  • sail
  • 利用风力使船前进的布篷:~船。~樯。~板。


(挂在桅杆上的布篷) sail:

  • 扬帆

    hoist [set] sail;

  • 一帆风顺

    bon voyage; plain [smooth] sailing

  1. 修好的帆支撑了不到24小时。

    The repaired sail lasted less than 24 hours

  2. 小船的帆猛烈地左右摇摆着。

    The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other

  3. 船顺河而下,风逐渐胀满了帆。

    As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the sails .

  4. 帆胀满了风。

    The sails filled with wind .

  5. 风吹帆张。

    The wind filled the sails .

  6. 风鼓起了帆。

    The wind swelled the sails .

  7. 船的桅杆、帆桁和帆总称为“索具”。

    The collective name for mast , boom and sails on a boat is the ' rig ' .

  8. 它扬着帆以超过60节的船速乘风破浪。

    She sails beautifully in winds over 60 knots .

  9. 人们试图收起艏斜帆。

    An attempt was made to furl the headsail .

  10. 帆破了,兜不住风。

    The sails are torn ; they won 't catch the wind .

  11. 一阵狂风把帆撕碎了。

    A violent wind plucked the sails to bits .

  12. 这条船的帆缆受到严重毁损。

    The ship is considerably damaged in her rigging .

  13. 猛烈的飓风使这条船的帆缆严重破损。

    A severe hurricane has done much damage to her rigging of the ship .

  14. 船长命令把所有的帆放下以便船只安全渡过暴风雨。

    The captain ordered all sails lowered so the ship could ride out the storm .

  15. 帆张满后船漂走了。

    The sails filled out and the boat floated away .

  16. 他走到船头看帆是否挂好了。

    He went tore to see whether the sail was properly in place .

  17. 我们扯起三角帆,顺风行驶。

    We set the flying jib and cracked on .

  18. 帆拍打着桅杆。

    The sails were flapping against the mast .

  19. 我们利用那股强风,把篷帆张得更足。

    We clapped on more sail , to take advantage of the fresh wind .

  20. 你最好拉紧大绳,帆绷得还不够紧。

    You 'd better harden in the ropes , the sails are not tight enough !

  21. 我们升起了帆。

    We hoisted the sails .

  22. 一艘单桅帆船总是有两面帆,但一艘单桅艇通常只有一面帆。

    While a sloop always has two sails , a cat-rigged boat generally has only one .

  23. 8英尺FRP游艇帆杆座及稳水板孔结构浅议

    Study on the mast socket and centreboard location hole of an 8 feet FRP Yacht

  24. 三角帆蚌细胞色素P450基因的克隆与表达

    Cloning and Expression of Cytochrome P450 from Hyriopsis Cumingii

  25. 青岛奥帆赛警务保障策略选择&以SWOT为分析模型

    On the Selection of the Strategy of Police Safeguards for Qingdao Olympic Sailing Match Based on the SWOT Analysis

  26. “CFA之帆”精英俱乐部欢迎您的到来!

    Welcome to " CFA Sail " elite club !

  27. 前帆(headsail或叫jib)的帆前缘连接到前桅支索(forestay)上。

    The luff of a head sail , or jib , attaches to the forestay .

  28. 大约克猪和二花脸猪脾脏中IGF-1受体帆NA水平在出生时均相对较高,随后呈平稳变化趋势,总体上与脾脏IL刁水平发育变化相似。

    IGF-1R mRNA abundance hi spleens was higher at birth , subsequently , remained relatively stable levels in both EHL and LW pigs .

  29. 改进的TREC算法在奥帆赛测试期的应用

    Application of modified TREC algorithm during the Olympic regatta in Qingdao

  30. 三角帆蚌(Hyriopsiscumingii)是中国特有的最主要的淡水育珠蚌种。

    Hyriopsis cumingii is one of the most important endemic freshwater pearl species in China .