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dù kǒu
  • ferry;fording;Dukou;ferry crossing;ferry-place
渡口 [dù kǒu]
  • [ferry] 有船摆渡的地方

  • [Dukou] 中国四川省新兴工矿城市,属省辖市。位于四川西南金沙江和雁砻江汇合处,邻近云南省。成昆铁路穿过境内。面积 2645 平方公里,人口81.5万(1982)。钛金属储量在 4 亿吨以上,占中国的 90%,接近国外探明钛储量的总和。钒储量也居中国首位

渡口[dù kǒu]
  1. 往日的渡口已被那个隧道取代。

    The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel .

  2. 我们在渡口等了20分钟。

    We waited at the ferry for twenty minutes .

  3. 下一个渡口在下游方向很远的地方。

    The next crossing point is a long way downstream .

  4. 我们在渡口等了两个小时。

    We waited at the ferry for two hours .

  5. 本文采纳VALLEY模式的横向扩散假设,但改变其地形修正方案,构成一个新的山区扩散模式并应用于山区城市渡口市。

    A new dispersion model is developed by adoption of assumption for cross-wind dispersion in VALLEY model , but the treatment of terrain influence is changed . The model has been applied to Dukou city located in mountain area .

  6. 渡口河特大桥的5号墩高128m,对墩身稳定性和墩顶偏位要求严格,所以被选作原型观测的对象。

    Because height of No. 5 pier is 128 m , and strict with stability of pier and deviation of pier top , so were selected for the prototype observation target .

  7. 天星码头是在中环的一个渡口。

    The Star Ferry Pier is a ferry crossing in central .

  8. 在其鼎盛时期,每天有五万人通过渡口。

    During its heyday , 50,000 people passed through it every day .

  9. 一种网络协议的标准化测试方法&钳形渡口测试法

    A New Test Method in Conformance Testing the Ferry Clip Test Approach

  10. 黄河中游河漫滩(禹渡口&桃花峪)种子植物资源

    Study on Seed Plant Resources in the Flood Plain of Mid-Yellow River

  11. 雅各在雅博渡口看见了上帝,就成了以色列。

    Jacob saw God at Jabbok 's ford , and became Israel .

  12. 684.地中海渡口附近的台地地形好极了。

    684 . The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific .

  13. 成都、渡口两市番茄中检出番茄斑萎病毒

    Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomato in Chengdu and Dukou

  14. 本论文以攀枝花市渡口大桥为对象进行旧桥的检测评定研究。

    This thesis details the detention for Dukou Bridge in Pan-zhi-hua city .

  15. 渡口市场是在地震遗迹上重建起来的。

    The Ferry Building Marketplace was reborn on the ruins of disaster .

  16. 这一行人分成两路去寻找渡口。

    The party split in two to search for a ferry crossing .

  17. 我们在险峻的路上颠簸着到了渡口。

    We bumped over the precipitous road to the ferry .

  18. 探索渡口安全管理长效机制

    Explores the ferry spot safety control persistent effect mechanism

  19. 邵阳县(塘渡口)方言的动态助词

    The Dynamic Auxiliary Words in the Dialect of Shaoyang

  20. 这是去南渡口的月台吗?

    Is this the right platform for South ferry ?

  21. 少数的几个渡口早已为政府军所占领。

    The few crossings had all been occupied long ago by government troops .

  22. 租用这个渡口的人通知我们。

    The guy who rented this slip called us .

  23. 我曾指望我们也许能找到一个野渡口或者一座人行桥。

    I had hoped we might find an unofficial ferryboat crossing or footbridge .

  24. 这座城市由一个最初的河上渡口发展而来。

    The city grew up originally as a crossing point on the river .

  25. 钳形渡口测试法的模拟验证

    Simulation Verification of the Test Method with Ferry Clip

  26. 渡口把船费提高到40美分。

    The ferry hiked the fare to forty cents .

  27. 我刚在渡口看到了我儿子。

    I just saw my son on the ferry .

  28. 韩佳,这里是一个渡口啊。

    Han Jia , this is a ferry .

  29. 渡口轧钢冲击负荷计算机预给控制信息采集系统

    Data Acquisition System of Computer Forecast Control for Impulse Load of a Power Network

  30. 但是渡口已经关了。

    But the ferry is out of action .