
  • 网络kazuo inamori;inamori kazuo
  1. 由日本日本京瓷公司(KyoceraCorp.)创始人稻盛和夫(KazuoInamori)领导日航。

    The government has asked Kyocera founder Kazuo Inamori to lead JAL .

  2. 两年前,当日本政府任命稻盛和夫(kazuoinamori)负责日本航空公司(jal)的重组事宜时,分析师们担心他缺乏在航空业工作的经验。

    When Kazuo Inamori was appointed to lead the restructuring of Japan Airlines ( JAL ) two years ago , analysts worried about his lack of experience in aviation .

  3. 稻盛和夫是电子产品制造商-日本京瓷株式会社(Kyocera)创始人,在科技界打拼了几十年,曾经担任日本一家最主要通讯公司的董事长。

    The founder of electronics maker Kyocera spent decades in the technology industry and served as chairman of one of Japan 's top telecommunications companies .

  4. 稻盛和夫是日本经营四圣之一。

    Inamori Kazuo is one of the four Japanese sages in management .

  5. 平衡的经营&论稻盛和夫的经营策略

    Equilibrium Managemen & On Kazuo Inamori 's management tactics

  6. 尾西健与稻盛和夫还必须处理公司将近250亿美元的债务。

    Onishi and Inamori must also tackle nearly $ 25 billion in debt .

  7. 稻盛和夫经营哲学的传播与影响

    Transmission and Influence of Kazuo Inamori 's Management Philosophy

  8. 稻盛和夫的创新思想与日本传统的商业文化有密切联系。

    Inamori 's creative thought has close contacts with Japanese traditional commercial culture .

  9. 稻盛和夫说,想到必须裁员,让他感到痛苦。

    Inamori says it pains him to think he has to cut jobs .

  10. 稻盛和夫接任董事长,尾西健则任新总裁。

    Inamori takes over as chairman with new president Masaru Onishi by his side .

  11. 稻盛和夫是日本著名的京瓷公司的创办者,名誉董事长。

    Kazuo Inamori is the founder and honorary board chairman of the famous Kyocera Co.

  12. 稻盛和夫以其经营哲学,创建了两个世界500强企业。

    Inamori successfully established two of world top500 enterprises with his philosophy of management .

  13. 稻盛和夫与日本宗教

    Japanese Religions and Kazuo Inamori

  14. 稻盛和夫的文化行为和企业家精神透过盛和塾,对日本社会的特定阶层产生了潜移默化的影响。

    His cultural behaviors and entrepreneur spirit exert a subtle influence on certain social class in Japan .

  15. 本文探讨的是稻盛哲学文化渊源的一个方面:宗教对稻盛和夫的影响。

    This dissertation discusses an aspect of Kazuo philosophy 's cultural origin : the religion influence on Kazuo Inamori .

  16. 日本著名企业家稻盛和夫提出了一整套独具特色的经营哲学。

    Inamori Kazuo , a famous Japanese entrepreneur , has come up with a series of unique management philosophy .

  17. 稻盛和夫的共生循环思想回答了企业发展与环境保护的关系问题。

    Inamori 's thought of symbiosis and circulation is to handle the relation between development of enterprises and environmental protection .

  18. 稻盛和夫星期一以日本航空公司董事长的身份首次召开记者会,形容自己是航空产业的外行。

    Kazuo Inamori described himself as an amateur in the aviation industry on Monday , in his first news conference as Japan Airline 's chairman .

  19. 稻盛和夫的经营哲学具有明显的日本特色:讲求实用主义,提倡和魂洋才。这都是和日本人的民族心理相关联的。

    Inamori 's business management has two Japanese Characteristics : One is pragmatism , the other is " Japanese spirit , but Western material " .

  20. 日本著名大企业家稻盛和夫主张建立伦理的、道德的新资本主义。

    Kazuo Inamori , the world-famous Japanese entrepreneur , proposes a theory of ethical and moral neo-capitalism , so as to save the seamy side of the old capitalism .

  21. 在第一章里,介绍了稻盛和夫经营哲学产生的社会背景,形成与发展的实践基础与理论基础;

    In the first chapter , the author introduces the social background and the practice-basic and the theory-basic under that the philosophy comes into being and forms and develops ;

  22. 文章用实证的方法说明了日本新兴宗教与佛教对稻盛和夫经营哲学的影响,并且指出,在佛教的诸多流派中,对稻盛哲学影响最大的是禅宗。

    This dissertation also illustrates the influence of new Japanese religions and Buddhism on Kazuo Inamori 's management philosophy and indicates that Zen is the most influential genre on his management philosophy .

  23. 本文将运用文化模式理论分析稻盛和夫的经营活动,并且指出,稻盛哲学具有明显的日本特色:讲求实用主义,固守民族传统,提倡和魂洋才等。

    This dissertation analyzes the Inamori 's management with " culture pattern theory " and points out that Inamori 's philosophy has Japanese characteristic : emphasizing pragmatism , defending tenaciously national tradition , advocating the principle of " Japanese spirit , but Western learning " and so on .