
fān bǎn
  • windsurfer;sailboard
帆板 [fān bǎn]
  • [sailing boat] 一种水上体育运动比赛用船状板,但无船舱及舵把,仅用帆杆支撑一个三角帆,赖以调节方向并作为滑行动力;也指用此种工具进行的比赛项目

  • 接下来将要进行帆板冠亚军决赛

  1. 基于FLUENT数值计算结果帆板航速预测与最佳航线设计

    VPP Calculation and design of the optimal route of sailboard basing on FLUENT numerical simulating results

  2. 新型智能帆板训练器的设计

    The Design of A New Style Intelligent Sailboard Training Equipment

  3. 游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。

    Most visitors come to sail or windsurf .

  4. 你玩过帆板运动吗?

    Have you ever tried windsurfing ?

  5. 试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。

    Try tennis , badminton or windsurfing . In short , anything challenging

  6. 我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。

    I also enjoy windsurfing , tennis , racquetball , swimming , you name it .

  7. 例句A:我不知道你竟然会玩帆板。

    A : I didn 't know you did windsurfing .

  8. 抑制卫星太阳帆板振动的H∞鲁棒控制设计

    Robust Control of Suppressing Vibration on Solar Arrays

  9. 太阳帆板振动对星载CCD相机成像的影响

    Influence of array elasticity vibration on CCD image

  10. 基于ADAMS航天器太阳帆板展开与锁定动力学仿真

    Dynamics simulation of deployment and locking of spacecraft solar panel using ADAMS

  11. 提出了一种基于分段Lyapunov函数方法的带太阳帆板柔性卫星的姿态模糊控制方法。

    A fuzzy attitude control based on subsection Lyapunov method for flexible satellites with solar paddles was proposed .

  12. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .

  13. 针对控制力矩初始幅值太大的问题,提出了自适应PD反馈的改进方案;针对挠性帆板模态被激发带来的抖振现象,提出了考虑刚挠耦合结构参数的自适应PD反馈控制的改进算法。

    According to the problem of initial control torque amplitude is too large , the improved scheme of adaptive PD feedback was put forward .

  14. otterbox保护套的防水深度可达100英尺,这使得它们成为了沙滩及帆板运动的最佳选择。

    Otter box cases are waterproof up to 100ft , which makes them ideal for the beach and sports activities like windsurfing .

  15. 对带有单轴驱动挠性太阳帆板及新型挠性太阳帆板驱动机构的卫星分别设计挠性卫星振动控制律,利用Matlab进行仿真分析。

    The vibration control rules of flexible satellites with the two flexible solar array driving mechanism were designed , the simulation was run on MATLAB . The control laws were designed .

  16. 该方法采用CFD商业软件进行仿真计算,分析了三帆板地面低速展开的气动阻力影响。

    The commercial CFD software was used in simulation , by which the low spreading of a three solar array on the ground was computed .

  17. 在他的画里,修女驾着赛车和热气球,主教在玩帆板冲浪,蒙娜丽莎(MonaLisa)要么赤身裸体,要么吞云吐雾。

    He painted nuns driving racing cars and flying balloons , the pope windsurfing , Mona Lisa naked or smoking .

  18. 基于Hamilton变分原理,推导得到含多个压电陶瓷片的太阳能帆板模型的振动方程。

    Based on the extended Hamilton principle , the vibration equation of the solar panel substrate modal containing several PZT actuators is derived .

  19. 仿真结果表明,基于T-S模型的PDC模糊控制器能满足挠性航天器大角度姿态机动的精度要求,并能有效抑制帆板振动,具有一定的智能性。

    Simulations show that , the controller suppresses the flexible vibration during attitude maneuvering and the control strategy turns out to be intelligent .

  20. 基于VPP帆板最佳航线的研究

    Research of the optimal route of the sailboat based on VPP

  21. 针对一个中心刚体+两个对称安装的太阳帆板的挠性航天器,用Lagrange方法建立了系统的动力学模型,并在此基础上给出了用于设计控制规律的简化模型。

    Based on Lagrange 's method , the flexible spacecraft with a rigid center hub and two identical flexible appendages is modeled . And the model is simplified for control .

  22. 为实现太阳能帆板、飞机机翼等薄板类曲面的动态检测,构建了一种基于光纤光栅(FBG)的传感阵列系统。

    For realizing the surface measurement of the shell and thin sheet as well as solar array and airplane wing , the sensor array was configured based on fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors .

  23. 利用STK软件的输出数据,分析并仿真了不同轨道倾角和高度卫星的太阳帆板和本体外表面的温度特性。

    By using the output data of the STK software , the temperature characteristics of the solar panels of the satellites at different inclinations and altitudes are analyzed and simulated .

  24. 该文主要论述了帆板摇帆运动训练专家系统(PTES)的开发与设计,以及实现的关键技术问题。

    Therefore , this paper mainly demonstrates the development and design of windsurfing pumping training expert system ( PTES ), the significance of development system and the key technical issues in realization .

  25. 泛函数分析方法是一种VPP理论计算模型,文中比较巧妙地将帆与板的型值消掉,运用泛函数分析的方法建立了帆船、帆板VPP计算结果的简易校验标准。

    Function analyzing method is a kind of the VPP calculating model which can eliminate the influence of the sail and board 's size skillfully , so it can be regard as a brief standard of sailboard 's VPP results .

  26. 最后,以带有太阳帆板的复杂卫星系统为例,对MDAS软件的合理性、有效性和正确性进行了分析验证。

    It can perform dynamic computing , data processing , and visual simulation of multibody system . Complex satellite with solar panels is taken as an example and the results show the validity and correctness of MDAS software .

  27. 实际测量结果表明,该测量系统对面积为2581mm×1755mm太阳帆板的平面度测量精度达0.02mm(RMS)。

    The actual measurement results show that the measurement accuracy 0 02mm ( RMS ) can be obtained when a solar panel substrate ( 2581mm × 1755mm ) planeness is measured by using of this measuring system .

  28. 接着他自己住到了托雷莫里诺(Torremolinos)的一个小公寓里,在那里,他可以整年地享受他在单子上列出的两件他极其享受的事&高尔夫和帆板。

    Then he went to live in a small apartment in Torremolinos , where he could indulge , all year round , in the two items on his list of preference : golf and windsurfing .

  29. 基于动网格技术帆板摇帆空气动力特性分析

    The aerodynamic performance analyses of windsurfing pumping based on dynamic mesh

  30. 带太阳能帆板的卫星光度特性分析

    Analysis for luminosity features of a satellite with solar battery panels