company has declined to share how many AirPods it 's sold to date , although CEO Tim Cook previously called the demand " phenomenal . "