
dù lún
  • ferryboat;transfer
渡轮 [dù lún]
  • [transfer] 载运行人、货物、车辆等横渡江河、湖泊、海峡的轮船

渡轮[dù lún]
  1. 他们以午夜乘坐渡轮泛游结束了当晚的活动。

    They topped off the evening with a ferryboat ride at midnight .

  2. 泊在港内的渡轮增强了锅炉的汽压,准备驶向那个岛屿。

    The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island .

  3. 渡轮预定3点钟到岸。

    The ferry is due to land at 3 o'clock .

  4. 海上起风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

    Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services .

  5. 为了营救下沉渡轮上的旅客,各类船只都被临时征用了。

    Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry .

  6. 两伙青年在渡轮的舞池里打起来了。

    Two gangs of youths brawled on the dance floor of the ferry .

  7. 渡轮瞬间倾覆,根本没时间放救生艇下水。

    There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed .

  8. 他们只有为数不多的“斯比尔”渡轮

    They had only a few Siebel ferries .

  9. 对转桨全回转Z型推进装置及其在汽车渡轮上的应用

    Contra-rotating Z-drive propeller and its application in automobile ferry

  10. 【英文原文】Superpowerline——超级电线纽约市最近的一次停电中,我那在渡轮公司上班的姐姐的电话是响个不停,因为人们想了解渡轮的服务相关问题。

    During the recent blackout in New York city , my sister 's phone at the ferry company kept ringing as people inquired about service .

  11. 《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)说,此次撞船事故是香港自1971年以来发生的最严重海难事故。当时,一艘往来香港与澳门之间的渡轮在台风中沉没。

    The South China Morning Post said the crash was the worst maritime disaster in Hong Kong since 1971 , when a ferry traveling between Hong Kong and Macau sank in a typhoon .

  12. 好了,Jake,佩小姐在等着呢。她看到你在渡轮上,让我们来接你。

    Please Jake Ms. peregrine 's waiting.She saw on the ferry and sent us to get you .

  13. 韩国空军护送大韩航空(koreanair)的747飞机将奥运火种从希腊运往济州岛;再由韩国海军派遣驱逐舰护送渡轮将火种运往韩国本土。

    The South Korean Air Force escorted the Korean Air 747 flying the flame to Cheju Island from Greece ; the Navy dispatched destroyers to escort the ferry that carried it to the mainland .

  14. 我来打电话给Staten岛渡轮的失物招领处。

    I 'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office .

  15. 第二天,我乘渡轮前往吉贝屿(ChipeiTail),这块美丽的金色狭长沙滩一直伸向大海之中。

    The next day I took a ferry to Chipei Island , barely two miles wide , and walked along the Chipei Tail , a great tongue of golden sand jutting out into the water .

  16. 事发时同太太和两个儿子在渡轮上的麦克法兰(DavidMacfarlane)说,船长做出了正确的决定。

    David MacFarlane , who was on the ferry with his wife and two sons , said that the captain made the right decision .

  17. 在《Firestorm》中,一艘满载着货车及油槽的渡轮在大火中燃烧了两天之久。

    In " Firestorm ," a ferry carrying trucks and fuel tanks burns for two days .

  18. 这艘6825吨级名为“岁月”号的渡轮最多可容纳921名乘客,由ChonghaejinMarineCo.公司运营。该客轮每周航行两次。

    The ship , a 6825-ton vessel named Sewol -- meaning ' time and tide ' in Korean -- could carry up to 921 passengers and was operated by Chonghaejin Marine Co. The company plies the route twice a week .

  19. 在迈阿密附近有座不对外人开放的费希尔岛(FisherIsland),去岛上只能通过私家渡轮、而且只有一个特别名单上的人能去,那里的房价更是上涨了三分之一左右。

    Near Miami , on the exclusive Fisher Island-which can be reached only by private ferry , and even then , only by those whose names appear on a special list-home prices are up by about a third .

  20. 但是Blackpool很远,而且下一班渡轮…要好几个小时以后才出发…我们肯定来不及的

    But Blackpool is miles away , and the next ferry doesn 't go for hours .. We 'll never make it in time .

  21. 他坐巴士从新泽西州的霍博肯(Hoboken)到纽约城上班的时候要排很长的队,而巴士又经常晚点,一气之下他在一年前改坐渡轮。

    Mr. Brancazio became so frustrated by long lines and delays on his bus commute from Hoboken , N.J. , to New York City that he switched a year ago to the ferry .

  22. 今天我爸爸和我正在等渡轮。

    Today my father and I were waiting for the ferry .

  23. 它具有很好的意见,河流和渡轮。

    It has good view of the river and the ferry .

  24. 由于罢工我们的渡轮晚点两小时。

    Our ferry was two hours late because of the strike .

  25. 在众多的渡轮品牌中,金光飞航是我的首选。

    Compare with other brands , CotaiJet will be my first choice .

  26. 战争期间改作运兵船的渡轮。

    A ferry that was converted to carry troops during the war .

  27. 我们坐火车和渡轮返回伦敦。

    We got back to London by train and ferry .

  28. 渡轮服务于昨日凌晨展开新一页。

    A new chapter of ferry services started at midnight last night .

  29. 有是有,但是那些渡轮又老、又小又慢。

    Yeah , but those were old , small , and slow .

  30. 三艘海岸警卫队船只正对该渡轮进行严密的跟踪。

    The ferry is being shadowed by three coastguard vessels .